Sonja Feldmeier

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Sonja Feldmeier (born March 5, 1965 in Männedorf ) is a Swiss multimedia artist. She works with painting, airbrushing , photography, video and audio, developing objects and complex installations .

life and work

Feldmeier studied at the Lucerne School of Art and Design (1986), the painting class at the Basel School of Design (1987–1990) and the Master of Fine Arts course at the Zurich University of the Arts (2012–2015).

The archiving principle is constitutive for her artistic practice . Using collage and montage techniques, she distills polyphonic narratives from her archive in which social and political questions are negotiated, but which refer beyond concrete circumstances and occurrences to fundamental questions of the human condition . In expansive narrative settings with multimedia works she asks questions about identities and attributions, about the migration behavior of people, things and signs . She is interested in communication processes and construction models . In her work, she examines how value systems and meaning patterns manifest themselves in images .

Prizes and awards

  • 2009: Basler Filmpreis, category art film

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 2013: Lapilli , Kunstraum John Schmid, Basel
  • 2012: Kalka Shimla Diaries , Albula Railway Museum, Bergün
  • 2011: meters behind sea level , Arts Reverie (AIAF), Ahmedabad, India
  • 2010: from nowhere to somewhere , Kunstraum Baden
  • 2007: Inhale Exhale , Kunsthalle St. Gallen , St. Gallen
  • 2007: Lost Call , Klingental exhibition space , Basel
  • 2006: In Your Room , Galerie Ruzicka / Weiss, Düsseldorf
  • 2006: Repatriated Territories , Spazio Culturale La Rada, Locarno
  • 2005: meters behind sea level , Galerie Parisa Kind, Frankfurt
  • 2005: Curator's Best , The Wrong Gallery, New York (with Christoph Büchel)
  • 2000: Phantom 00 , guest presentation, Aargauer Kunsthaus , Aarau


Works by Sonja Feldmeier are represented in the following collections:

Literature (selection)

Web links