San Patrignano

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Coordinates: 43 ° 58 ′ 56.2 ″  N , 12 ° 33 ′ 7.2 ″  E

Coriano hills
Coriano municipality, Rimini province

The Comunità San Patrignano is the largest drug rehabilitation center in Europe. The main center is a village that 1,600 to 2,500 former drug addicts is inhabited and the municipality of Coriano in Rimini in the region Emilia-Romagna in Italy belongs. Support is the Cooperative Comunità San Patrignano Società Cooperativa Sociale .

The Comunità is a partner of the European Cities Against Drugs of Europe against Drugs (EURAD) and a member of the international citizens ' forum on drug policy (CSF).


In 1978 Vincenzo Muccioli and volunteers took in the first group of drug addicts young people on his estate near Rimini. In 1985 over 200 young people lived in San Patrignano. A foundation was established to secure the project financially . The center received state recognition as a vocational training center.

In 1987 the Comunità opened a branch in Botticella di Novafeltria near Sant'Agata Feltria in the province of Rimini , where the children of the inhabitants of San Patrignano spent their holidays. Botticella became a drug addict reception center in 2013. In 1989 another branch was opened in San Vito Pergine above Trento in the Trentino-South Tyrol region . The Muccioli family donated all of their property to the foundation in 1990. The Italian state granted the foundation non-profit status and recognized it as a drug rehabilitation center.

In 1993, 1,600 young people lived and worked in the newly created village. You can learn over 50 different state-recognized professions and attend school education up to university level. Three social institutions look after the young people after completing their therapy to ensure reintegration into society and the world of work.

When the founder Vincenzo Muccioli died in 1995, his son Andrea took over the management of the community. In the same year, more than 200 organizations from all over the world who are active in the field of drugs joined together in the Rainbow International Association against Drugs , with the aim of campaigning for a life without drugs and against any kind of legalization of drugs .

In 1997, San Patrignano received the status of a non-governmental organization (NGO) in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations .

In 2000 the waiting list was around 3,000 people. Around 600 drug addicts can be admitted annually. In 2001 the social cooperative Arcipelago was founded in Riccione in order to facilitate integration into the world of work and society after the completion of rehabilitation. In 2010, 1,295 men and 292 women were being treated. Young people lived in 228 large rooms for six to eight residents and families in 60 houses. 2000 meals were prepared daily. In the same year around 40,000 people attended events in San Patrignano.

Representatives from San Patrignano participated in the preparation for the UNGASS conference of the UN General Assembly in April 2016 in New York.

In 2017 the 8th International Workshop for Social Workers, Drug Practitioners, Students, Researchers and NGOs, who want to acquire expertise in the model of prevention (WeFree project), rehabilitation and social reintegration of the largest community in Europe, will take place over nine days.

The Comunità publishes the magazine SanpaNews , which appears in twelve editions per year.

Mission statement

  • Socially marginalized people and drug addicts should be welcomed and rehabilitated without any social, political or religious discrimination.
  • This service is designed to be completely free of charge for those who need it and their families and without the need to apply for government contributions.
  • Addiction and social exclusion should be ended through individualized ways based on the restoration of dignity, honesty, responsibility, respect for oneself and others.
  • Vocational training is intended to serve as an instrument for people's social rehabilitation and return to society.
  • The families of drug addicts are to be supported with prevention initiatives against drug abuse and with education for a drug-free world.
  • The activities in San Patrignano, together with private and public donations, are intended to provide the economic basis for further developing this model of a social enterprise .

Organization concept

The cornerstones of drug therapy in San Patrignano are living in a drug-free community and doing meaningful work. Around 140 volunteers and 350 paid staff help the drug addicts so that they can return to society as respected members.

San Patrignano welcomes all young women and men who have serious drug problems, regardless of ideology, social origin or religion. No payment or funding is accepted from families or the government.

After the medically accompanied opioid withdrawal and a recovery phase, the participants are integrated into the work process without heroin or substitute drugs such as methadone . Integration into the work process promotes psychological recovery and lowers therapy costs because the participants practically earn their own living. Well-integrated participants support the newcomers and show through their role model that a life without drugs is possible and worth living.

Anyone who has decided to live a life without drugs can apply for a place to live in San Patrignano. Since the San Patrignano Foundation is financially self-supporting , the stay in San Patrignano is voluntary and free. The length of stay is individual.


The infrastructure is tailored to the needs of the residents and the therapeutic process:

The large dining hall, in which the 1,600 residents and the attending visitors take their meals at the same time, has become a symbol of this model, which is practiced daily.

There is a day nursery, a kindergarten and a playground for around 120 children aged 0 to 13. The children attend schools in the surrounding communities so that they can integrate there. Games and group activities don't take place until homework is done. Around 100 young people are trained in our own study center.

In San Patrignano, instead of serving a sentence in prison, those convicted of drug crimes can go through a rehabilitation program. Since 1980, abstinence-oriented therapies have replaced over 3,500 years of prison.

The community has its own medical center, where AIDS sufferers are also treated for drug addicts.

For learning a trade and for integrating into working life after the stay, there are diverse work opportunities in the 50 own workplaces: administration, car repair shop, bakery, construction company, data processing, printing, gastronomy, painting restoration, shop, agriculture, sanitary facility, locksmith's shop, blacksmith's shop, carpenter's shop , Hospitals, textile processing, viticulture, carpentry and others. The high quality of the work is well known, and individual workshops have longer waiting times for new orders. The workshops are run by foremen.

In the internationally famous horse and dog breeding facility, the former drug addicts can not only learn how to deal responsibly with animals, but the relationship with the animals can also be a therapeutic intermediate step on the way to overcoming mistrust towards people.

The community has its own environmentally friendly methane gas supply and is not dependent on expensive external energy.

In order to facilitate the return to society, numerous national and international events are organized and close relationships are maintained with the surrounding communities. The community receives daily visits from students, volunteers, professionals and members of Italian and foreign institutions.

Therapeutic model

The model developed by Vincenzo Muccioli is not a standard system and not a generally applicable therapeutic method. The starting point is a certain view of the person and the drug addict, which guides the choice of therapeutic approach and the change process.

Image of man

The basic principle is that everyone has to protect their dignity and life. This principle should apply to all people and especially to those who - like drug addicts - have gotten into trouble. Muccioli saw the drug addict as someone with an additional problem, drug addiction.

The drug addict is not viewed as a sick person to be cured with medication, but as a person with certain problems. He made drug addiction his whole life, because he could not cope with the problems, fears and difficulties on his own.

Therapeutic approach

The experience in San Patrignano shows that the causes are different for every drug addict. It can be family, puberty, personal difficulties or character attitudes, etc. Because every drug addict, like every human being, is different from all other people, in San Patrignano everyone approaches each other in an individual way.


Muccioli saw the family as a suitable role model, as a social microcosm in which many rules, processes and means are the same, as in the macrocosm of society. In 1978, Muccioli began to expand his family circle to accommodate other people. In the protected framework of the community and with its help, the drug addict can learn to tackle life's tasks (work, partnership, community) and to redesign his life so that he can face the reality of society again after his rehabilitation.

Change process

Whoever wants to enter San Patrignano has to have the will to become a different person, to build his life on a different basis. The change process is based on a few, simple, but indispensable basic principles that cannot be compromised. The escape from oneself and the world must be ended so that the development into another person can begin. The rejection of one's own person and dignity, the responsibility for one's own life, the relationship with oneself and with others must be stopped. Life has to be based on self-confidence, responsibility for one's own life and towards one's neighbor, dignity and the ability to listen to others, the awareness that there are tasks and responsibilities in private and social life that every person must fulfill to be rebuilt. All of this must be required of the drug addict in order for a maturation process to begin.

Implementation in practice

The implementation is the most difficult part of the model, it mainly takes place on the emotional level via emotional relationships. Doctors, therapists, social workers and volunteers must break the drug addict's distrust of the world by showing him credible love, trust, respect and solidarity. It takes full dedication to stand by those who are exposed to unbelievable changes in mood during this process of change and maturation, with unlimited trust and commitment. Muccioli compared this with family life and thought and lived it that way, gradually expanding his own family circle to the community of San Patrignano. As in the family, feelings are lived, given and conveyed in the community. The focus must be on people. He needs someone who trusts him, who realizes that he exists, who is doing badly, who believes in him, who - if necessary - takes care of him around the clock. This approach is linked to the way of life in San Patrignano. Ultimately, however, it is the drug addict who has to take responsibility for himself, make a choice and, as a person, have the will and the determination to change everything, to put an end to psychophysical dependence on a substance. Nobody pays anything in San Patrignano because you can't pay for feelings, you can only give them. But it is only thanks to such feelings that one can get out of drug addiction.


  • The CSI San Patrignano is an international show jumping equestrian tournament, which has been held annually in San Patrignano since 1997 as a tournament of the CSI5 * category and is one of the largest and best-known equestrian tournaments in Italy.
  • The international CSI 5 * show jumping tournament 16th Vincenzo Muccioli Challenge from 20. – 22. July 2012 in San Patrignano is for the first time CO 2 emission-free thanks to a compensation contribution to a jungle protection project in Madagascar .
  • International forum and seminar of the European Cities Against Drugs (ECAD) from 5. – 7. October 2012 in San Patrignano.

facts and figures

Since 1978, San Patrignano has taken in around 25,000 (2017) young people and offered them a home, a health service (own hospital), legal aid, a job and the opportunity to study, learn, change their lives and become full members of society again to become. 140 volunteers and 350 paid staff, many of them former drug addicts, form the core of the community.

San Patrignano receives half of the income from the sale of goods and services, the other half is donations from private individuals and companies who support the concept and want to contribute to the realization of the social goals.

According to the first independent study in Italy, carried out by a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the Universities of Urbino and Pavia, 72% of people who finished therapy in San Patrignano no longer use drugs. You are fully integrated into society, both socially and professionally.


  • In 2002 the Sommelier Union of Italy (AIS) recognized San Patrignano as the best winery in Italy. The winery is looked after by one of the most famous Italian oenologists , Riccardo Cotarella . Several wines from San Patrignano have been awarded three glasses (3 bicchieri), the highest award for an Italian wine.
  • In 2005, San Patrignano hosted the European Show Jumping Championships . The course was built by the craftsmen and artists of the municipality themselves over a two-year construction period. The horse raised in San Patrignano Nadir di San Patrignano won a second place with Jerry Smit (Italy).
  • In 2005, San Patrignano received first prize in the Italian Web Awards for best website in the science, school, non-profit category and the special award Best Web Agency of 2005 for its graphics website.


  • Vincenzo Muccioli, Elio Guido Rondanelli, Maurizio Strosselli, François Wasserfallen: AIDS: luci ed ombre . Consolato generale d'Italia, Lugano 1992.
  • Davide Giacalone, Vincenzo Muccioli: La mia battaglia contro la droga, l'emarginazione e l'egoismo , Sperling & Kupfer , Milan 1993, ISBN 88-200-1523-4
  • Vincenzo Muccioli: Io, Vincenzo Muccioli . San Patrignano, Rimini 1995.
  • Chiara Beria di Argentine, Mauro Galligani: San Patrignano. Gente permale . Mondadori , Milan 2003, ISBN 88-370-2605-6
  • Giorgio Manfré, Giuliano Piazzi, Aldo Polettini: Oltre la comunità - studio multidisciplinare di ritenzione in trattamento e follow-up su ex-residenti di San Patrignano . Franco Angeli, Milano 2005, ISBN 88-464-7055-9 .
  • Franca Berardi, Giorgio Manfré: Stili di vita a rischio. La percezione giovanile su disagio, emarginazione e tossicodipendenza . Guaraldi, Rimini 2007, ISBN 978-88-8049-314-3
  • Andrea Delogu, Andrea Cedrola: La collina. Fandango Libri, Roma 2014, ISBN 8860443997

Individual evidence

  1. Europe against Drugs EURAD
  2. ^ [1] European Commission - Justice - Drug Control Policy: Citizens' Forum
  3. General Assembly will hold a Special Session (UNGASS) on drugs in 2016
  4. "Wefree", not on things outside yourself DEPENDING
  5. [2] The time of November 14, 1986: The miraculous success of the addiction therapist Vincenzo Muccioli
  6. Giorgio Manfrè, Giuliano Piazzi, Aldo Polettini, Oltre la comunità - studio multidisciplinare di ritenzione in trattamento e follow-up su ex-residenti di San Patrignano , Franco Angeli editore, 2005
  7. [3] La Repubblica from February 1, 2014: Story of Andrea, who grew up in San Patrignano

Web links