Sigrid Boysen

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Sigrid Boysen (born December 10, 1972 in Düren ) is a German law scholar and university professor.


Boysen studied law at the Universities of Göttingen , Bristol and Hamburg , where she completed her doctorate with Stefan Oeter in 2005. She passed the first state examination in 1998 and the second state examination in 2004 in Hamburg . From 1998 to 2004 she was a research assistant with Stefan Oeter at the University of Hamburg, from 2005 to 2006 with Ulrich Haltern at the University of Hanover and from 2007 to 2011 with Philip Kunig at the Free University of Berlin , where she was junior professor for public law from 2011 to 2014 , European and international law was. Since then she has been teaching as a professor for public law, international and European law at the Helmut Schmidt University . 2018 habilitation they are at the University of Hamburg.

Her main research interests are international environmental and commercial law, European law, in particular external relations and foreign trade law and constitutional law, in particular federalism and protection of equality. Boysen is co-editor of the quarterly legal journal Archiv des Völkerrechts .

Fonts (selection)

  • with Andreas von Arnauld : Staatsrecht , Nomos, Baden-Baden 2001.
  • with Ralf Alleweldt, Stefan Oeter and Andreas Zimmermann : Possibilities for accelerating the asylum procedure , LIT-Verlag, Münster et al. 2002.
  • Equality in the federal state , Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2005.
  • European State Aid Law and Member State Services of General Interest , Nomos, Baden-Baden 2007.
  • with Jutta Engbers u. a .: European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages , Handkommentar, Dike, Zurich / Nomos, Baden-Baden 2011.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sigrid Boysen. In: Europa Kolleg Hamburg. Retrieved January 18, 2020 (German).