Paley's theorem

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The Paley theorem , named after the English mathematician Raymond Paley , is a mathematical theorem about the construction of Hadamard block plans using the methods of group theory . As such, it lies in the transition field between combinatorics , geometry and algebra .

Block plans, which can be constructed according to Paley's theorem, are sometimes also referred to as Paley block plans (English Paley designs ) or Paley-Hadamard 2 block plans (English Paley-Hadamard 2 designs ).

Formulation of the sentence

For a prime power of the shape to a natural number, the following always applies:

(I) There is a - block diagram , that is, a symmetric block diagram with the parameters , , , .
(II) The associated incidence structure can be constructed in the following way:
  1. The Galois field to which it belongs is chosen as the point set of ; that is, one chooses the body elements as the points of the incidence structure.
  2. For the construction of the block system one starts from the multiplicative group of the Galois body and considers here the subgroup of squares , that is . Then you bet .
  3. The incidence relation is the element relation , so .

Examples of Paley block plans

The two smallest examples of Paley block diagrams are those for the two prime numbers and .

It follows for on the -Blockplan whose geometric structure of the Fano plane corresponds. The subgroup of squares of is described above .

For results on the block plan. The subset of the squares of is here .

Further examples result from other articles in the category: Block plan :

Notes on the proof of the theorem

The proof of Paley's theorem can be carried out with the help of Fisher's inequality and the fact that a special permutation group exists which operates twice homogeneously on .

As it turns out, the block system can also be described in another way, namely as a set of - images of everything , i.e. in form .

The permutation group is obtained from the above subgroup by considering those permutations which have the form where and are fixed elements. All these permutations, provided with the usual concatenation , then form .

It can now be shown that the subgroup has the order , while the order results for the permutation group . So it has odd order and, according to Lagrange's theorem, does not contain an element of order 2 . Hence is , from which then the 2-fold homogeneity of follows.

Related result

Another result about Hadamard block plans goes back to Raymond Paley:

For each prime power of the figure a Hadamard block plan exists with the parameters , , , , so a symmetrical -Blockplan.  

This result shows, for example, the existence of the following Hadamard block plans:


References and comments

  1. A. Beutelspacher: Introduction to finite geometry . 1982, p. 104-108 .
  2. ^ H. Lüneburg: combinatorics . 1971, p. 75 ff .
  3. T. Beth, D. Jungnickel, H. Lenz: Design Theory . 1985, p. 70 ff., 262, 264 .
  4. ^ DR Hughes, FC Piper: Design Theory . 1985, p. 107 ff .
  5. K. Jacobs, D. Jungnickel: Introduction to combinatorics . 2004, p. 251 ff .
  6. ^ P. Dembowski: Finite Geometries . 1968, p. 97 .
  7. ^ DR Hughes, FC Piper: Design Theory . 1985, p. 107, 180 .
  8. So .
  9. T. Beth, D. Jungnickel, H. Lenz: Design Theory . 1985, p. 262, 264 .
  10. Because of the differences in the presentation in the associated main article, note the reference to the Singer cycle .
  11. All prime powers of gestalt with a base prime also always provide Paley block plans . For example, for the prime powers, one sees  that there is a block plan, a block plan and also a block plan. See also  
  12. The essential step in the proof is to show that the identical mapping of any two-element subset can be fixed, that is, for and the equation always results; s. A. Beutelspacher: Introduction to finite geometry . 1982, p.    106 . And also H. Lüneburg: combinatorics . 1971, p. 79 .
  13. K. Jacobs, D. Jungnickel: Introduction to combinatorics . 2004, p. 252 .
  14. T. Beth, D. Jungnickel, H. Lenz: Design Theory . 1985, p. 70-72 .