Swiss championships in biathlon 2005

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Swiss championships in biathlon 2005


Men's Ladies
sprint Matthias Simmen Selina Gasparin
Mass start Matthias Simmen Ines Schweizer
singles Andreas Zihlmann Caroline Kilchenmann

The Swiss Biathlon Championships 2005 took place on February 5th and 6th, 2005 in Unterwasser and on December 4th, 2005 in Realp . Sprint, mass start and individual competitions were held for both men and women. For women, runners from the junior and youth area also started.


Sprint 10 km

space starter society time Shooting error
1 Matthias Simmen
2 Ivan Joller
3 Simon Hallenbarter
4th Roland Zwahlen
5 Curdin Eichholzer
6th Dani Niederberger
7th Juerg Kunz
8th Andreas Zihlmann
9 Stéphane Gay
10 Georg Niederberger

Date: February 5, 2005

Mass start 15 km

space starter society time Shooting error
1 Matthias Simmen
2 Simon Hallenbarter
3 Claudio Böckli
4th Dani Niederberger
5 Juerg Kunz
6th Ivan Joller
7th Mario Denoth
8th Andreas Zihlmann
9 Curdin Eichholzer
10 Jean-Pierre Hürzeler

Date: February 6, 2005

Single 20 km

space starter society time Shooting error
1 Andreas Zihlmann
2 Claudio Böckli
3 Ivan Joller
4th Beat Koch
5 Jean-Pierre Hürzeler

Date: December 4, 2005


Sprint 7.5 km

space starter society time Shooting error
1 Selina Gasparin
2 Caroline Kilchenmann
3 Ines Schweizer
4th Susanne Frei
5 Fabienne Klaas
6th Anna-Lena Fankhauser
7th Isabelle Horand
8th Fabia Nydegger
9 Isabelle Erismann

Date: February 5, 2005

Mass start 12.5 km

space starter society time Shooting error
1 Ines Schweizer
2 Selina Gasparin
3 Caroline Kilchenmann
4th Fabienne Klaas
5 Susanne Frei
6th Fabia Nydegger
7th Anna-Lena Fankhauser
8th Isabelle Erismann

Date: February 6, 2005

Single 15 km

space starter society time Shooting error
1 Caroline Kilchenmann
2 Ines Schweizer
3 Susanne Frei

Date: December 4, 2005

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