S / 2001 (107) 1

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(107) Camilla I (S / 2001 (107) 1)
Provisional or systematic name S / 2001 (107) 1
Central body (107) Camilla
Properties of the orbit
Major semi-axis 1250 ± 10 km
Periapsis 1247 km
Apoapsis 1243 km
eccentricity <0.002
Orbit inclination 3.0 ± 1.0 °
Orbital time 3.722 ± 0.003 d
Physical Properties
Albedo ≈ 0.054 ± 0.011
Medium diameter 16.0 ± 6.0 km
Dimensions ~ 1.5 · 10 15 kg
surface 800 km 2
Medium density ≈ 1.4 ± 0.3 g / cm 3
Surface temperature 151 K
  • Alex D. Storrs
  • F. Vilas
  • R. Landis
  • E. Wells
  • C. Woods
  • B. Zellner
  • M. Gaffey
Date of discovery March 1, 2001
Remarks Larger moon of the Camilla system

S / 2001 (107) 1 is the outer and larger of the two moons of the main belt asteroid (107) Camilla ( Cybele group ). Its mean diameter is 16 kilometers, making it the fifth largest asteroid in the main belt.

Discovery and naming

S / 2001 (107) 1 was published on March 1, 2001 by Alex D. Storrs ( Towson University ) and F. Vilas, R. Landis, E. Wells, C. Woods, B. Zellner and M. Gaffey (Hubble – Team ) discovered on images from the Hubble Space Telescope . The discovery was announced on March 19, 2001; the moon was given the provisional designation S / 2001 (107) 1 .

Further observations with the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in September 2005 enabled the first orbit to be determined.

2016 was discovered using the Very Large Telescope an additional companion Camilla what the system is the seventh known asteroids multiple system in the main belt and the eleventh was to grow as a whole.

Track properties

S / 2001 (107) 1 orbits Camilla on a prograde , almost perfect circular path at an average distance of 1250 kilometers from its center (about 11.4 Camilla radii). The orbit eccentricity is at most 0.002, the orbit is inclined 3 ° to the equator of Camilla . The orbit of the inner moon S / 2016 (107) 1 is on average about 910 km from the orbit of S / 2001 (107) 1.

S / 2001 (107) 1 orbits Camilla in 3 days, 17 hours and 20 minutes, which corresponds to about 640 orbits in a Camilla year (about 6.5 earth years). The orbit of S / 2001 (107) 1 is assumed to be stable because it is well within Camilla's Hill radius of 60,000 km, but also well outside of the synchronous orbit.

Physical Properties

According to current data, S / 2001 (107) 1 has a diameter of 16 km (about 1/14 of the central body), based on Camilla's density and the corresponding assumed equal reflectivity of 5%. The surface is therefore extremely dark. Based on the data so far, however, the determination of the diameter still seems relatively uncertain; it currently ranges from 8 to 22 km.

Assuming a mean diameter of 16 km, this results in a surface area of ​​around 804 km 2 , which roughly corresponds to the area of ​​the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel .

Determination of the diameter for S / 2001 (107) 1

year Dimensions km source
2001 9 ± 1 IAU
2006 11 ± 2 Marchis et al.
2008 16 ± 6 Marchis et al.

The current determination is marked in bold .

internal structure

Since S / 2001 (107) 1 has a similar color to the mother body, it is assumed that the moon is made of the same material as Camilla and therefore has the same spectral type (C or X). Based on the same density and albedo and a diameter of 11 km, the mass could so far be calculated to be about 1.5 · 10 14 .

The mean surface temperature is around 151  K (−122 ° C) and can rise to a maximum of 223 K (−50 ° C) at noon.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Daniel WE Green: IAUC No. 7599: S / 2001 (107) 1 discovery publication. Retrieved September 9, 2017 .
  2. ^ Franck Marchis: 107 Camilla and S / 2001 (107) 1 (2010). Retrieved September 9, 2017 .
  3. ^ F. Marchis, M. Kaasalainen, EF Hom, J. Berthier, J. Enriquez, D. Hestroffer, D. Le Mignant, I. de Pater: Shape, size and multiplicity of main-belt asteroids I. Keck Adaptive Optics survey . In: Icarus. Volume 185, number 1, November 2006, pp. 39-63, doi : 10.1016 / j.icarus.2006.06.001 , PMID 19081813 , PMC 2600456 (free full text).
  4. Jim Baer: Recent Asteroid Mass Determinations (2010). (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on July 8, 2013 ; accessed on September 9, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / home.earthlink.net