Schoolhouse (Haintchen)

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The late classical school building in Haintchen im Taunus , a district of the municipality of Selters (Taunus) in the Limburg-Weilburg district , is a listed school building .

Architecture and history

Classicist school building from 1843/1844

The schoolhouse, built between 1843 and 1844 in the late classical style, by the master builder Eduard Bautzer from Weilburg , of stately size, emphasized by the high location, is another attraction of the village. The school has a double entrance with vestibules and a common front staircase. The articulated coffered doors are striking. The saddle roof with the short cornice and gable cornice shows itself in characteristic shape.

The former school stable (economic building), which was converted into a new classroom in 2002/2003, is symmetrically located in the courtyard.

The property transfer agreement for the old school in the district of Haintchen was signed on August 7, 2019 between the district of Limburg-Weilburg and the municipality of Selters (Taunus) . The plans provide for the renovation of the school building and rededication into a club and community center.


A school in Haintchen was first mentioned in 1664. This old school building stood on the right behind the choir and sacristy of the parish church of St. Nicholas and had become dilapidated. From 1779 to 1844 the school building was opposite the old school building, to the left of the parish church. This building was probably built around 1700 as a rectory .

School history

Until the end of the school year 1967/1968 the building served as a primary school . The upper level ( grades 5-8) has been taught since the introduction of the 9th grade by the Hessian Ministry of Culture , from the 1964/1965 school year in Eisenbach, then in Niederselters .

Since the school year 1968/1969 the school building was used as a primary school. In the years that followed, the parents and the community had to keep fighting to keep the primary school in the village, the existence of which was also threatened by the falling number of pupils. On January 1, 1970, the school administration in Hesse was transferred from the municipalities to the districts. In order to keep the elementary school in Haintchen, the parents were willing to lend a hand themselves. In the spring of 1971, with the help of the parents, the teacher's apartment on the 1st floor was converted into a new classroom for the 1st and 2nd school year. By the displacement of the head teacher primary school Haintchen lost the independence in August 2011 and became a branch of the Mittelpunktschule Golden reason Niederselters. In August 2012, on the initiative of the headmaster of the Goldener Grund school in Niederselters, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade classes were attended at the Niederselters location. Only the 4th grade was taught in Haintchen until the summer holidays of the 2012/2013 school year. In August 2013 there was no more schooling at the Haintchen location. Up until this point in time, the Haintchen primary school was one of the smallest primary schools in the Limburg-Weilburg district.

Web links

Commons : Schulgebäude Schulstraße 4 (Haintchen)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  • 600 years of Haintchen, 1388–1988, Seltersdruck & Verlag, ISBN 3-923811-04-7 .
  • Festschrift 150 Years of Haintchen School, 25 Years of Haintchen Elementary School, 1994.

Individual evidence

  1. Council and community information system ,: "associations and citizens meeting center" Old School Haintchen "link: www. Https://
  2. ,: "The end for primary school" Link:

Coordinates: 50 ° 21 ′ 39 ″  N , 8 ° 19 ′ 4 ″  E