Sophie Reinhard

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Self-portrait by Sophie Reinhard, around 1812

Sophie Reinhard (born June 9, 1775 in Kirchberg ; † December 17, 1844 in Karlsruhe ) was a German painter .


Reinhard wr a daughter of the later State Councilor Maximilian Wilhelm Reinhard (1747-1812) and his wife Jacobina (née Pasterts). She was a student of the Karlsruhe gallery director Philipp Jakob Becker and the Munich gallery director Johann Christian von Mannlich . Study trips took her to Vienna in 1808/09 and to Italy from 1810 to 1814, including a stay in Rome. From 1813 onwards she received an annual artist salary of 800 guilders from the Grand Duke of Baden and thus became a court painter to the Grand Duke of Baden. For this she had to give drawing lessons on request and deliver work to the court.

Her work includes biblical and regional historical material as well as Italian genre scenes . She illustrated literary material several times, such as the Alemannic poems by Hebel . In the Karlsruhe art exhibition in 1823 she was with Margravine Anna von Baden feeds the poor and hands out medicines , a composition based on the poem Calming to Frida by Aloys Schreiber , and the watercolor painting Death of Torquato Tasso, and in 1825 with the history picture Christoph I, Margrave of Baden , rejects the envoy of Emperor Maximilian I and represents a Holy Family . As these examples show, Reinhard was known and appreciated in the 1820s. After 1829, however, she no longer took part in the Karlsruhe exhibitions. In the art collection of Freiherr CFLF von Rumohr there was a pencil drawing of her showing a bust of Heil. Joseph showed after a painting by Joh. Van Eyck. She died unmarried.


  • Sophie Reinhard: Ten sheets based on Hebels Alemannic poems. Composed and etched by Sophie Reinhard. Heidelberg: Mohr and Winter, 1820 ( ).


Web links

Commons : Sophie Reinhard  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Edwin Fecker: The Grand Ducal Badische Hofmalerin Sophie Reinhard.
  2. ^ Johann Gottfried Abraham Frenzel: Sophie Reinhard . In: The art collection of Baron CFLF von Rumohr, Königl. Danish Chamberlain, Knight of the Dannesbrog Order . HG Rahtgens, Lübeck 1846, p. 376 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).