Heilbronn City Theater

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City theater with the tower of the Theaterforum K3, view from the avenue

The Heilbronn City Theater was built according to plans by architects Gerhard Graubner , Rudolf Biste and Kurt Gerling and opened on November 16, 1982. A theater fountain created in 1983 by Gudrun Schreiner and an Orpheus bronze sculpture by Gunther Stilling adorn the building.


The planning for a new theater building began as early as 1961 with the submission of an initial report by the architect Gerhard Graubner , who spoke out in favor of a new building on the site of the old theater. After an initial cost estimate from 1964, which put the total costs at just under DM 23 million, criticism was voiced, which also resulted in the demand for an alternative location. In 1969 the local council finally approved a further cost estimate from 1966, which provided for a theater at the old location for around DM 17 million, and planned to start construction in 1970. On July 18, 1970, the old theater was blown up. Six days later, the architect Graubner died unexpectedly, so that the start of construction was delayed again. In the meantime, considerations were being raised to build the new theater a little west of the old theater so that the avenue could flow over the location of the old theater directly into Weinsberger Strasse , which would considerably improve the traffic routing through Heilbronn city center. Renewed cost estimates and long discussions about the design, the exact location and the question of traffic management delayed the project for several years. In March 1974 the local council finally decided to implement Graubner's design west of the original theater. In February 1975 a corresponding development plan was passed. The actual start of construction dragged on for another four years. It was not until November 1979 that the 30 most important trades could be awarded and the groundbreaking ceremony took place. The building was built by 1982.

In 2001 the "Theaterforum K3" was completed on the adjoining area of ​​the former Berliner Platz. This is a mixed-use building in which another theater hall for the city theater takes up around 2100 square meters. Retail, a cinema with six halls and the city library are further components of the theater forum.

For information on artistic directors, ensemble and program, see the history of Heilbronn theater life .

Architecture and furnishings

Exterior architecture


Rudolf Biste and Kurt Gerling describe the building complex as a “structured, differentiated assembly”. The external appearance indicates the function of the building, so the assembly is divided into the auditorium, stage tower and workshops. The art and architecture historian and head of the Lower Monument Preservation Authority of the city of Heilbronn, Joachim Hennze, characterizes the building as a “ bowl-like house with its monolithic central structure”.


The exterior architecture is characterized by four coordinated materials: granite, plaster, copper and glass - “Finnish granite with a flamed or polished surface; Painted scratch plaster surfaces as window parapet cladding; Sheet copper cladding of the upper floors; Glass surfaces in various sizes ”. Wall and window surfaces were aligned with the rooms behind them. For example, glass surfaces were mainly used in the foyers, while the offices, artists' cloakrooms and small workshops were given normal window sizes. Windows in the walls and skylights give light to the large workshops. Few windows show the warehouses and magazines. Heinz-Helmut Papke - construction director, head of the Heilbronn building law office from 1974 to 1978, head of the municipal building construction office from May 1, 1978 - compares the exterior architecture with the old city wall made of brown reed sandstone that once delimited Berliner Platz. Variously processed natural stone, the shape of the eaves , terrace parapets and a staircase tower underline the comparison with the historical city fortifications with roofs, parapets and towers.

“... The materials - copper, Finnish granite in Baltic brown and glass - determine the appearance of the theater. Different ways of processing the natural stone create a visual enhancement of the structure for the entrance and foyer area. The formation of the eaves, terrace parapets and the hexagonal staircase tower take up associations that exist with the former fortification wall at the location of today's Berliner Platz and the various castles in the Neckar river ... "

- Heinz-Helmuth Papke: The architecture of the new theater in comparison with the old city theater. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: for the opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, pp. 51–58, there p. 51.

The focus of the exterior architecture is on “richer forms and materials” as well as “material quality and formal language”. One broke away from the architecture of functionalism and the building material concrete and glass .

“... means turning away from the architecture of pure 'functionalism' with the typical materials concrete and glass, towards the richer forms and materials, without exaggerations. The necessary distance from everyday life is created through the quality of the material and the language of form. "

- Heinz-Helmuth Papke: The architecture of the new theater in comparison with the old city theater. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: at the opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, pp. 51–58, there pp. 53–55.


In September 2012, after a restoration by the Talheimer stonemason Thomas Rücker, the mask heads of Karl Gimmi and Robert Grässle of the Old Theater were put back on the terrace of the Heilbronn City Theater.

Interior design


The foyer forms an independent structure in the new theater building. On the ground floor there is the ticket hall, entrance foyer, cloakroom foyer, exhibition room and studio foyer. These can be subdivided by sliding walls and can be used in a variety of ways. The parquet and tier foyer were designed to be more theater-related. Matinées, discussions, scenic presentations and theater balls take place in the foyer. The studio foyer can be connected to the entrance hall. The foyer was designed particularly lavishly. The room is characterized by its special equipment, ceiling design and a decorative wall.


The foyer was given "high quality, elegant furnishings". The entrance floor of the foyer was laid with rough Otta Phyllit natural stone slabs, while the parquet and tier foyer and stairs were covered with velor. Stairs and landings are with wenge -furnierte balustrade boxes, combined with stainless steel posts and leather-covered handrail brackets decorated. The furniture in the foyer consists of leather armchairs and tables.

Tier foyer ceiling

The foyer ceiling with ceiling fields made of staggered rabitz strips and visible beam grids is strongly structured. The foyer shows a "hexagonally arranged room-defining support system":

“... As soon as the visitor leaves the open spaces of Berliner Platz, which are designed with natural stone, and enters the entrance foyer, the hexagonally arranged room-defining support system becomes noticeable, a complex multi-layered reference system. The interlocking and overlapping of surfaces and bodies become tangible. The side of the theater hall facing the foyer has largely been detached from the foyer levels and thus offers space over the entire height of the foyer for the hollow bodies formed from individual pearl-like strings. The unit of measurement for the copper cladding is transferred from the outside to the inside, creating a mutual relationship. The free main staircase leads the visitor from the reverberant entrance foyer (smoking foyer) into the acoustically dampened parquet foyer. The topics addressed in the lower level are found here and in the inserted foyer in the design and color scheme of the room where they complete the artistically designed copper wall ... "

- Heinz-Helmuth Papke: The architecture of the new theater in comparison with the old city theater. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: at the opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 51–58, there p. 51–52.

A pillar supports a highly articulated ceiling that is divided into hexagons that interlock and overlap with one another.

Ornament wall

Herbert Haldy - graduate engineer and architect, mayor and building department of the city of Heilbronn since January 1, 1971 - notices a “decorative wall” in the foyer, which is adorned with “individual, pearl-like, plastic hollow bodies”. The “three-dimensional Wengé wall cladding” was designed by the Stuttgart sculptor Hans Dieter Bohnet .

"The copper wall sculpted by Hans Dieter Bohnet, Stuttgart, and the three-dimensional wengé wall cladding determine the foyers"

- Rudolf Biste and Kurt Gerling: A new theater building with atmosphere and modern technology. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: at the opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 11-41, there p. 20

Bohnet describes the “dominating decorative wall” in the foyer as “free composition with geometric play materials”.

Auditorium and stage house

The auditorium can be reached via twelve double-leaf doors from the foyer and two doors from the stairwells. 547 visitors can be seated on the stalls and 158 on the floor. The shape of the auditorium and the arrangement of the seats allow close contact with the stage. Particular emphasis was placed on visibility and acoustics in all seats. Prof. Werner Gabler was responsible for the acoustics .

There are cloakrooms, administration and small workshops in the stage building. The stage house shows a tower that is described by the art and architecture historian and head of the Lower Monument Preservation Authority of the city of Heilbronn, Joachim Hennze, as a " monolithic central building". The stage entrance is on the northeast corner of the building at stage level. The stage technology was considered extremely modern at the time.

New rehearsal center in the Hawaii district

In December 2016, the foundation stone for the new rehearsal center with three rehearsal stages was laid in the so-called Hawaii quarter . The quarter between Christoph- and Ellwanger Straße is colloquially known as Hawaii and is a social “hot spot”.

The cubic structure is designed by the architect Gerd Grohe from the Stuttgart architects Kohler Grohe and is expected to be completed in summer 2017.

Works of art at the theater

Theater fountain

In addition to the theater of of 1983 was Gudrun Schreiner designed theater fountain erected.

In front of the city theater is Rainer Bergmann's stone sculpture Liberation made of Gauinger travertine from 1991. Next to the staircase of the city theater is the almost four meter high metal sculpture Orpheus by Gunther Stilling from 1982, the eponymous figure appears here under the arch of a small H (for Hades ) to come out. The Orpheus bronze sculpture was donated by the Heilbronn district.

On Wednesday, December 21, 2016, the Berlin Bear was placed on Heilbronner Berliner Platz in front of the Stadttheater. The figure was created by the sculptor Ernst Kibler (November 9, 1901 in Stuttgart; † 1976 ibid.), Who was born the youngest son of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Kibler (1871–1937) and Hedwig Zeller (1870–1836), at the Stuttgart Art Academy and studied in Berlin under the sculptor Georg Kolbe (1877–1947) and was married to Luba Herschensohn (1898–1946). His work was influenced by Ernst Barlach (1870–1938).


  • Rudolf Biste and Kurt Gerling: A new theater building with atmosphere and modern technology. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: on the opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, pp. 11–41.
  • Herbert Haldy: Urban planning principles for the new construction of the city theater. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, pp. 42–49.
  • Heinz-Helmuth Papke: The architecture of the new theater in comparison with the old city theater. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, pp. 51–58.
  • Helmut Schmolz: From the medieval mystery play to the modern city theater. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, pp. 59–64.
  • Jürgen Frahm: Streiflichter on Heilbronn theater history after 1945. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, pp. 65–78.

Web links

Commons : Theater Heilbronn  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. "Biste, RUDOLF, consulting engineer for theater, since 1960, co-owner of the engineering company Prof. Thomas Münter and Rudolf Biste. From 1971 joint architecture and engineering office for the construction of theaters and assembly venues with Kurt Gerling. ”(Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 79.)
  2. Heilbronn city archive, Heuss, Kurt Gerling database, signature F001-M-4333.
  3. "GERLING, KURT, Architect, from 1961 and project manager in the office Professor Gerhard Graubner. Partnership with Rudolf Biste since 1971. Joint architecture and engineering office for theaters and assembly facilities. ”(Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 79.)
  4. ^ Theaterverein Heilbronn (ed.): 23 years - the theater makers 1980–2003. Wartberg-Verlag, Gudensberg-Gleichen 2003, ISBN 3-8313-1155-2 .
  5. theater forum for Kätchenstadt Especially local retailers to be in the new building tenants. In: Immobilien Zeitung July 29, 1999. immobilien-zeitung.de Retrieved October 13, 2015.
  6. a b c d Rudolf Biste and Kurt Gerling: A new theater building with atmosphere and modern technology. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: for the opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 18.
  7. cf. Rudolf Biste and Kurt Gerling: A new theater building with atmosphere and modern technology. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: on the opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 11.
  8. ^ Bernhard Lattner with texts by Joachim J. Hennze: Stille Zeitzeugen. 500 years of Heilbronn architecture . Edition Lattner, Heilbronn 2005, ISBN 3-9807729-6-9 , p. 89.
  9. cf. Rudolf Biste and Kurt Gerling: A new theater building with atmosphere and modern technology. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: for the opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 18.
  10. a b Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 79.
  11. Silke Zschäckel: Mask heads are in their place , September 18, 2012 theater-heilbronn.de
  12. Mask heads greet the audience again , October 1, 2012 theater-Heilbronn.de.
  13. cf. Rudolf Biste and Kurt Gerling: A new theater building with atmosphere and modern technology. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, pp. 11–12.
  14. ^ Rudolf Biste and Kurt Gerling: A new theater building with atmosphere and modern technology. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, pp. 18-20.
  15. Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 50.
  16. ^ Heinz-Helmuth Papke: The architecture of the new theater in comparison with the old city theater. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: at the opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 51–58, there p. 51–52.
  17. ^ Heinz-Helmuth Papke: The architecture of the new theater in comparison with the old city theater. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: on the opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 55.
  18. ^ Rudolf Biste, Kurt Gerling: A new theater building with atmosphere and modern technology. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, pp. 12-16.
  19. ^ Bernhard Lattner with texts by Joachim J. Hennze: Stille Zeitzeugen. 500 years of Heilbronn architecture . Edition Lattner, Heilbronn 2005, ISBN 3-9807729-6-9 , p. 89.
  20. ^ Rudolf Biste and Kurt Gerling: A new theater building with atmosphere and modern technology. In: Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, pp. 16-18.
  21. Joachim Friedl: The foundation stone for a new building with three rehearsal stages was laid on a plot of land on the corner of Christophstrasse and Hans-Seyfer-Strasse. In: Heilbronn voice . December 16, 2016 ( Stimme.de [accessed December 16, 2016]).
  22. ^ Jürgen Kümmerle: Nocturnal disturbance of the peace in the Hawaii quarter . In: Heilbronn voice . January 7, 2016 ( Stimme.de [accessed January 7, 2016]).
  23. Joachim Friedl: The foundation stone for a new building with three rehearsal stages was laid on a plot of land on the corner of Christophstrasse and Hans-Seyfer-Strasse. In: Heilbronn voice . December 16, 2016 ( Stimme.de [accessed December 16, 2016]).
  24. ^ Gabriele Holthuis: City of Sculptures Heilbronn. Guide to art in public spaces. Städtische Museen Heilbronn, Heilbronn 1996, ISBN 3-930811-57-X ( Heilbronn Museum Catalog No. 60)
  25. ^ Herbert Haldy (Ed.): Stadttheater Heilbronn: opening on November 16, 1982. Heilbronn 1982, p. 41.
  26. Kilian Krauth: Heilbronn's problem bear is back . In: Heilbronn voice . December 21, 2016 ( Stimme.de [accessed December 21, 2016]).
  27. Ernst Kibler: Penguins and Romans 9 February 2016
  28. Bears for Berlin
  29. Signature ZS-7731 on heuss.stadtarchiv-heilbronn.de

Coordinates: 49 ° 8 ′ 44.8 ″  N , 9 ° 13 ′ 21.3 ″  E