Spreewald thriller: The tears of the fish

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Episode of the Spreewald crime series
Original title The tears of the fish
Country of production Germany
original language German
Telefilm production aspect
length 93 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
classification Episode 3 ( list )
First broadcast March 28, 2011 on ZDF
Director Thomas Roth
script Thomas Kirchner
production Wolfgang Esser
music Ralf Wienrich
camera Jo Molitoris
cut Birgit Gasser

The Tears of the Fish is a German television film by Thomas Roth from 2011. It is the third film from the Spreewald crime series and was broadcast on ZDF on March 28, 2011 as "Television Film of the Week".


Detective Inspector Thorsten Krüger is investigating together with the young public prosecutor Matthias Panasch in a murder case in which the private detective Eberhard Lunger was shot. Research in the hotel shows that he had, among others, observed the scientist Lisa Engel, who is currently doing environmental research in Lübbenau . But he had also researched the hotel operator Karsten Hellstein.

Commissioner Krüger finds out that Panasch has a criminal father who was only released after 15 years in prison and has returned here to the Spreewald. Since the deceased was his former accomplice, Krüger does not rule out that Panasch's father is involved in the case. He confronts Panasch with his findings and asks him to hand over the case. Panasch justifies himself for breaking with his father and blaming him for having brought bad luck to his mother and himself. His father had recently visited him, but he would have expelled him from the house.

Unexpectedly, Panasch's father still appears at his son's and speaks with him. Harry Ritter explains that he has served his debt. He would not have committed the murder for which he was most recently convicted. But he didn't want to betray his accomplices, he couldn't do that even now. However, after “Schlange”, the third accomplice, kidnapped the public prosecutor's son in order to force Ritter to reveal the hiding place of their loot, the tide turned. Ritter tries to deal with "Schlange" on his own, which he is certain that he shot Eberhard Lunger. He can free his grandson, but "Snake" is shot in the process, so that Ritter has to answer again for the death of a person. The fact that this time it was not he who fired the fatal shot, but actually his son out of fear for the child, he conceals in the hope of being able to repair the torn bond with his own son.


The shooting took place in 2010.


Audience rating

The first broadcast of The Tears of the Fish on March 28, 2011 was seen by 6.14 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 18.3 percent for ZDF .


Rainer Tittelbach from tittelbach.tv said: “The third ZDF Spreewald thriller begins as an atmospheric puzzle of ten characters and several stories that are gradually put together. Stories about guilt and atonement, about a father-son conflict that calls for reconciliation. It's complex, but never complicated and with Uwe Kockisch there is someone who emotionally takes the viewer with him on the way through this film. A real ensemble piece with a tendency towards an open, 'realistic' dramaturgy. A television film that tempts you to look closely. "

Jakob Bokelmann said: “Again, screenwriter Thomas Kirchner has managed to conceive a classic criminal case that is completely different from his genre colleagues. Because the viewer never really knows what he is actually watching: With Kirchner, an intelligently staged crime thriller meets a complex and exciting family drama that gives the crime thriller its spice - and vice versa. ”He continued:“ The great joy of Care and attention to detail [is] unmistakable: no minor strand remains unresolved, characters that have previously appeared do not just disappear at the set buffet, but reappear in small supporting roles. "

The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm said that the crime thriller had "small weaknesses, but [was] atmospheric."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for Spreewald thriller: The tears of the fish . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , September 2014 (PDF; test number: 147 134 V).
  2. Start of shooting for "The Tears of the Fish" at presseportal.de, accessed on January 25, 2017.
  3. a b Kockisch, Koeberlin, Redl, Hübchen - “Even winding paths lead to the goal” Audience rating at tittelbach.tv, accessed on January 25, 2017.
  4. Stefan Turiak: The Tears of the Fish , accessed on May 16, 2017 at quotenmeter.de.
  5. The Tears of the Fish at tvspielfilm.de , accessed on January 25, 2017.