Strategic Combat Support Force of the People's Republic of China

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Emblem of the Strategic Combat Support Force

The Strategic combat support troops of the People's Republic of China ( Chinese  中國人民解放軍戰略支援部隊  /  中国人民解放军战略支援部队 , Pinyin Zhongguo Rénmín Jiefangjun Zhànlüè Zhiyuan Budui ) is one of five branches of the armed forces of the People's Liberation Army . It entered service on January 1, 2016. The Strategic Combat Support Force operates in the broadest sense what is referred to by the NATO armed forces as electronic warfare ; its current (2020) commander is General Gao Jin (高 津).


Technical intelligence department

Since the times of the Chinese Soviet Republic (1931–1934), the Central Military Commission had departments for reconnaissance (侦察 科, Pinyin Zhēnchá Kē ) and for encryption and decryption of radio messages (机要 译 电 科, Pinyin Jīyào Yìdiàn Kē ). After the founding of the People's Republic of China , the "Main Intelligence Service" (总 情报 部, Pinyin Zǒng Qíngbào Bù ) was set up at the ZMK on December 10, 1950 , which in turn was converted into an Intelligence Service (情报 部, Pinyin Qíngbào Bù ), a technical department (技术 部, Pinyin Jìshù Bù ) and a liaison department (联络 部, Pinyin Liánluò Bù ) and was directly subordinate to the Chief of the General Staff , so Major General Xu Xiangqian . The technical department was also called the “third department” (第三部, Pinyin Dì Sān Bù ) internally . On February 29, 1953, the main intelligence department was dissolved as a higher level, but its three departments continued to exist and in 1954, when the state ZMK was dissolved under the first ordinary constitution of China and replaced by the National Defense Council, the apparatus of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army over. The technical department has now been renamed the “Technical Enlightenment Department of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army” (中国人民解放军 总参谋部 技术 侦察 部, Pinyin Zhōnggúo Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn Zǒngcānmóubù Jìshù Zhēnchá Bù ), also known as the “Third Department of the General Staff”三 部, Pinyin Zǒngcān Sān Bù ), later called "Unit 61195 of the People's Liberation Army" (中国人民解放军 61195 部队, Pinyin Zhōnggúo Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn 61195 Bùduì ). Before being transferred to the Strategic Combat Support Force with effect from January 1, 2016, the Third Department or Unit 61195 had the following organizational structure:

  • Political Department (政治部, Pinyin Zhèngzhì Bù )
  • Logistics Department (后勤部, Pinyin Hòuqín Bù )
  • Main office (综合 局, Pinyin Zōnghéjú )
  • Scientific and Technical Equipment Office (科技 装备 局, Pinyin Kējì Zhuāngbèi Jú )
  • Scientific and Technical Information Office (科技 情报 局, Pinyin Kējì Qíngbào Jú )
  • Office 1 (第一 局, Pinyin Dì Yī Jú ), Beijing
  • Office 2 (第二 局, Pinyin Dì Èr Jú ), Shanghai
  • Office 3 (第三 局, Pinyin Dì Sān Jú ), Beijing
    • Office 1 (第一 处, Pinyin Dì Yī Chù )
    • Office 2 (第二 处, Pinyin Dì Èr Chù )
    • Office 3 (第三 处, Pinyin Dì Sān Chù )
    • Office 4 (第四 处, Pinyin Dì Sì Chù )
  • Office 4 (第四局, Pinyin Dì Sì Jú ), Qingdao
  • Office 5 (第五 局, Pinyin Dì Wǔ Jú ), Yanqing
    • Propaganda Department (宣传 科, Pinyin Xuānchuán Kē )
  • Office 6 (第六 局, Pinyin Dì Liù Jú ), Wuhan
  • Office 7 (第七 局, Pinyin Dì Qī Jú ), Beijing
  • Office 8 (第八 局, Pinyin Dì Bā Jú ), Beijing
  • Office 9 (第九 局, Pinyin Dì Jiǔ Jú ), Beijing
  • Office 10 (第十 局, Pinyin Dì Shí Jú ), Beijing
  • Office 11 (第十一 局, Pinyin Dì Shíyī Jú ), Beijing
  • Office 12 (第十二 局, Pinyin Dì Shí'èr Jú ), Shanghai
    • Office 1 (第一 处, Pinyin Dì Yī Chù )
    • Office 2 (第二 处, Pinyin Dì Èr Chù )
    • Office 3 (第三 处, Pinyin Dì Sān Chù )
  • Computer center (计算中心, Pinyin Jìsuàn Zhōngxīn ), Beijing

Electronic Warfare Department

Lieutenant General Wang Zheng, the first head of the electronic warfare division

Unit 61195 also supported Chinese companies with IT security, but essentially it operated foreign intelligence. The Fourth Division was responsible for the defensive aspects and especially the electronic warfare in an open conflict. As early as December 1965, Yang Chengwu (杨成武, 1914-2004), then deputy chief of staff, instructed the communications department at the General Staff (中国人民解放军 通信 兵部, Pinyin Zhōnggúo Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn Tōngxìnbīng Bù ) to think about setting up a radar department . However , these plans were interrupted by the cultural revolution that broke out the following year . When Yang Chengwu returned to his post as deputy chief of staff on November 28, 1974, he paid special attention to the development of electronic warfare in the other countries. On December 18, 1975, Defense Minister Ye Jianying, at his instigation, finally presented Mao Zedong with a "report on the strengthening of electronic warfare" (关于 加强 电子 对抗 工作 的,), in which the two generals proposed that members of the State Council and the Central Office be members Military Commission to set up a planning group to prepare the establishment of a separate department for radar and electronic warfare. On December 20, 1975, Mao approved the proposals with the characters 很好 (“very good”) written on the cover of the report, the said preparatory group began its work in November 1976, and in April 1977 the “Electronic Warfare Department and Radar “(中国人民解放军 总参谋部 电子 对抗 、 雷达 部, Pinyin Zhōnggúo Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn Zǒngcānmóubù Diànzǐ Duìkàng + Léidá Bù ) officially put into service. The command was Lieutenant General Wang Zheng (王 诤, 1909–1978). After his death on August 13, 1978, General Qu Peiyong (屈 培 壅, 1922–2005) took over the management of the unit, which was usually called the "Fourth Department of the General Staff" (总参 四部, Pinyin Zǒngcān Sì Bù ). Before being transferred to the Strategic Combat Support Force with effect from January 1, 2016, the Fourth Department had the following organizational structure:

  • Political Department (政治部, Pinyin Zhèngzhì Bù )
  • Office 1 (第一 局, Pinyin Dì Yī Jú )
  • Office 2 (第二 局, Pinyin Dì Èr Jú ), radar
  • Office 3 (第三 局, Pinyin Dì Sān Jú ), scientific and technical equipment
  • Office 4 (第四局, Pinyin Dì Sì Jú )
  • Electronic Combat Brigade (电子 对抗 旅, Pinyin Diànzǐ Duìkàng Lǚ )
  • Office for Optoelectronic Warfare (光电 对抗 室, Pinyin Guāngdiàn Duìkàng Shì )
  • 54th Research Institute of the General Staff (中国人民解放军 总参谋部 第五 十四 研究所, since March 1, 2002 the 54th Research Institute of the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation)
  • Academy of Electrical Engineering of the People's Liberation Army (中国人民解放军 电子 工程 学院, Pinyin Zhōnggúo Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn Diànzǐ Gōngchéng Xuéyuàn ), Hefei
  • Rest home for cadres, Hefei (合肥 离职 干部 休养 所, Pinyin Héféi Lízhí Gànbù Xiūyǎngsuǒ )
  • Representation Beijing (驻 北京 地区 军事 代表 室, Pinyin Zhù Běijīng Dìqū Jūnshì Dàibiǎoshì )
  • Representation in Chengdu (驻 成都 地区 军事 代表 室, Pinyin Zhù Chéngdū Dìqū Jūnshì Dàibiǎoshì )
  • Representation Guilin (驻 桂林 地区 军事 代表 室, Pinyin Zhù Guìlín Dìqū Jūnshì Dàibiǎoshì )
  • Representation Shenyang (驻 沈 阳 地区 军事 代表 室, Pinyin Zhù Shěnyáng Dìqū Jūnshì Dàibiǎoshì )
  • Representation Nanjing (驻 南京 地区 军事 代表 室, Pinyin Zhù Nánjīng Dìqū Jūnshì Dàibiǎoshì )
  • Representative Hangzhou (驻杭州地区军事代表室, Pinyin Zhu Hangzhou Diqu Junshi Dàibiǎoshì )
  • Representation Xi'an (驻 西安 地区 军事 代表 室, Pinyin Zhù Xī'ān Dìqū Jūnshì Dàibiǎoshì )

Far-reaching reform of national defense and the military

Immediately after Xi Jinping was elected General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and chairman of the CCP Central Military Commission on November 15, 2012 at the 18th CCP Congress, he began preparations for military reform. He made this public in November 2013 when, at the end of a speech at the 3rd plenary session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, as part of the “Comprehensive and Profound Reform” (全面 深化改革, Pinyin Quánmiàn Shēnhuà Gǎigé ) carried out by him, a structural reform of the Military brought up. The 204 permanent members of the Central Committee present approved it after discussion.

In March 2013, Xi Jinping and the other members of the ZMK party had already been confirmed by the National People's Congress as the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China. On March 15, 2014, a steering group for the far-reaching reform of national defense and the military (中央军委 深化 国防 和 军队 改革 领导 小组, Pinyin Zhōngyāng Jūnwěi Shēnhuà Guófáng hé Jūnduì Gǎigé Lǐngdǎo Xio Xiǎ ) was set up at the military commissions with identical personnel Jinping took over personally; his deputies were General of the Air Force Xu Qiliang and General of the Army Fan Changlong , at that time the two deputy chairmen of the ZMK.

Between March and October 2014, working groups traveled to more than 690 barracks and discussed individual aspects of military reform with the soldiers on site at over 800 meetings, such as reducing the number of military districts (roughly equivalent to the German military districts ) or reforming the military academies. On this basis, they worked out proposals that were discussed in their entirety for the first time on January 27, 2015 by the Reform Steering Group. Further discussions within the Central Military Commission and with the Standing Committee of the CCP Political Bureau followed, and on September 3, 2015, Xi Jinping, in his opening speech to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory over Japan, announced the first result that China would strengthen its armed forces would reduce by 300,000 men.

In addition to the outsourcing of the 2nd Artillery Corps as an independent armed force for strategic nuclear weapons, one of the most important aspects of the structural reform was the pooling of IT capabilities. This was a highly complex matter, and before the final layout of the future combat support force was determined, five major maneuvers took place in the course of 2015, during which, in addition to the Army, Navy, Air Force, 2nd Artillery and Armed People's Police , the General Staff's intelligence service (a traditional human-to-human intelligence), technical reconnaissance, electronic warfare and other combat support units participated. The integration of the IT systems of the army and air force, reconnaissance, intelligence and command structures was practiced for the first time.

The result was that the intelligence service (情报 局, Pinyin Qíngbào Jú ) remained with the General Staff, as it had been since 1954, and moved with it into the apparatus of the Central Military Commission . The operational departments of technical reconnaissance and electronic warfare were assigned to the “Unit 61786” (中国人民解放军 61786 部队, Pinyin Zhōnggúo Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn 61786 Bùduì ) with headquarters at the foot of the Yan Mountains north of Beijing, which in turn is the core of the “Main Department of Network Activities "Forms, colloquially still referred to as" Third Department ". The current (2019) head of the main network activities department is Lieutenant General Zheng Junjie (郑俊杰, * 1957), until December 31, 2015 head of the technical intelligence department of the General Staff (see above). His deputy is Major General Li Tiantian (李 天天), until December 31, 2015 head of the Office for Peacekeeping Operations at the General Staff Intelligence Service.

Since the military reform was accompanied by a change from the principle of the territorial army to the strategy of forward defense ("China is being defended in Korea"), which required reliable reconnaissance, communication and navigation satellites, all space-related facilities, summarized in the " Hauptabteilung Raumfahrt ”and the“ Hauptabteilung Satellite Launches, Orbit Tracking and Control ”(the former“ General Command Satellite Launches, Orbit Tracking and Control ”at the main witness office ), subordinate to the Strategic Combat Support Force. The current (2019) head of the Space Department is Lieutenant General Shang Hong (尚 宏, * 1960), commander of the Jiuquan Cosmodrome until December 31, 2015 , his deputy is Major General Hao Weizhong (郝 卫 中), until December 31, 2015 commander of the Taiyuan Cosmodrome .

Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo (尹 卓, * 1945), former chairman of the Advisory Expert Commission for the Digitization of the Navy and father of the Chinese naval base in Djibouti , explained the tasks of the Strategic Combat Support Force as follows:

  • Monitoring and exploring enemy targets; Siphoning off information in possession of said targets
  • Operation of the navigation systems in peace and war, including the Beidou satellite navigation system and the Chinese reconnaissance satellites; Protection of said systems from interference by opponents
  • Defense against attacks on Chinese air surveillance , coastal radar, radio traffic, the civilian Internet and the government 's own and VBA's own intranet


The Strategic Combat Support Force, which was put into service at a large celebration in the VBA building on December 31, 2015 with effect from January 1, 2016 as the new branch of the People's Liberation Army - the unit received its first own recruits on September 20, 2016 - has the following structure:

  • Stick (参谋部, Pinyin Cānmóubù )
    • Law firm (直属 工作 局, Pinyin Zhíshǔ Gōngzuò Jú )
    • Office for the planning of replenishment and auxiliary services by the civilian population (战 勤 计划 局, Pinyin Zhànqín Jìhuà Jú )
    • Training Office (训练 局, Pinyin Xùnliàn Jú )
    • Rest home of the Strategic Combat Support Force , Xingcheng (战略 支援部队 兴城 疗养院, Pinyin Zhànlüè Zhīyuán Bùduì Xīngchéng Liáoyǎngyuàn )
  • Political Work Department (政治 工作 部, Pinyin Zhèngzhì Gōngzuò Bù )
    • Management Office (干部 局, Pinyin Gànbù Jú )
  • Disciplinary Commission (纪律 检查 委员会, Pinyin Jìlǜ Jiǎnchá Wěiyuánhuì )
  • Main Department of Network Activities (网络 系统 部, Pinyin Wǎngluò Xìtǒng Bù ), also known as the "Third Department" (第三部, Pinyin Dì Sān Bù )
    • Stick (参谋部, Pinyin Cānmóubù )
    • Political Work Department (政治 工作 部, Pinyin Zhèngzhì Gōngzuò Bù )
    • Logistics Department (后勤部, Pinyin Hòuqín Bù )
    • Equipment Department (装备 部, Pinyin Zhuāngbèi Bù )
    • Unit 61786 (61786 部队, Pinyin 61786 Bùduì ), Beijing
    • People's Liberation Army Hospital 316 (中国人民解放军 第三 一 六 医院, Pinyin Zhōnggúo Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn Dì Sān Yī Liù Yīyuàn ), Beijing
    • 56. Research Institute (第五 十六 研究所, Pinyin Dì Wǔshíliù Yánjiūsuǒ ), also known as " Southeast China Research Institute for Computer Technology" (江南 计算 技术 研究所, Pinyin Jiāngnán Jìsuàn Jìshù Yánjiūsuǒ ), Wuxi
    • 58th Research Institute (第五 十八 研究所, Pinyin Dì Wǔshíbā Yánjiūsuǒ ), Beijing
    • Center for Network Security (战略 支援部队 网络 安全 基地, Pinyin Zhànlüè Zhīyuán Bùduì Wǎngluò Ānquán Jīdì ), advises centrally managed companies
  • Main Space Department (航天 系统 部, Pinyin Hángtiān Xìtǒng Bù )
    • Political Work Department (政治 工作 部, Pinyin Zhèngzhì Gōngzuò Bù )
      • Management Office (干部 局, Pinyin Gànbù Jú )
      • Press office (创作 室, Pinyin Chuàngzuò Shì )
    • Testing and Procurement Office (试验 装备 物资 采购 局, Pinyin Shìyàn Zhuāngbèi Wùzī Cǎigòu Jú )
    • East China Office (华东 办事处, Pinyin Huádōng Bànshìchù ), Shanghai
    • Nuclear Weapons Test Site Lop Nor (Base 21)
    • Research and Development Center for Aerodynamics , An (中国 空气 动力 研究 与 发展 中心, Pinyin Zhōnggúo Kōngqì Dònglì Yánjiū yǔ Fāzhǎn Zhōngxīn ), also known as "Base 29"
    • Beijing Space Control Center
    • Space Research and Development Center (航天 研发 中心, Pinyin Hángtiān Yánfā Zhōngxīn )
    • Research Institute for Civil Engineering (工程 设计 研究所, Pinyin Gōngchéng Shèjì Yánjiūsuǒ )
    • Center for artistically demanding television (电视 艺术 中心, Pinyin Diànshì Yìshù Zhōngxīn )
    • Space Corps of the People's Liberation Army
    • Office for Satellite Reconnaissance (战略 支援部队 航天 侦察 局, Pinyin Zhànlüè Zhīyuán Bùduì Hángtiān Zhēnchá Jú )
  • Main department for satellite launches, orbit tracking and control (中国 卫星 发射 测控 系统 部, Pinyin Zhōnggúo Wèixīng Fāshè Cèkòng Xìtǒng Bù )
  • Medical Center of the Strategic Combat Support Force , Beijing (战略 支援部队 特色 医学 中心, Pinyin Zhànlüè Zhīyuán Bùduì Tèsè Yīxué Zhōngxīn )
  • Test Center for Electronic Equipment, Luoyang (中国 洛阳 电子 装备 试验 中心, Pinyin Zhōnggúo Luòyáng Diànzǐ Zhuāngbèi Shìyàn Zhōngxīn ), also known as "Base 33" (第 33 基地, Pinyin Dì 33 Jīdì ) or "Unit 63880 部队" (63880. 部队 ", Piny80 63880 Bùduì )
  • University of Computer Science (中国人民解放军 战略 支援部队 信息 工程 大学, Pinyin Zhōnggúo Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn Zhànlüè Zhīyuán Bùduì Xìnxī Gōngchéng Dàxué )
    • Main location in Zhengzhou
    • Luoyang branch (former foreign language institute of the People's Liberation Army / 中国人民解放军 外国语 学院, focus of the curriculum switched to computer science)
  • University of Space Technology

Individual evidence

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  16. 吴旭 、 陈刚 、 何思楠: 总参 电子 对抗 旅 新 兵营 : 为 梦想 穿上 戎装. In: . December 19, 2014, accessed February 5, 2019 (Chinese).
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  32. Vanessa Steinmetz: What China is up to in Djibouti. In: . July 21, 2017, accessed February 5, 2019 .
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