Spartak Timofejewitsch Belyayev

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Spartak Timofejewitsch Beljajew ( Russian Спартак Тимофеевич Беляев , English transliteration Spartak Timofeevich Belyaev, born October 27, 1923 in Moscow ; † January 5, 2017 ) was a Russian theoretical physicist who dealt with many-body theory.

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After his military service as a volunteer in World War II from 1941 to 1946 (he was even offered career prospects in the Red Army after the war), he studied at Lomonossow University in Moscow with Gersch Izkowitsch Budker , where he worked on plasma physics (relativistic kinetic equation plasma physics). From 1947 he worked at Laboratory No. 2, which later became the Kurchatov Institute . In 1949 he joined Arkadi Migdal's theory group . From 1952 he worked at the Kurchatov Institute. In 1962 he made his Russian doctorate (habilitation). During this time he made fundamental contributions to the quantum field theory of condensed matter and was therefore invited to the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen in 1957/8 and gave Les Houches Lectures in 1958 . In 1962 he went to Novosibirsk , where he built an influential theory group at the Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics . At times he was also the rector of Novosibirsk University . From 1979 he was back at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow, where he eventually became director of the Institute for General Physics and Nuclear Physics and in the 1990s he played a key role in building the institute's reputation by maintaining international contacts. He was also director of the Institute of Natural Science and Ecology and professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology . At the end of the 1980s, as chairman of a commission of inquiry, he was involved in the investigation of the reactor accident in Chernobyl .

Beljajew is known for the development of quantum field theoretical methods in solid state physics , for which Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Bogoljubow laid the foundations in Russia . He applied them (especially the technique of "anomalous propagators" developed by him) to dilute Bose-Einstein gases ( superfluids ) and later in nuclear physics (pairing in nuclear matter and finite nuclei), while at the same time in the 1950s Lew Petrovich Gorkow thus expanded the theory of superconductivity and treated Arkadi Migdal and Wiktor Galitski Fermi fluids. Belyayev's theories found new impetus in the 1990s with the worldwide experimental investigation of Bose-Einstein condensates. In the 1990s, Beljajev was involved in the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment on double beta decay (HMBB) in neutrino physics.

Edward Shuryak is one of his students .


Since 1964 he was a corresponding member and since 1968 a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences .

Fonts (selection)

  • Belyaev Collective excitations in nuclei , Gordon and Breach, 1968
  • Belyaev Effect of pairing force correlations on nuclear properties , Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab, Mat.fys.medd., Vol. 31, 1959, No. 11
  • Belyaev, JETP, Vol. 34, 1958, pp. 417, 433 (Soviet Phys. JETP, Vol. 7, 1958, pp. 286, 299) (Bose gas)


  • Alexey Barabanov, Vladimir Zelevinsky: Spartak Timofeevich Belyaev . In: Physics Today . tape 70 , no. 6 , 2017, p. 72 , doi : 10.1063 / PT.3.3602 .
  • Yu G Abov, AL Barabanov, EP Velikhov, SS Gershtein, VI Ilgisonis, MV Kovalchuk, AA Korsheninnikov, GN Kulipanov, PV Logachev, VA Matveev, AN Skrinsky and GV Trubnikov: In memory of Spartak Timofeevich Belyaev . In: Phys. Usp. tape 60 , 2017, p. 327 , doi : 10.3367 / UFNe.2017.03.038084 .
  • VL Aksenov, VG Vaks, EP Velikhov, SS Gershtein, VG Zelevinskii, MV Kovalchuk, AA Korsheninnikov, LB Okun, V Ya Panchenko, EE Sapershtein, AN Skrinsky and Ya I Shtrombakh: Spartak Timofeevich Belyaev (on his 90th birthday) . In: Phys. Usp. tape 56 , 2013, p. 1038 , doi : 10.3367 / UFNe.0183.201310k.1141 .
  • Vladimir Zelevinsky : Spartak T. Belyaev - Recipient of the Feenberg Medal . In: International Journal of Modern Physics B . tape 20 , 2006, pp. 2574 , doi : 10.1142 / S0217979206035047 .

Web links


  1. Article on Spartak Belyayev
  2. ^ Based on the first approaches by Aage Bohr , Ben Mottelson , David Pines . At the same time examined in Russia by Vadim Soloviev (Soloviev) and also by Arkadi Migdal
  3. ^ Award sheet in the electronic document database "Heldentat des Volkes". Retrieved September 17, 2018 (Russian).
  4. a b c d Spartak Beljajew in the Great Russian Encyclopedia. Retrieved September 17, 2018 (Russian).