St.-Georg-Gymnasium Bocholt

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St. Georg High School
St. Georg-Gymnasium Bocholt
type of school high school
founding 1785

Adenauerallee 1
46399 Bocholt

place Bocholt
country North Rhine-Westphalia
Country Germany
Coordinates 51 ° 50 '35 "  N , 6 ° 36' 55"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 50 '35 "  N , 6 ° 36' 55"  E
carrier City of Bocholt
student 771
management Hilke Smidt

The St.-Georg-Gymnasium is a municipal high school in Bocholt .


The St.-Georg-Gymnasium with its main building and the cafeteria building on Benölkenplatz forms the middle school center with the vocational college at the water tower and the Albert-Schweitzer-Realschule .


The school was founded as a Latin school in 1785 , and in 1903 it becomes a full high school.

The three-story brick building from 1931 with a tower under a hipped roof is a listed building .

Language offer

The foreign language offerings include English, Latin, French and Dutch. In English (from grade 5), Latin or French are compulsory as a second foreign language from grade 6. From grade 8, French, Latin or Dutch are possible as a third foreign language if there are enough interested parties. Those who start with Dutch in Grade 8 can continue the course later as an advanced course. Otherwise, in the eight-year grammar school, Dutch can be taken as a new basic course in the introductory phase (age 10).


The gymnasium school career ends in year QII (previously 12) with the passed Abitur and the associated general higher education entrance qualification; the advanced technical college entrance qualification (school part) can be acquired beforehand. The grammar school also awards the qualifications of other secondary schools (secondary school certificate, technical college entrance qualification).

Partner and exchange programs

The St.-Georg-Gymnasium offers numerous different student exchange programs . These include the two-week trips to Boston ( USA ) and Wuxi ( China ), as well as the multi-day trips to Armentieres , Milan or Chertsey .

Furthermore, a partnership has been maintained with the Kalangala settlement in Uganda since 2004 . To mark the tenth anniversary of this partnership, a group of students from the school traveled there in 2014. Benefit concerts and runs take place at the school at irregular intervals .

The school has been a partner school of Siemens Flender GmbH since October 2, 2009. There is also a cooperation with the Grunewald company in Bocholt.

Well-known graduates

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b story. In: Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  2. school management. In: Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  3. For the first name see Easter greeting. In: Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  4. a b c d e f data and facts. In: Retrieved April 4, 2019 .
  5. List of monuments online / Letter H. In: City of Bocholt, accessed on April 13, 2020 .
  6. Exchange programs at Georgs. In: Retrieved April 4, 2020 .
  7. Photo album Kalangala 2014. In: Retrieved April 4, 2020 .
  8. Cooperation with Grunewald. In: Retrieved April 4, 2020 .