Schützinger mirror

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The nature reserve (NSG) Schützinger Spiegel in the Enzkreis in Baden-Württemberg covers an area of ​​around 15.1 hectares , which is part of the Illingen area. The nature reserve ordinance of the Karlsruhe regional council dates from May 20, 1983.

Fallow vineyard "Schützinger Spiegel" April 29, 2015
Yellow tooth rust ( Odontites luteus ) in the Schützinger Spiegel, August 4, 2014
Large summer root ( Orobanche elatior ) in the poor grassland of the mirror (Illingen-Schützingen), 6 June 2016


The nature reserve is located in the Stromberg-Heuchelberg nature park on a southern slope of the Mettertal south of Schützingen (part of the city of Illingen). The NSG is part of the FFH area 7018-341 "Stromberg".

Protection purpose

During the vineyard consolidation in the early 1980s, the Baden-Württemberg nature conservation administration urged that part of the historic vineyards be preserved. The purpose of protection is conservation

  • the semi-arid grasslands in the vineyard area with a number of particularly protected strongly and moderately endangered plant species,
  • the forest edges with their natural transitional vegetation from semi-arid grass to the forest as a particularly valuable place of growth with a multitude of floristic features,
  • the habitat of protected and endangered animal species.

Animal and plant species

The Schützinger Spiegel, a former fallow vineyard, is home to a multitude of rare and endangered animal and plant species. Sand poppy seeds ( Papaver argemone ) and Schöner Pippau ( Crepis pulchra ) can be found in open soils .

The grasslands are home to many treasures, such as the local orchids, mosquito handelwort ( Gymnadenia conopsea ), bee ragwort ( Ophrys apifera ), bumblebee ragwort ( Ophrys holoserica ), spider ragwort ( Ophrys sphegodes ), pyramidal dogwort ( Orchis pyramidalis ), Helmet orchid ( Orchis militaris ), purple orchid ( Orchis pupurea ) and the hybrid from both species. The occurrence of the Bocks belt tongue ( Himantoglossum hircinum ) was one of the reasons that the Schützinger Spiegel was declared a nature reserve. Other types of semi-dry grasslands as large broomrape ( Orobanche elatior ), Prunella laciniata ( Prunella laciniata ), cross gentian ( Gentiana cruciata ) and Yellow teeth consolation ( Odontides luteus ) emphasize the importance of the area.

The narrow-leaved flax ( Linum tenuifolium ) seems to have disappeared in the meantime.

Mountain forest hyacinth ( Platanthera chlorantha ), stately orchid ( Orchis mascula ), pitch rose ( Lychnis viscaria ) and great anemone ( Anemone sylvestris ) can be found on the edge of the forest above Stubensandstein .

Rare butterfly species include dwarf blues ( Cupido minimus ), purple bears ( Diacrisia purpurata ) and light green lichen owl ( Nyctobrya muralis ). The larvae of the stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) live in old oaks in the forest. The melancholy chirping of the wine cockerel ( Oecanthus pellucens ) can be heard in summer.

Breeding birds are or were Wryneck ( Jynx torquilla ) and Red-backed Shrike ( Lanius collurio ).

Maintenance measures

Protection and maintenance measures are laid down in a maintenance and development plan and by individual orders from the higher nature conservation authority (Karlsruhe Regional Council).

See also


  • Steffen Hammel and Thomas Grund: Orchid occurrences in fallow vineyards of the western Stromberg with special consideration of the local conditions and socialization. In: Mitt. Bl. Arbeitsskr. Home. Orch. Baden-Württ. Volume 25, No. 3, 1993, pp. 385-404.
  • Steffen Hammel: Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Spreng. in Stromberg (Baden-Württemberg) - distribution, dynamism, nature conservation. In: J. Eur. Orch. Volume 28, No. 2, 1996, pp. 323-337.
  • Steffen Hammel: The vegetation of the nature reserve "Schützinger Spiegel" and its peripheral areas. In: Nature Conservation Landscape Maintenance Bad.-Württ. Volume 73, Karlsruhe 1999, pp. 175-198.
  • Bernd-Jürgen Seitz: Relationships between bird life and vegetation in cultivated land (= supplement. Publ. Nature conservation landscape care Bad.-Württ., Volume 54). Karlsruhe 1989.
  • District Office for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management Karlsruhe (Ed.): The nature reserves in the administrative district of Karlsruhe. Ostfildern 2000.

Web links

Commons : Schützinger Spiegel nature reserve  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Steffen Hammel: The stranglers from Zabergäu, Stromberg and Heuchelberg. In: Zeitschr. Zabergäuver. Volume 1, 2014, pp. 1-20.
  2. Steffen Hammel: Thermophile Pechnelken- Seams ( Lychnis viscaria Seams) in the Stromberg. In: Jh. Ges. Naturkde. Württemberg. Volume 150, Stuttgart 1994, pp. 77-92.
  3. Steffen Hammel: On the occurrence of the great anemone ( Anemone sylvestris L.) in the Stromberg. In: Publ. Nature Conservation Landscape Management Bad.-Württ. Volume 68/69, Karlsruhe 1994, pp. 265-285.

Coordinates: 49 ° 0 '11.3 "  N , 8 ° 54' 4.3"  E