Severo Aparicio Quispe

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Severo Aparicio Quispe OdeM (born October 8, 1923 in San Pedro de Lloc ; † May 6, 2013 in Cusco ) was a Peruvian Roman Catholic theologian and church historian and auxiliary bishop in Cuzco .


Severo Aparicio Quispe joined the Mercedarians' order after attending school in Sicuani and Cuzco . He studied theology and pedagogy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and graduated with a diploma in theology and high school language teaching. He was ordained a priest on September 22, 1951 . He completed a doctorate in church history at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome .

He taught at the Colegio San Pedro Nolasco de Santiago de Chile and was a Fellow at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC He was Provincial of his Order in Cuzco and taught at the Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco . After working for his order in Rome, he became professor of church history at the Facultad de Teología Pontificia y Civil de Lima . From 1977 to 1978 he was Deputy General Secretary of the Peruvian Bishops' Conference .

Pope John Paul II appointed him auxiliary bishop in Cuzco and titular bishop of Vegesela in Numidia on December 11, 1978 . The Archbishop of Lima Juan Cardinal Landázuri Ricketts, OFM , consecrated him bishop on March 4 of the next year ; Co- consecrators were Luis Vallejos Santoni , Archbishop of Cuzco, and Lorenzo León Alvarado OdeM, Bishop of Huacho .

In 1986 he was the founding director of the Peruvian Institute for Church History (Instituto Peruano de Historia Eclesiástica), which in 1996 was promoted to the Peruvian Academy of Church History (Academia Peruana de Historia Eclesiástica) and editor of the academy journal Revista Peruana de Historia Eclesiástica .

On April 10, 1999, Pope John Paul II accepted his age-related resignation.

Awards and honors


  • Los mercedarios en los concilios limenses , 1973
  • "Los mercedarios de América y la talkción de cautivos. Siglos XVI-XIX". En Anacleta Mercedaria, n ° 1, 1982.
  • Valores humanos y religiosos del Inca Garcilaso de la Vega , 1989.
  • "Colegio San Pedro Nolasco de Lima (1664-1825). En Anacleta Mercedaria, n ° 9, 1990.
  • "Los Vicarios Generales de la Merced en el Virreinato del Perú". En Anacleta Mercedaria, n ° 11, 1992.
  • "Los mercedarios en la evangelización del Perú (siglos XVI-XVIII). En Anacleta Mercedaria, n ° 13, 1994 (ed. 1998).
  • Los Mercedarios en la Universidad de San Marcos de Lima , 1999
  • Homenaje al RP doctor Antonio San Cristóbal Sebastián , Universidad Nacional de San Agustín 2000
  • El clero y la rebelión de Túpac Amaru , Volume 1 of Colección Pachatusan 2000
  • La orden de la Merced en el Perú: estudos históricos, Volume 2 , Provincia Mercedaria del Perú 2001
  • José Pérez Armendáriz: obispo del Cuzco y precursor de la independencia del Peru , Volume 3 of Colección Pachatusan 2002
  • Siete obispos cuzqueños de la colonia , Volume 2 of Colección Pachatusan 2002 ( eBook )
  • Siervo de Dios P. Francisco Salamanca , Volume 4 of Colección Pachatusan 2006
  • El arzobispo Goyoneche ante las dificultades de la iglesia del Perú antes las dificultades de la Iglesia del Perú, 1816-1872 , 2006 ( eBook )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Fundador de la Academia Peruana de Historia Eclesiástica cumple 90 años. Homenaje del mundo académico y eclesiástico a monseñor Severo Aparicio , Zenit, March 4, 2012 (Spanish)