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The church in the east of Venice with its bell tower
View of the church from the Ponte della Commenda

Sant'Antonin is a parish church in the municipality of Santa Maria Formosa in the Venetian sestiere Castello . It is located on the Salizzada of the same name. It is consecrated to the ancient church martyr Antoninus .


According to tradition, the church was founded by the Badoer family in the 7th century, but no corresponding source can be found. She was in the 12./13. It was rebuilt in the 18th century and had a basilica floor plan, which can be seen well on the cityscape of Jacopo de 'Barbari , which was completed in 1500 .

The building was changed to Baroque style possibly by Baldassare Longhena , whose style is reminiscent of the renovations . Under the supervision of Pastor Domenico David, work began in 1668 and was completed in 1680. The campanile , which was destroyed in a fire in 1442, was replaced by a massive bell tower. The current campanile was built around 1750 at the time of Pastor Antonio Fusarini († 1762).

Under Napoleon , who had numerous parishes dissolved, the parish church was initially added to San Zuane in Bragora . Today it belongs to the municipality of Santa Maria Formosa .

In 1819 the church became known internationally through an unusual event. An elephant (see Garnier's Elephants ) broke out while being transported to Milan , fled and was shot in Sant'Antonin. Georg von Martens reports five years later: “Here he was killed on March 16, 1819. Garner wanted to embark him on a trabaccolo to take him to Milan. The elephant tried to board the ship five times, but each time the bridge gave way to our (sic!) Its enormous burden, he became shy and turned back again. Irritated by the blows and blows of his guards, he grabbed some boards of his hut with his trunk and hurled them at his pursuers. One of these overseers, Camillo Rosa von Rovigo, tried to lure the hungry elephant by holding up food, which he repeatedly withdrew from him. Angry about this, he seized the unfortunate man, threw him to the ground and kicked him dead. Now he turned to a fruit stall and emptied their apple baskets. When the army brought in fired a few musket volleys at him, he fled and found himself in a narrow alley with no exit (Calle del Forno). At the end of it he broke the door of a house, went in, and tried to climb a wooden staircase, which collapsed under his weight. He fell under numerous musket shots, people believed he was dead, but ha!;! he got up again unharmed, broke through the strong door of the church of Sant'Antonino, and tried to build an entrenchment in the same of the prayer chairs that had been gathered together, until he was finally killed through an opening made in the wall of the church with a cannon. The bullet, although shot from a distance of a few paces, remained stuck in the immense body, which weighed 4,622 pounds. "


Around 1500 the church had a three-aisled basilica floor plan. Today the interior is built on a square floor plan with altars at the ends. The facade is kept extremely simple and is mainly structured by the simple portal and a semicircular window. Up until the 18th century the right side looked onto a Rio, as the canals in Venice are called, but this was filled in and today forms the Salizada, which bears the name of the church.

The entrance portal opens into a small vestibule that is open to the ship. Above is the barco , also called “coro delle matrone” in Venice, because the women gathered there. In 1467 a wooden choir was built by a "Master Jacopo".

The the holy Saba chapel dedicated to seem of Alessandro Vittoria with frescoes to have been appointed, while on the ceiling by Sebastiano Ricci 's work San Saba e Sant'Antonin emerged. On the altar is Cristo deposto e le Marie by Lazzaro Bastiani (1429–1512) from the 15th century, which was originally in the Chiesa di San Severo . Said San Severo Church was abolished in 1808.

The family who had patronage over the church were the Tiepolo, who owned works by Jacopo Palma the Younger on the life of St. Saba. In the chapel dedicated to the saint there are works from Acre donated by the Doge Lorenzo Tiepolo . The bust of Alvise Tiepolo , a work by Alessandro Vittoria , is also there.


  • Tiziana Favaro (ed.): Chiesa di Sant 'Antonin: storia e restauro , Soprintendenza per i beni architettonici e paesaggistici di Venezia e Laguna, Venice 2010.
  • Marcello Brusegan : Le chiese di Venezia , Newton Compton, 2008.

Web links

Commons : Sant'Antonin  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Georg von Martens : Journey to Venice , Part 2: Venice. Eugans. Belluno Alps. Tyrol. Bavaria. Natural history appendix , Stettin'sche Buchh, Ulm 1824, p. 320 f. Note
  2. ^ Parrocchia di San Severo, Venezia , Ecclesiae Venetae.

Coordinates: 45 ° 26 '8 "  N , 12 ° 20' 48"  E