Siegfried Raeder

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Siegfried Raeder (born November 16, 1929 in Pillkallen ( East Prussia ), † November 23, 2006 ) was a German Protestant theologian and professor of church history at the University of Tübingen .

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Siegfried Raeder studied Protestant theology at the Church College in Berlin and at the University of Tübingen from 1949 and received his doctorate in 1961 at the University of Zurich . He then worked on the project of a register for the Weimar Luther edition. In 1969 he completed his habilitation at the University of Tübingen and was then a university lecturer, since 1979 professor of church history . His research focus was the history of the Reformation and the relationship between Christianity and Islam .

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  • Luther's Hebrew is examined until the end of the first psalm lecture, Mohr, Tübingen 1961 (Contributions to Historical Theology, Volume 31) (dissertation).
  • The use of the masoretic text by Luther in the period between the first and second psalm lecture (1515–1518) , Mohr, Tübingen 1977 (Contributions to Historical Theology, Volume 38).
  • Grammatica theologica. Studies on Luther's Operations in Psalmos, Mohr, Tübingen 1977 (contributions to historical theology, volume 51), ISBN 3-16-138222-6 (habilitation thesis).
  • Islam and its world. A historically and theologically oriented introduction , Breklumer Verlag, Breklum 1982 (Christianity and Islam, Volume 14), ISBN 3-7793-0484-8 .
  • Islam and Christianity. A historical and theological introduction , Neukirchener Verl., Neukirchen-Vluyn 2001, ISBN 3-7887-1820-X (2nd edition 2003).
  • Answers to Islam. Texts by Christian authors from the 8th century to the present, Neukirchener Verl., Neukirchen-Vluyn 2006, ISBN 978-3-7887-2090-2 .


  • Islam in the West . In: Kurt Hutten (Ed.): Asia missionized in the Occident , Kreuz-Verlag, Stuttgart 1962, pp. 51–72.
  • The story of Joseph in the Koran and the Old Testament . In: Evangelische Theologie, Vol. 26 (1966), pp. 169–190.
  • Requirements and method of Luther's translation of the Bible . In: Heinz Liebing (ed.): Spirit and history of the Reformation. Festgabe Hanns Rückert for his 65th birthday presented by friends, colleagues and students , de Gruyter, Berlin 1966 (Works on Church History, Volume 38), pp. 152–178.
  • Jesus as a prophet in Islam . In: In the Land of the Bible, vol. 1974, pp. 9–22.
  • Jakob Andreä's sermons to the Turks . In: Martin Brecht (Ed.): Theologians and theology at the University of Tübingen. Contributions to the history of the Evangelical Theological Faculty , Mohr, Tübingen 1977 (Contubernium, Volume 5), pp. 96-122, ISBN 3-16-939692-7 .
  • Luther as interpreter and translator of the Holy Scriptures. In: Helmar Junghans (Ed.): Life and work of Martin Luther from 1526 to 1546. Ceremony for his 500th birthday , Volume 1, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1983, pp. 253-278, ISBN 3-525-55386-2 .
  • The interpretation of the 50th (51st) Psalm in Augustine's Ennarationes in psalmos and in Luther's Dictata super Psalterium . In: Gerhard Hammer (Ed.): Lutheriana. On the 500th birthday of Martin Luther by the staff of the Weimar edition , Böhlau, Cologne 1984 (archive for the Weimar edition of the works of Martin Luther, volume 5), pp. 153–192, ISBN 3-412-02084-2 .
  • Jakob Heerbrand . In: Friedrich Hertel (Ed.): In Truth and Freedom. 450 Years of Evangelical Monastery in Tübingen , Calwer Verlag, Stuttgart 1986 (Sources and Research on Württemberg Church History, Volume 8), pp. 81–98, ISBN 3-7668-0785-4 .
  • The theologian as a reformer . In: Heinrich von Stietencron (ed.): Theologians and theologies in various cultural circles, Patmos-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1986, pp. 177–198, ISBN 3-491-71074-X .
  • Russian Orthodoxy as reflected in 19th century Protestant theology . In: Rolf-Dieter Kluge (Ed.): A thousand years of the Russian Church. 988-1988. History, effects, perspectives , Attempto-Verl., Tübingen 1989, pp. 135–154, ISBN 3-89308-101-1 .
  • Thomas Müntzer as a Bible translator . In: Siegfried Bräuer (ed.): The Theologian Thomas Müntzer , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1989, pp. 221-257, ISBN 3-525-55410-9 .
  • Jakob Andreae . A life for the Reformation and unity in faith . In: Theological contributions, Volume 21 (1990), pp. 244-263.
  • Duke Christoph and his measures for church order. In: Rolf-Dieter Kluge (Hrsg.): A life between Laibach and Tübingen. Primus Truber and his time. Intentions, course and consequences of the Reformation in Württemberg and Inner Austria , Sagner, Munich 1995 (Sagner's Slavistic Collection, Volume 24), pp. 56–69, ISBN 3-87690-620-2 .
  • Tuebingen Turkish Sermons . In: Rolf-Dieter Kluge (Hrsg.): A life between Laibach and Tübingen. Primus Truber and his time. Intentions, course and consequences of the Reformation in Württemberg and Inner Austria , Sagner, Munich 1995 (Sagner's Slavistic Collection, Volume 24), pp. 133–146, ISBN 3-87690-620-2 .
  • Luther's legacy in the age of Goethe . In: Theological contributions, Volume 26 (1995), pp. 7-21.
  • Raimundus Lullus as a scholastic in dealing with Islam . In: Judaica, Vol. 52 (1996), pp. 271-288.
  • Biblical tradition in the Koran . In: Yearbook for Biblical Theology, Volume 1997 (1998), pp. 309–331.
  • Melanchthon as interpreter of the New Testament . In: Theological contributions, Volume 29 (1998), pp. 75-94.
  • Jakob Andreae and the Reformation in Wiesensteig , Öttingen and Wachendorf. In: Siegfried Hermle (Hrsg.): Reformation history of Württemberg in portraits , Hänssler, Holzgerlingen 1999, pp. 365–394, ISBN 3-7751-3416-6 .
  • Johannes Brenz and the Islam question . In: Blätter für Württembergische Kirchengeschichte, Volume 100 (2000), pp. 345–367.
  • Thoughts on the religious determination of Germany at the turn of the 19th century in Hölderlin , Novalis and Schleiermacher . In: Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, Volume 112 (2001), pp. 65–86.
  • Luther's relationship to Islam. Time-related and worth considering . In: Luther. Journal of the Luther Society, Volume 76 (2005), pp. 11–27.


  • Ulrich Köpf : Siegfried Raeder in memory . In: Theologische Literaturzeitung, vol. 132 (2007), p. 254.