Battle of Mingolsheim

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Battle of Mingolsheim
Part of: Bohemian-Palatinate War, Thirty Years War
Battle formation of April 27, 1622, Tilly from the north, Mansfeld in the south on the Ohrberg
Battle formation of April 27, 1622, Tilly from the north, Mansfeld in the south on the Ohrberg
date April 27, 1622
place near Mingolsheim
output Palatine victory
Parties to the conflict

Catholic League

Palatine-Mansfeld Army




Troop strength
12,000 22,000



The Battle of Mingolsheim (also Battle of Ohrenberg called) took place on 27 April 1622 between the main body of the army of the Catholic League under the personal leadership of Tilly and the army of the outlawed Palatine Frederick V (the so-called. Winter King of Bohemia), led by Mansfeld's place . The actual battlefield was on the ears mountain , a gently sloping hill south of Mingolsheim. The village of Mingolsheim was set on fire at the beginning of the meeting by Palatinate-Mansfeld troops and most of it burned down.

Count Tilly, the Bavarian League Lieutenant General, had advanced with his army into the Electoral Palatinate , the ancestral home of the Count Palatine near the Rhine , and tried to encompass Heidelberg from the south. By April 26, 1622, one day before the battle, he gathered his troops (12,000 men) near Wiesloch . For this he had to give up the siege of the fortress Dilsberg .

Count Mansfeld, appointed mercenary leader of the Count Palatine with the rank of General-Field Marshal of the Bohemian Crown , had marched with his army (16,000 infantry and 6,000 horsemen) near Germersheim on April 23 across the Rhine and to Bruchsal to meet the margrave's army Unite Georg Friedrich von Baden-Durlach . His White Regiment met him with twenty thousand men from Staffort . After Mansfeld tried unsuccessfully on April 26th to lure Tilly out of his strong position near Wiesloch, Tilly attacked the Palatinate-Mansfeld army near Mingolsheim the following day. Beyond the village, which Mansfeld had infected as an obstacle to the approach, the league attackers met an enemy on the Ohrberg , whose unexpected counterattack threw them back on the burning village. The league army suffered heavy losses (allegedly over 2,000 men), Tilly himself was wounded. Only 300 of the Mansfeldische are said to have fallen or been wounded.

Mansfeld, who had to refrain from pursuing the defeated opponent, initially went back to Bruchsal. The then ensuing union with the Baden-Durlacher army lasted only four days. Meanwhile, Tilly withdrew unmolested to Wimpfen , where he - reinforced in good time by the Spanish General Cordoba - was to beat Baden-Durlacher, who had separated from Mansfeld, on May 6, 1622.

To commemorate the Battle of Mingolsheim, two streets were named after the military leaders.



  • G. Bardéy, Wiesloch - Wimpfen - Höchst; the battles of 1622; in: German Soldier Yearbook 45 (1997), pp. 67–70.
  • Jörg-Peter Findeisen, The Thirty Years War. Graz, 1998, p. 165.
  • Klaus Gaßner (Hrsg.): Bad Schönborn history. The chronicle of the reunited villages Mingolsheim and Langenbrücken. Volume 1: From the beginnings to the dissolution of the Old Kingdom. Ubstadt-Weiher, Verlag Regionalkultur 2006. ISBN 978-3-89735-437-1 . 392 pages with 181, e.g. Partly colored images, hardcover.
  • Wilhelm Hauck: Staffort - castle and village at the constant ford (local chronicle). Stutensee municipality 1993
  • Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe (ed.), ZGO ; Volume XXXI, 1879, p. 21 ff.
  • A war report on April 27, 1622 can be found in the memoirs of the Swiss baron Ulysses von Salis Marschlins
  • Walter Krüssmann: Ernst von Mansfeld (1580-1626); Count's son, mercenary leader, war entrepreneur against Habsburg in the Thirty Years War . Berlin 2010 (Duncker & Humblot, Historical Research , Vol. 94); ISBN 978-3-428-13321-5 ; therein (pp. 399-401) description of the course of the battle, with a critical assessment of the outcome.
  • Karl Freiherr von Reitzenstein , The campaign of the year 1622: On the Upper Rhine and in Westphalia to the battle of Wimpfen; Munich I issue 1891, Munich II issue 1893
  • Gerhard Taddey (ed.): Lexicon of German history . Events, institutions, people. From the beginning to the surrender in 1945. 3rd, revised edition. Kröner, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-520-81303-3 , p. 1357.
  • CV Wedgwood, Verlag Cormoran: " The Thirty Years War " ISBN 3-517-09017-4 (p. 132)
  • Hans Wertheim, The great Halberstadt; 2 volumes, Berlin 1929; here Vol. II, pp. 356-371.

Individual evidence

  1. GoogleBooks: Battles, sieges and skirmishes in Germany and the neighboring countries from 1618 - 1929 - Page 57: "The Battle of Mingolsheim"
  2. Klaus Gaßner (ed.): Bad Schönborn history. Page 366, (according to other information there were supposedly 2500 dead - Baron Ulysses von Salis Marschlins ).
  3. Web link via Ulysses Salis-Marschlins ( Memento of the original dated May 11, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Coordinates: 49 ° 13 ′ 0.6 "  N , 8 ° 39 ′ 29.8"  E