Shahe (Changping)

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Chaozong Bridge

Shahe ( Chinese  沙河 地區 辦事處  /  沙河 地区 办事处 , Pinyin Shāhé Dìqū Bànshìchù ) is an area office (a transition stage from the large community to the street district ) in the Changping district of the government- direct city ​​of Beijing . Shahe has an area of ​​58.3 km² and 110,808 inhabitants (end of 2010). Shahe is home to the ruins of the Gonghua Fortress (巩 华 城), a travel palace built in the mid-16th century under Emperor Zhu Houcong. Not far from there is the stone Chaozong Bridge (朝宗 桥) from 1447, which leads via the Beishahe (北 沙河, "Northern Sand River") that gives the area office its name to the mausoleums of the Ming emperors ( cháozōng means "ancestors of the Dynasty").


The history of Shahe as an administrative unit begins in 1958 when the People's Commune Rote Fahne (红旗 公社) was founded there. In 1961 it was renamed "People's Commune Sand River" (沙河 公社) after the northern and southern sand rivers, which unite at today's golf club to form the Wenyu River. In 1983 the people's commune was dissolved as part of the reform and opening-up policy and transformed into the Shahe community, which was upgraded to a large community at the end of 1986. In 1990, the area south of the Northern Sand River was split off and a large community of its own was set up there , called "Gonghua Large Community" (巩 华 镇, "Consolidate China") after the fortress where the Ming emperors rested when they visited the graves of their ancestors . in December 1997 the Gonghua Community was dissolved and the villages under its control were integrated into Shahe.

In the course of the urbanization of the Beijing outskirts, the old municipalities and large municipalities are gradually being converted into so-called “area offices” (地区 办事处, Pinyin Dìqū Bànshìchù ), only to become street districts after a certain transition period . In 1999, Shahe Township was converted into such an area office, but the community administration in Fengshan Village also kept the old door sign 沙河 镇 政府 / "Shahe Township Government". On November 1, 2018, the State Statistical Office of the People's Republic of China only ran Shahe as an area office.

Administrative structure

Shahe is made up of 21 communities and 22 administrative villages (as of 2018). These are:

Nanyi community (南 一 社区)
Dongyi community (东 一 社区)
Xi'er community (西 二 社区)
Community of Bei'er (北 二 社区)
Zhanqianlu community (站 前 路 社区)
Shayanglu community (沙 阳路 社区)
Residential community Baoli Law Lan Xianggu (保 利 罗兰香 谷 社区)
Zhaofeng Jiayuan community (兆丰 家园 社区)
First community of Beijie Jiayuan (北街 家园 第一 社区)
Second community of Beijie Jiayuan (北街 家园 第二 社区)
Third community of Beijie Jiayuan (北街 家园 第三 社区)
Residential community Bishui Zhuangyuan (碧水庄园 社区)
Yushanjienan community (于 善 街 南 社区)
Community of Guanfangyuan (冠 芳园 社区)
Wufu Jiayuan community (五福 家园 社区)
Gonghua Xincun Community (巩 华 新村 社区)
Residential community Yanlan Xinchen (滟 澜 新 宸 社区)
First community of Hengdaxingfu Jiayuan (恒大 幸福 家园 第一 社区)
Second community Hengdaxingfu Jiayuan (恒大 幸福 家园 第二 社区)
Lusongjie community (路 松 街 社区)
Zijing Xianggu community (紫荆 香 谷 社区)
Xishatun Village (西沙 屯村)
Laoniuwan village (老牛 湾村)
Nanyi village (南 一 村)
Dongyi Village (东 一 村)
Xi'er Village (西 二 村)
Bei'er village (北 二 村)
Xinlitun Village (辛 力 屯村)
Luzhuang Village (路 庄村)
Caihe Village (踩 河村)
Fengshan Village (丰 善 村), seat of the area office
Yuxinzhuang Village (于 辛庄 村)
Manjing Dongdui Village (满 井 东 队 村)
Manjing Xidui Village (满 井 西 队 村)
Songlanpu Village (松兰 堡村)
Wangzhuang Village (王 庄村)
Xiaozhai Village (小 寨村)
Dawa village (大 洼村)
Qiliqu Nan Village (七里 渠 南村)
Qiliqu Bei village (七里 渠 北 村)
Baigezhuang Village (白 各 庄村)
Dougezhuang Village (豆各庄 村)
Xiaoshahe Village (小 沙河 村)

Science and military

Shahe University of Beijing Aerospace University

Since the Beijing universities suffered from a constant shortage of space, the city government, supported by the Beijing branch of the CCP, proposed in 1999 that so-called "university parks" (高教 园区) with 8,000-10,000 mu each be installed in two to three locations in the outskirts of the city . thus 533–667 ha to be established. After a lengthy planning and consulting phase, the construction of such university parks was finally approved in October 2001 in the Liangxiang area office of the Fangshan district in the south of the city, as well as in Shahe, in the north. The area of ​​the Shahe University Park (沙河 高教 园区, Pinyin Shāhé Gāojiào Yuánqū ) was, at 799.72 hectares, significantly larger than originally planned. With an investment of 28 billion yuan, of which around 23 billion had been spent by 2015, which corresponds to purchasing power of 23 billion euros, branch offices of 7 universities with a total of 70 institutes are to be set up there, with dormitories for 150,000 students and lecturers. So far, the following universities with branch offices have settled in the Shahe University Park:

In addition, the operating College of Astronautics of strategic combat support troops of the People's Liberation Army , which is headquartered in Huairou , has a branch in Shahe. In the northwest of Shahe, between the 6th ring road and the Beijing – Lhasa highway , is the National Founding Base for Engineering and Technology of Zhongguancun (中关村 国家 工程 技术 创新 基地), also known as " Changping Park" (昌平 园). In addition to PetroChina with a research center, the Beijing University of Science and Technology with its National Center for Materials Testing (国家 材料 服役 安全 科学 中心) and a start-up park are located on the 398.88 hectare site, which has been developed with an investment of 30 billion yuan with seven test workshops for high pressure and high temperature experiments etc. To the south of the area office is the former Shahe observation station of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory . In 2002, after the establishment of the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , the observation station, which had also served as a public observatory since Halley's Comet in 1986 , ceased operations and was converted into an adventure museum.

Individual evidence

  1. 沙河 地区 办事处. In: November 5, 2016, Retrieved July 18, 2019 (Chinese).
  2. 王东亮: 奥运村 街道 编 入 行政 区划. In: April 15, 2009, Retrieved July 18, 2019 (Chinese).
  3. 沙河 地区 (镇). In: November 11, 2015, accessed July 18, 2019 (Chinese).
  4. 2018 年 统计 用 区划 代码 和 城乡 划分 代码. In: November 1, 2018, accessed July 18, 2019 (Chinese).
  5. 2018 年 统计 用 区划 代码 和 城乡 划分 代码. In: November 1, 2018, accessed July 18, 2019 (Chinese).
  6. 聂玲玉 、 颜 星: 北京市 领导 调研 沙河 高教 园区 建设 情况. In: May 18, 2018, Retrieved July 19, 2019 (Chinese).
  7. 董洪亮: 北京 沙河 高教 园区 迎来 首批 学子. In: September 8, 2009, Retrieved July 19, 2019 (Chinese).
  8. 徐松: 温家宝 赴 外交 学院 为 周恩来 和 陈毅 铜像 揭幕 并 讲话. In: September 10, 2012, Retrieved July 19, 2019 (Chinese).
  9. 北京 邮电 大学 沙河 校区 正式 启用. In: September 11, 2015, accessed July 19, 2019 (Chinese).
  10. 童军武: 沙河 校区 举办 2017 级 新生 矿 大 校史 、 医疗 管理 及 健康 教育 大会. In: September 13, 2017, Retrieved July 19, 2019 (Chinese).
  11. 孙云柯: 北京 师范大学 昌平 校区 启用. In: November 10, 2018, accessed July 19, 2019 (Chinese).
  12. 航天 工程 大学 简介 及 专业 介绍. In: June 14, 2017, Retrieved July 19, 2019 (Chinese).
  13. 张宏洲: 2017 军校 巡礼 第二 十五 站 : 航天 工程 大学. In: June 15, 2017, Retrieved July 14, 2019 (Chinese).
  14. 中关村 国家 工程 技术 创新 基地. In: May 2, 2012, Retrieved July 20, 2019 (Chinese).
  15. 中心 简介. In: Retrieved July 20, 2019 (Chinese).
  16. 佳 梦: 北京 科技 大学 昌平 创新 园区 正式 启用. In: September 14, 2018, accessed July 20, 2019 (Chinese).
  17. 国家 天文台. In: December 20, 2002, Retrieved July 19, 2019 (Chinese).

Coordinates: 40 ° 9 '  N , 116 ° 17'  E