Sonja Klima

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Sonja air (* 27. May 1963 as Sonja Holzinger in Baden near Vienna ) is an Austrian primary school teacher , manager in social services and in equestrian sports .


Sonja Klima graduated from the Bundes-Oberstufen-Realgymnasium in Wiener Neustadt and then trained as an elementary school teacher. She practiced this profession until 2000 and then took leave of absence in order to be able to move to Argentina with her husband Viktor Klima . After separating from him, she returned to Europe in 2002. She trained as a jewelry and gemstone expert and worked for a gallery that sold jewelry and pop art . Around 2007 she became an independent entrepreneur as an art dealer . From the beginning of April 2008 she was an honorary member of the board of directors and from 2009 to 2014 she was the president of the Badener Trabrennverein. Since 2010 she has been the managing director of the Austrian Ronald McDonald Children's Aid.

Sonja Klima is the manager of a horse stud with training and breeding in Marchegg , which she runs with her partner. In 2018 she supported the ÖVP in the Lower Austrian election campaign. In January 2019, contrary to the recommendation of the advisory board, she was appointed by the Supervisory Board to succeed Elisabeth Gürtler-Mauthner as head of the Spanish Riding School .

Sonja Klima was married three times, including from 1995 to 2004 with the Austrian Chancellor Viktor Klima .

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