Ornamental amazily

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Ornamental amazily
Ornamental amazil

Ornamental amazil

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Sailor birds (Apodiformes)
Family : Hummingbirds (Trochilidae)
Genre : Amazilia hummingbirds ( Amazilia )
Type : Ornamental amazily
Scientific name
Amazilia decora
( Salvin , 1891)

The ornamental amazily ( Amazilia decora ) is a species of bird from the hummingbird family (Trochilidae). The range of this species includes parts of the countries Costa Rica and Panama . The IUCN assesses the population as Least Concern .


The ornamental amazily reaches a body length of about 9.6 to 10.4 cm, with the males weighing about 4.74 g. For a long time it was regarded as a subspecies of the blue-breasted parrot ( Amazilia amabilis ( Gould , 1853)), but it has a longer and wider beak and shorter wings. The male has a straight, medium-long, blackish bill with a reddish color at the base. The neck, top of the head and cheeks glisten green with a slight bluish tint. The top and the flanks are matt green, the chin in the middle bronze. The lower part of the throat and the chest are adorned with a royal blue spot, which is lined with grayish spots. The lower part of the abdomen is grayish brown, the under tail-coverts in the middle brown. The upper tail-coverts and the tail are bronze-green, seldom also have a dull green with a slightly purple sheen on the tail-coverts and central control feathers. The color of the outer control springs becomes blackish. The female's head glistens green. Instead of the clear throat patch, it has scattered turquoise to bluish feathers with wide white borders. The belly is paler than that of the male. The control springs have grayish spots. The upper tail-coverts and the tail appear greener and contain less bronze-violet colorations. Fledglings are similar to females, with the skull, throat, and chest being dull bronze-green and having broad pale yellow-brown fringes on the feathers.

Behavior and nutrition

They get their nectar from the flowers of the genus Inga , the genus Hamelia belonging to the red family , but also from other bushes and trees. They also fly to epiphytes such as satyria and heliconias . It happens that they their territory to defend.


Your singing is quite variable. Typically, it consists of repeated, bright clinking tones, which z. E.g. like twi-ti-tli… twi-ti-tli ... or tlwi-tit ... tlwi-tit . The sounds also include a dry tsik and a rattling trr , which sounds like a murmuring warble when interacting with other members of the same species. They sit almost all year round, except in the dry season, on branches 2 to 6 meters high.


The breeding season in Costa Rica is from December to January, from May to July and occasionally until August. Up to 12 ornamental amacilas can be found on a lek . The deep nest cup is cleverly placed under plants. They use bast fibers , cobwebs and sometimes tree fern scales for construction. They decorate these sparsely with pieces of lichen. The nests are on horizontal tree or bush branches that are two to four meters above the ground.

distribution and habitat

Distribution area of ​​the ornamental amazily

The ornamental amazily lives on the edges of forests, in open forest landscapes, in thickets, in secondary vegetation, in clearings, on floodplain vegetation, plantations, etc. They also visit gardens with blossoming trees. In general, they are more often present in open areas. You avoid the forest interior or dense forest. You can often see them on streams and rivers. It prefers lowlands and submontane zones on the slopes of the Cordillera de Talamanca and the Cordillera Central . Mostly they can be found in the middle altitudes. In Panama it has been observed at altitudes of up to 1580 meters, but mostly it occurs only below 1200 meters.


Little data is known about the migration behavior of the ornamental amazilion, but it should be similar to that of the blue-breasted amazilion. This moves on irregularly in many areas, which leads to a variable frequency of presence in different areas. Occasionally, the ornamental amazily disappears completely in certain areas of Costa Rica and returns unpredictably.

Etymology and history of research

Osbert Salvin described the ornamental amazily under the name Polyerata decora . The type specimen came from the Chiriquí province in Panama. In 1843 Lesson introduced the new generic name Amazilia for the gold - masked hummingbird , the striped - tailed hummingbird , the cinnamon-bellied hummingbird (syn .: Ornysmia cinnamomea ), the blue-throated star hummingbird (syn .: Ornymia rufula ) and the longuemare sun nymph . He did not mention the rust-bellied amazilia ( Amazilia amazilia ). This name comes from a novel by Jean-François Marmontel , who reported in Les Incas, Ou La Destruction De L'empire Du Pérou, about an Inca heroine named Amazili. The species name comes from the Latin word "decorus, decor, decoris" for "beautiful, graceful, beautiful".


  • Josep del Hoyo , Nigel Collar, Guy Maxwell Kirwan, Peter Boesman in Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, Jordi Sargatal, David Andrew Christie , Eduardo de Juana: Charming Hummingbird (Amazilia decora) in Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive . Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
  • James A. Jobling: Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names . Christopher Helm, London 2010, ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4 .
  • René Primevère Lesson, Prosper Garnot: Voyage autour du monde exécuté par Ordre du Roi, sur la Corvette de Sa Majesté, La Coquille pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825, sous le ministère et conformément aux instructions de SEM Marquis de Clermont- Tonnerre, ministre de la marine; et publié sou les auspices de son excellence Mgr le Cte ​​de Chabrol, ministre de la Marine et des colonies, par ML Dupppery, capitaine de frégate. chevalier de Saint-Louis et membre de la legion d'honaire, commandant de l'expédition . tape 1 : Zoology , No. 2 . Arthus-Bertrand, Paris 1828 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • René Primevère Lesson: Complément à l'histoire naturelle des oiseaux-mouches . In: L'Echo du Monde Savant . Series 2, volume 10 , no. 32 , 1843, pp. 755-758 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Osbert Salvin: Description of new Species of Upupae and Trochili in the Collection of the British Museum . In: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology being a continuation of the Annals combined with Loudon and Charlesworth's Magazine of Natural History (=  6 ). tape 7 , 1891, p. 374-378 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).

Web links

Commons : Ornamental Amazilie ( Amazilia decora )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Josep del Hoyo u. a.
  2. ^ Osbert Salvin, p. 377.
  3. René Primevère Lesson u. a. (1843), column 757.
  4. René Primevère Lesson u. a. (1827), p. 683 (plate 3).
  5. James A. Jobling, p. 131.