Sergei Arsenyevich Vinogradov

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Igrajet (Girl at the Piano) , 1914

Sergei Vinogradov Arsenjewitsch ( Russian Сергей Арсеньевич Виноградов , scientific. Transliteration Sergei Vinogradov Arsen'evič ; 1 July * . Jul / 13. July  1869 greg. In Bolshie Soli in Kostroma , today Nekrassowskoje, Yaroslavl Oblast , † 5 February 1938 in Riga ) was a Russian painter .

Raised in the country, he attended the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture from 1880 to 1889 in the class of JS Sorokin, Vladimir Makowski , Vasily Polenov and Illarion Prjanischnikow . In 1888 he was awarded the rank of artist.

In 1889 he studied at the Russian Art Academy in Saint Petersburg with BP Willewalde and KB Wenig ; he also became a member of the Peredwischniki cooperative .

In the period from 1898 to 1913 he worked primarily as a teacher. During this time also found exhibitions of his works held in Western Europe - in Dusseldorf (1904), in Paris (1906), in Berlin (1907) and in Munich (1909) and (1913). In the following years exhibitions followed in Prague (1914), New York (1924) and in Riga in 1925, 1935, 1936 and 1937. In addition, several exhibitions of his works took place in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, so in the years 1890, 1893 and 1907.

Vinogradov's work characterizes the basic idea of ​​the Association of Russian Artists , of which he was a founding member in 1903. In 1912 he became a member of the Petersburg Art Academy, of which he was a former student. In 1916 he became its extraordinary member.

Vinogradov had lived in Latvia since 1923 , where he died in Riga in 1938.


Vinogradov was a painter of genre paintings , portraits and landscapes . Late 1890s he devoted himself primarily subjects Christian themes. His works, created in the 1910s, showed elements of impressionism .

Web links

Commons : Sergei Arsenjewitsch Vinogradow  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files