Salomeja Maximowna helper

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Salomeja Maximowna helpers ( Russian Саломея Максимовна Гельфер ; born December 14 . Jul / 27. December  1916 . Greg in Białystok , † 31 January 2011 in Moscow ) was a Soviet - Russian architect and urban planner .


Helfer graduated from an architecture technical college and then studied at the Moscow Architecture Institute (MArchI) with a degree in 1939. Her teachers included SN Koschin, Georgi Pawlowitsch Golz , NI Sobolew and Mikhail Pawlowitsch Parusnikow .

Helfer worked as an architect and became the leading specialist at the Giproteatr Institute in Moscow. She planned the construction of a large number of different types of buildings.

Helfer was buried in Moscow's Donskoy Cemetery.

Projects (selection)

Ufa circus

Honors, prizes

  • Honored Architect of the RSFSR (1969)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Rossijskaja Evrejskaja Enziklopedija: ГЕЛЬФЕР Саломея Максимовна (accessed April 10, 2020).
  2. a b c d e Саломея Максимовна Гельфер - Заслуженный архитектор Российской Федерации. 27 декабря 2006 г. она отметит свой 90-летний юбилей (accessed April 10, 2020).
  3. a b Выставка Саломеи Гельфер в Музее им. А.В.Щусева (accessed April 10, 2020).