Scherk House

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Former factory building (today Institute for Pharmacy, 2011)

The Scherk-Haus is a former factory building and the only industrial building in the southern end of the Berlin district of Steglitz in the Steglitz-Zehlendorf district .

Today it is the domicile of the Institute for Pharmacy of the Free University of Berlin . The building is a listed building .


The building is located at Kelchstrasse 31, not far from the Südende S-Bahn station in the acute angle between the Anhalter Bahn and Dresdener Bahn tracks .

Building description

The building was erected between 1926 and 1927 as a typical red brick building. The architect was Fritz Höger from Hamburg . However, only a small part (around a quarter) of the system planned by Höger was implemented. Höger's original planning envisaged a strong structure of the building, through which a cubic overall impression should be achieved.

The actual state of construction is strictly symmetrical. Two projecting tracts enclose a glazed central building. Dark red clinker bricks with a striking zigzag pattern crowned the top floor at the time of construction and stretched across the building surfaces in a diagonal grid. During the reconstruction after the Second World War, however, these ornamental patterns were omitted, which impaired the overall impression of the building.


The client was the industrialist Ludwig Scherk, who had been selling cosmetic products in Berlin since 1906 . In 1938 the company and with it the building were sold to Schering AG as part of the " Aryanization " process . In July 1942, a camp for foreign forced laborers was set up on the factory premises. In 1951 the factory building was repaired after being destroyed in the war.

Information board in front of the former factory building (2011)

Since September 26, 2006, a memorial plaque has been commemorating the Scherk entrepreneurial family, expropriated by the Nazi regime.


The building was originally intended to house the Scherk perfume factory . High -quality items, such as the Mystikum series, consisting of perfume and powder, as well as the smoke- consuming essence Platina, were produced there. Scherk employed around 400 people throughout Berlin.

Production in Berlin ended when the company was sold to the US group Alberto-Culver in 1969 and production was relocated to Braunschweig . Fritz Scherk , the son of the company's founder, who died in exile in London in 1946, initially rented the building to the Free University of Berlin and sold it to them in 1974. Since then, it has served as an institute building.


Web links

  • Scherk is no longer there. (PDF) A checkered Jewish company history in Steglitz. In: Steglitzer Heimat, No. 1. 2007, pp. 27–31 , accessed on August 22, 2015 (802 kB).

Coordinates: 52 ° 27 ′ 6.1 ″  N , 13 ° 21 ′ 26.8 ″  E

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Berlin State Monument List
  2. ^ A b c Eva Börsch-Supan, Helmut Börsch-Supan, Günther Kühne, Hella Reelfs: Art Guide Berlin . 4th edition. Philipp Reclam jun., Stuttgart 1991, ISBN 3-15-010366-5 , pp. 255 .
  3. a b Local history Südende ( Memento of the original dated November 6, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /