Sinaida Nikolaevna Aksentjewa

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Zinaida Aksentjewa ( Russian Зинаида Николаевна Аксентьева * July 12 jul. / 25. July  1900 greg. In Odessa , † 8. April 1969 in Poltava ) was a Soviet geophysicist .


Aksentyeva's father was a field surgeon at the Odessa Railway Hospital . She studied at the Institute of National Education Odessa in the mathematics department of the Faculty of Vocational Education, graduating in 1924.

Aksentjewa worked from the beginning founded in 1926 gravimetry - Observatory Poltava (founding director Alexander Yakovlevich Orlov : first term from 1926 to 1934, the second term of office from 1938 to 1951). She started out as an observer and evaluator. She became a research assistant, head of department and finally scientific deputy director of the observatory.

1929–1938, Aksentjewa, together with the observatory, collectively created the gravimetric map of Ukraine with connection to the gravity network of Europe . 1930–1941 she carried out inclination measurements in Poltava with the horizontal pendulum according to the Repsold -Lewitzky system . 1934-1939 she worked in scientific organizations in Moscow and Moscow Oblast .

During the German-Soviet War Aksentjewa was in Irkutsk evacuated and examined the tides of Lake Baikal . In 1943 she defended her dissertation for a doctorate as a candidate in physical and mathematical sciences. In 1947 she defended her doctoral thesis .

In 1951 Aksentjewa became director of the Poltava observatory as successor to Alexander Yakovlevich Orlov, with whom she was now married. In the same year she was elected Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic . Under her leadership, the Poltava Observatory became a leading scientific institution for studying the Earth's rotation . From 1953 the Central Office of the Soviet Latitude Service for the calculation of geographic coordinates worked in the Poltava Observatory .

The phytopathologist Boris Nikolajewitsch Aksentjew and the geographer Georgi Nikolajewitsch Aksentjew were Aksentjewas brothers.

The Venus crater Aksentyeva was named after Aksentyeva .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Astronet: Аксентьева Зинаида Николаевна (accessed December 17, 2019).
  2. a b c Институт Дизайна и Новых Технологий: Аксентьева Зинаида Николаевна (accessed December 17, 2019).
  3. История Полтавы: Аксентьева, Зинаида Николаевна (accessed December 17, 2019).
  4. Окончательные результаты определения волны М2 в колебаниях отвеса в Томске с 1912 по 1920 гг. In: Труды Полтавской гравиметрической обсерватории . tape 4 , 1951, pp. 6 .
  5. О наклономерных работах в Полтаве с 1948 по 1952 гг. In: Труды 3-ей Всесоюзной широтной конференции . 1954, p. 113-118 .