Sophie Koch

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Sophie Koch (* 1969 in Versailles , France ) is a French opera singer ( mezzo-soprano ).


Sophie Koch studied at the Paris Conservatory under Jane Berbié. In 1994 she won first prize at the singing competition in s'Hertogenbosch . In 2001 she was awarded the Christel Goltz Prize at the Semperoper .

She made her international debut in 1998 at London's Royal Opera House , Covent Garden , as Rosina in Il barbiere di Siviglia . Other important roles include Cherubino ( Le nozze di Figaro ), Zerlina ( Don Giovanni ), Dorabella ( Così fan tutte ), Cinderella ( La Cenerentola ), the composer ( Ariadne auf Naxos ) and Octavian ( Der Rosenkavalier ).

Her career has taken her to the Paris opera houses, the Semperoper Dresden , the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden , the Deutsche Oper Berlin , the Bavarian State Opera , the Vienna State Opera , the Milan Scala , the New York Metropolitan Opera as well as the Schwetzingen and Salzburg festivals .

On March 3, 2016, Sophie Koch was awarded the professional title of Austrian Chamber Singer .

Repertoire (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. According to other sources, she was born in 1971: Sophie Koch in the Bavarian Musicians Lexicon Online (BMLO)
  2. Manuel Brug: The new singer voices . Henschel, Berlin, ISBN 3-89487-452-X , p. 273
  3. International Vocal Competition 's-Hertogenbosch - Prize winners ( Memento from June 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Foundation for the Promotion of the Semperoper - The Prize Winners ( Memento of October 3, 2002 in the web archive )
  5. ^ Vienna State Opera: SOPHIE KOCH
  6. Sophie Koch appointed chamber singer . In: , from: APA , March 3, 2016, accessed on March 5, 2016.
  7. ^ Sophie Koch, mezzo-soprano. Retrieved April 8, 2020 .