Salman Travel

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Salman Reisen (third from right, 1928)

Salman Reisen (also: Salmen Reisen, Zalman Reisen; born October 6, 1887 in Koidanowo , Minsk Gouvernement , Russian Empire ; lost in 1941 ) was a Yiddish writer and publicist , biographer and translator.


Reisen received the traditional training of a Jewish boy, then attended middle school and then devoted himself to literary studies. In 1914 he worked for the Warsaw Frajnd and from 1916 to 1918 was the editor of the last Najeß in Vilnius . In 1919 he became editor of Wilner Tog, founded by Samuel Niger , which he took over as editor-in-chief after his departure for America and which flourished as an independent magazine in which socio-cultural questions of Judaism were discussed at a high level.

Since then, Reisen has devoted himself particularly to Yiddish linguistics (grammar, orthography reform, including pedagogy) and literary history. He wrote for a large number of Yiddish newspapers, was chairman of the Jewish Association of Letters and Journalists and the Jewish PEN Club in Vilnius, and was the founder and supervisor of the reference works published in cooperation with Niger. Together with Max Weinreich , he then served for a while as director of the Jewish Scientific Institute (YIVO) in Vilnius and was co-editor of its Jewish Philology and Philological Writings, in which he himself published several linguistic works.

Since the end of the 1920s he made several lecture tours to Russia and America, during which he became involved in Yiddish literature and recruited friends and sponsors for the YIVO. After the Soviet occupation of Lithuania, he was arrested in Vilnius in 1941 and has been missing ever since.

Salman Reisen was the brother of Abraham and Sara Reisen .

Fonts (selection)

  • Di mutersproch (adaptation, 1908)
  • Yiddish elementary grammar. 1908 ff.
  • Lekßikon fun der Yidischer literatur un preße (Warsaw 1914; 2nd edition in five volumes, Vilna 1926–1930)
  • Doß lebn fun Mendele Mojcher Sforim (biography), Wilna 1918 (2nd edition 1923)
  • Doß lebedike word. A chreßtomatje. Vilnius 1919 (7th edition 1928)
  • Gramatik fun der Yidischer schprach (Wilna 1920; 4th edition 1926)
  • Zoologje (adaptation, 1920)
  • Anatomje (adaptation, 1920)
  • Pinkiss for the story of fun Wilne. Edited by the Jewish-Historical-Ethnographic Society (Wilna 1922, editor)
  • Fun Mendelssohn to Mendele. Handbook fun of the Yiddish Haskole literature (Warsaw 1923)
  • Fun Elijohu Bocher to Mendelssohn. Manual fun der old Yidish literature (together with Max Erik, Wilna 1922, was not published)

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