Schenkelstrasse (Düren)

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The Christ Church

The leg road in the district town Düren ( North Rhine-Westphalia ) is a major city road . It has four lanes and is one of the main access roads to the city center.

The street begins at the junction with Schützenstraße and ends at August-Klotz-Straße / Philippstraße . The street Bismarckstraße - Schenkelstraße - Tivolstraße crosses the city center.

Lying on Schenkelstrasse


Schenkelstrasse used to be a promenade between Philippstor and Wirteltor . The city moat was called "Schmiedegraben". The wall had already been removed in 1787. The Philippstor was demolished in 1824. After that, the street was expanded and released for house building. The school, built in 1834, had high stairs in front of it. That is why the street was called "stairs street". In June 1869, out of gratitude, it was renamed Schenkelstrasse after the manufacturer and benefactor Rudolf Schenkel from Düren .

From 1908 to 1944, sailed tram the Dürener circular path (DKB), the eastern leg of road between Zehnthofstraße and Wirteltorplatz . The double-track line led from the market to the train station, and there was a stop at Wirteltorplatz. The line was not rebuilt after the war.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dürener Kreisbahn GmbH (ed.): 75 years of Dürener Kreisbahn ; Düren, 1983, p. 14

Coordinates: 50 ° 48 ′ 15.1 ″  N , 6 ° 28 ′ 53 ″  E