Stargate Universe / Episode List

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This list of Stargate Universe episodes contains all episodes of the American science fiction television series Stargate Universe, sorted according to when they were first broadcast in the USA. Between 2009 and 2011, 40 episodes were created in two seasons, each around 42 minutes in length.

season 1

The first broadcast of the first season was to be seen from October 2, 2009 to June 11, 2010 on the US television channel Syfy . The German-language premiere of the first eleven episodes sent the German pay-TV transmitter Syfy , then called SciFi, February 17 until April 18, 2010. Of Others sent the German Free TV transmitter RTL II on 21 April until June 9, 2010.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D) Director script
1 1 The Destiny - Part 1 Air (1) Oct 2, 2009 Feb 17, 2010 Andy Mikita Robert C. Cooper & Brad Wright
With the Ikarus project , the ninth and last chevron on the Stargate is to be activated. The Icarus base on an alien planet is attacked by forces of the Lucian Alliance. At the last second, Dr. Nicholas Rush gives an address with all nine symbols, and the base personnel are evacuated through the Stargate. The survivors find themselves on the ancient, unmanned ancient spaceship Destiny , which is several billion light-years from Earth exploring the universe on an automatic course. Your immediate concern is to get the failed life support system working again and to close leaks in the envelope through which breath escapes.
2 2 Leadership Battle on Destiny - Part 2 Air (2) Oct 2, 2009 Feb 17, 2010 Andy Mikita Robert C. Cooper & Brad Wright
3 3 Saving the Destiny - Part 3 Air (3) Oct 9, 2009 Feb 21, 2010 Andy Mikita Robert C. Cooper & Brad Wright
The Destiny stopped for twelve hours. During this period, nearby Stargates can be selected. Colonel Young and Chloe use the Ancient Communication Stones to make contact with Earth. Meanwhile, Scott, Eli, Rush, Greer and three other crew members search a desert planet for minerals that could filter the carbon dioxide from the air. After a dangerous mission in the desert, they finally return successfully to the Destiny and the life support system can be put back into operation.
4th 4th Darkness - Part 1 Darkness (1) Oct 16, 2009 Feb 28, 2010 Peter DeLuise Brad Wright
Destiny's energy reserves are exhausted and almost all systems fail - including the drive. Colonel Telford blames Colonel Young for this and wants him removed from his command. Meanwhile, Eli records goodbye messages from the crew members. The Destiny is drifting towards a planetary system chosen by the spaceship, in which there are several earth-like planets. By braking the atmosphere in the atmosphere of a gas planet, the course of the spaceship changes differently than intended, so that the Destiny is now drifting towards the system's sun.
5 5 The flight into light - part 2 Light (2) Oct 23, 2009 7th Mar 2010 Peter DeLuise Brad Wright
In addition to Scott and TJ, who were determined by Colonel Young, 15 other people will be selected by lots, who will leave the Destiny in the only operational shuttle and try their luck on one of the three planets of the system. Everyone else is preparing to die. But instead of breaking apart, the Destiny deliberately flies into the star and replenishes its energy reserves there. With a difficult maneuver, Scott manages to dock the shuttle again before the Destiny jumps on.
6th 6th Alien invasion Water Oct 30, 2009 14 Mar 2010 Will Waring Brad Wright & Robert C. Cooper & Carl Binder
Although the water reserves are closely guarded, ever larger quantities are missing. Destiny stops within range of an ice planet, so Young and Scott set off there in their only two operational spacesuits, hoping to find clean ice. Meanwhile, a swarm of tiny creatures appears on the Destiny, which apparently entered the ship through the Stargate unnoticed and are now using up the water reserves. TJ manages to capture the swarm and bring it to the ice planet, where Young Scott was able to rescue Scott from a crack in the ice at the last minute.
7th 7th The return Earth Nov 6, 2009 21 Mar 2010 Ernest Dickerson Brad Wright & Robert C. Cooper & Martin Gero
When the Destiny heads for a star again to replenish its energy reserves (see 1x05), the Air Force orders a risky plan: The energy is to be fed through the ailing lines directly into the Stargate so that Earth can be dialed for the evacuation . Colonel Telford has taken command (using the communication stones), but then leaves the ship frightened when everything looks like a catastrophic failure. However, Rush had considered the plan too dangerous and secretly ensured that the dialing procedure was automatically terminated in good time.
8th 8th The time travel Time Nov 13, 2009 28 Mar 2010 Robert C. Cooper Robert C. Cooper
On a densely forested planet, the team finds a camera drone that apparently comes from the Destiny, although they have never been there. Still, the drone's recordings show how the team stranded on the planet and died of an infection. An extract from a local animal could cure the disease, but that help came too late for most. The Stargate was impassable due to unusual solar activity and instead led into the past. The team sent the drone back in time with these images as a message to themselves. This time, too, there are many deaths and another message with the most detailed information possible is sent back in time.
9 9 Danger to Destiny Life Nov 20, 2009 Apr 4, 2010 Alex Chapple Carl Binder
Lieutenant Scott and Camile Wray make their first private visits to Earth. Scott finds out that he has an eight year old son. Wray visits her partner. Colonel Young discovers that Colonel Telford is getting close to his wife and beats him up on his next visit to Earth. Dr. Rush discovers a neural interface that could likely get closer to unlocking the ship's systems. However, Young prohibits its use as it could be dangerous. With misinformation, Rush gives the crew the hope of getting home within a year, but his deception is exposed.
10 10 Suspected murder Justice Dec. 4, 2009 Apr 11, 2010 Will Waring Alan McCullough
Sgt. Spencer is found killed by a headshot; the gun is missing at the scene. A weapon is found in Colonel Young's quarters, making Young the prime suspect. He resigns from command and hands it over to Camile Wray, an IOA representative. This allows Dr. Rush, unlike Young before, continued to research the neural interface. When using it, Dr. Franklin is injured and falls into a comatose state. Eli finds deleted recordings that prove Spencer committed suicide. An abandoned spaceship is found on a planet. During his investigation, Young Rush confronts presumptively about the deleted recordings. Rush then admits that he wanted to get rid of Young. Young beats up Rush, returns to Destiny without him, and resumes command. Rush, whose absence is attributed to an accident by Young, is stranded.
11 11 Space - Part 1 Space (1) Apr 2, 2010 Apr 18, 2010 Andy Mikita Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
The ancient stones suddenly no longer connect with the earth, but with aliens on a spaceship. Shortly afterwards, that spaceship attacks the Destiny. Chloe is kidnapped by a boarding party . Young goes back to the ship over the antique stones. There he discovers Rush, whom the aliens had previously found on the lonely planet. Young returns and orders the destruction of the enemy ship. However, in the chaos of battle, Rush and Chloe are able to steal a shuttle and fly back to Destiny before the aliens escape. In order not to further demoralize the crew, Rush hides that Young purposely left him to die. He only talks about it to Camile Wray, who was already convinced of it.
12 12 Disagreement - Part 2 Divided (2) Apr 9, 2010 Apr 21, 2010 Félix Enríquez Alcalá Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
A tracking device is found on the outer hull of the ship, which enabled the aliens to find the Destiny. While Young sets out with the shuttle to destroy him, the civilian part of the crew mutinies successfully and gains control of the ship. The military personnel are included. With a space walk, the military part of the crew manages to escape from their locked area. Meanwhile, the aliens reappear. Rush reveals that he has had a second tracking device implanted. While the ship is under fire, the tracking device is removed and the ship escapes at the last second before the shields fail. Both sides decide to just carry on as before, as they depend on each other.
13 13 Faith Faith April 16, 2010 Apr 28, 2010 Will Waring Denis McGrath
A star system that was not in the navigation database forces Destiny to make a four-week layover. Since a planet in the system that is only 200 million years old has, contrary to expectations, Earth-like properties and ecosystem (under normal circumstances it would still have to be made of molten stone at this young age), the crew assumes that aliens artificially created the system. Part of the crew explores the planet for four weeks and brings food back to Destiny. Some want to stay there, including TJ, who reveals to Chloe and Scott that she is pregnant with Young. Young gives those who remain on the planet a makeshift shuttle on condition that the military personnel return to Destiny. Some civilians eventually remain on the planet.
14th 14th The genetic code Human 23 Apr 2010 May 5, 2010 Robert C. Cooper Jeff Vlaming
Rush experiments with the neural interface without the knowledge of Young. He is in a trance in the past and deals with the problem of the ancient code. His wife Gloria is dying in this vision and expects a little attention from him, which he cannot give her. Eli, Chloe, Scott, and Greer visit a planet that contains the ruins of a lost culture. A tunnel collapses while exploring an underground labyrinth. The team rushing to the rescue does not manage to clear the entrance in time and even blowing it up does not help. The Destiny leaps to the edge of the galaxy. Rush learns that the answer is "46", which is an indication of the chromosome number in the human genome: The Destiny main computer is secured with a genetic code. With this starting point there is for the first time a realistic chance to crack the Destiny code.
15th 15th Lost Lost Apr 30, 2010 May 12, 2010 Ronn Schmidt Martin Gero
Looking for another exit, another collapse occurs and Greer is buried. Greer looks back on experiences of his difficult childhood with his violent, war-traumatized father and helpless mother. He also remembers the defiant decision to join the military. The other three find an exit and try to catch up with Destiny through gates on different planets. In the meantime, Greer is able to free himself, finds an exit and is brought back to the ship by a Destiny rescue team. Eli, Scott and Chloe have now reached a gate from which they can reach the Destiny. However, the voting fails because the Destiny jumps a few seconds too early.
16 16 sabotage sabotage May 7, 2010 May 19, 2010 Peter DeLuise Barbara Marshall
Destiny is on its way to another galaxy. Dr. Rush has calculated that their energy will not be enough to bridge the void between the galaxies. With the help of the communication stones, the drive specialist Amanda Perry, a former colleague of Rush, is brought on board when the FTL drive suddenly fails as a result of an explosion. The Destiny is drifting on the edge of the galaxy, which at least gives Eli, Chloe and Scott the opportunity to come back on board. Meanwhile, Camile Wray visits her life partner on earth in the body of the severely disabled Amanda Perry. During the lengthy repair work, the crew found out that during the first attempt at communication with Perry, who was led by Lt. Vanessa James was carried out, the aliens briefly taking control of Lt. James' body and thus sabotaged the drive and determined the position of the ship. The aliens attack and the heavily traumatized Dr. Franklin gets back into the antique chair and can finish the repairs to the FTL drive in good time before boarding. The Destiny jumps into the neighboring galaxy. When the crew opens the door to the chair room, Franklin is gone.
17th 17th Hallucinations Pain May 14, 2010 May 26, 2010 Will Waring Carl Binder
Several crew members experience hallucinations, most of which include their worst fears. TJ finds out that they are caused by tick-like insects that settled on several crew members during the last planetary mission. Greer's hallucinations make him violent. However, it is possible to remove all insects in time.
18th 18th The Lucian Alliance subversion May 21, 2010 June 2, 2010 Alex Chapple Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
It is learned that Col. Telford met with the Lucian Alliance. To find out if he is a spy, Rush exchanges bodies with Telford via the communication stones and meets himself with the Alliance. However, its camouflage is exposed. It becomes clear that Telford was indeed a spy, but it remains unclear whether of his own free will or because of brainwashing. The Alliance takes Rush (in Telford's body) prisoner and forces him to help with their plan to travel to Destiny themselves (they have already found a suitable planet). Meanwhile, Telford (in Rush's body) is brutally interrogated on the Destiny to find out where the base of the Lucian Alliance is.
19th 19th Enemy Incursion - Part 1 Incursion (1) June 4th 2010 June 9, 2010 Andy Mikita Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
Young releases the atmosphere from the room Telford is in, causing it to collapse but is revived by Young. Telford's near-death experience makes the Lucian Alliance ineffective, and he reports on their plan to conquer the Destiny. The crew then prepares for boarding. Eventually, the Lucian Alliance successfully dials the Destiny, although doing so destroys the 'Icarus' -like planet on which they are located. When the Lucians arrive on the Destiny, Young hesitates to kill the boarding party because the body of Telford in which he suspects Rush is with the boarding party - but this is no longer the case: When Rush traveled through the Stargate, the connection was made Cut. The boarding party takes over the gate area, takes some hostages and secures parts of the ship. Eli and the wounded Chloe are stranded in a previously unexplored part of the ship. Telford, pretending to be still on the Lucian side, rushes toward the control room with a squad of Lucians when a strange malfunction of the shields kills one of the men. Camile tries to negotiate with the Lucians, but Rush and Young agree they need to overpower the invaders.
20th 20th Enemy Incursion - Part 2 Incursion (2) June 11, 2010 June 9, 2010 Andy Mikita Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
Destiny's drive is damaged, preventing it from jumping. Unfortunately, she is in the vicinity of a pulsar, which sends out bursts of radiation in short intervals in her direction, which penetrate the shields. Scott and Greer are supposed to adapt the shields with an outside assignment. All crew members except Rush and Brody, as well as Eli and Chloe, of whom Kiva, the leader of the Lucian group, knows nothing, surrender to appearances. Telford is then to redirect ship control back to Rush and Brody, who are then to vent the sections occupied by the Lucian Alliance. However, Kiva first discovers that Telford is working for the other side. They shoot each other. Kiva's people discover the two and suspect Scott and Greer behind them, who will no longer let them back into the ship. Their escape plan is now a distant airlock near Eli. The military members of the crew are to be executed in retaliation.

season 2

The first broadcast of the second season was from September 28, 2010 to May 9, 2011 on the US television channel Syfy . The German-language premiere broadcast of the German pay-TV transmitter Syfy of 10 February to 12 May 2011th

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D) Director script
21st 1 Intervention - Part 3 Intervention (3) 28 Sep 2010 Feb 10, 2011 Andy Mikita Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
While some doctors come on board with the help of the communication stones to treat the wounded, Eli, Chloe, Greer and Scott meet with Rush and Brody. The doctors perform an emergency caesarean section at Johansen, Telford can also be saved, but not Kiva and TJ's baby. In a coma, TJ dreams of being on the settlers' planet (episode 13), where those who stayed behind obviously did not survive the winter - but may have been saved into a different form of existence by the creators of the planet together with the baby. Meanwhile, Rush and Brody keep trying to take over the ship. The Lucians eventually set the entire crew out on an uninhabited, inhospitable planet. Rush's plan is to lower the energy of the shields in order to force the Lucians to surrender if they don't want to be killed by the next blow from the pulsar. The plan works: the Lucians surrender, the abandoned return to the ship.
22nd 2 aftermath Aftermath Oct 5, 2010 Feb 10, 2011 William Waring Robert C. Cooper
Camile Wray interviews some of the prisoners and believes they can be trusted to some extent. After a group of prisoners attack the guards, Young orders, however, that they should be released on the nearest habitable planet. Meanwhile, Rush manages to put the previously undiscovered bridge of Destiny into operation without the knowledge of the others. He finds a nearby planet, which has been blocked by Destiny for some inexplicable reason and whose Stargate is inactive. Due to the pressing shortage of food and water, he decides to bypass the ship's controls and head for the planet. Scott flies with a team on the shuttle to the planet to find water and food. The shuttle gets into severe turbulence. The shuttle crash-lands, and Sgt. Riley is seriously injured and trapped in the rubble. Although Scott and the rest of the stranded can uncover the buried Stargate of the planet and thus dial the Destiny, they can do nothing more for Riley. While Young is bringing the away team home, Camile and Telford have been communicating with Earth, from where they are receiving orders to expose only a portion of the Lucians.
23 3 Docked Awakening Oct 12, 2010 Feb 17, 2011 Andy Mikita Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
The Destiny meets another ship, apparently also antique design, and docks automatically. It is a vanguard ship that is preprogrammed to cross the galaxy, producing and deploying Stargates. The two ships begin an automated data exchange that will take some time. An away team enters the ship, which is apparently also ancient and in poor condition. Rush and Eli discover that the ship's energy reserves may be a chance for homecoming. The field team activates the ship's systems to redirect the energy to the Destiny. They wake up a group of aliens from the hibernation , who in turn begin to transfer the energy from the Destiny to the seed ship. Rush manages to separate the two ships at the last minute - leaving Telford behind on the seed ship with the aliens.
24 4th Pathogenic germ Pathogenic Oct 19, 2010 Feb 17, 2011 Robert Carlyle Carl Binder
Rush continues to work secretly on the bridge in double shifts. Chloe begins to sleepwalk after her strange, spontaneous healing. When Scott finds her diary, he discovers that she writes in the language of the "blue" aliens. When she visits his study area with Rush, she solves a difficult equation in minutes, after which she is quarantined. Rush suggests putting her in the chair - supposedly to free her from the alien influence, but in fact to unleash her hidden abilities. Camile visits her partner, Eli his sick mother, who only believes him when Camile uses the stones to arrange a visit to Destiny for her. Young starts an attempt to give the Lucian prisoners certain freedoms.
25th 5 Growths Cloverdale Oct 26, 2010 Feb. 24, 2011 Alex Chapple Brad Wright
Matthew Scott is infected by an alien organism while on an outdoor mission and hallucinates life on earth with the rest of the Destiny crew as family members. Since he cannot be brought back to the Destiny due to the threat of contamination of the ship, Rush and Johansen try to find a cure for Scott's infection while Greer defends their position against the aggressive plants. Just before leaving Scott behind, Chloe discovers that her alien infection is protecting her from plant infestation. A transfusion cures Scott, but now leaves both of them under suspicion of foreign influence.
26th 6th The test Trial and error Nov 2, 2010 Feb. 24, 2011 Andy Mikita Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
Young has a recurring nightmare in which the Destiny is surrounded by alien ships and ultimately destroyed no matter what action he takes. He consults with Camile Wray and offers to resign because he has doubts about his sanity. When the ship falls from the FTL without the countdown beginning, Eli discovers that the Destiny itself is staging Young's dreams in order to test his leadership skills. Scott tries to shake Young out of his intoxication, and when Young appears in the command room and finally gives orders again, the Destiny immediately jumps back into the FTL - everyone believes that she is accepting Young's command, while in truth Rush from the still undiscovered bridge has now found a way to influence the FTL jumps.
27 7th The big picture The Greater Good Nov 10, 2010 3rd Mar 2011 William Waring Carl Binder
The Destiny encounters a ship belonging to the aliens that were on the "seed ship". When Rush and Young enter the ship to explore it, the engine is briefly started and the ship drifts away from the Destiny. Since Rush believes he can only trust one person, Amanda Perry is brought on board. In her place, Ginn, a Lucian who has agreed to cooperate, moves to earth. She had worked with Eli for a while and the two became secret lovers. Using hidden clues, Rush explains the way to the bridge to Amanda. But Eli also manages to decipher the clues, and so he, Brody and Volker discover the bridge. On the alien ship, too, Young learns that Rush has cracked the master code, and after a physical argument between the two, Rush finally explains to Young what he has found out about the mission of the "Destiny": She is on the way, that To solve the riddle of the cosmic background radiation , behind which the ancients apparently suspected an intelligence. The return to the Destiny succeeds, but the Lucian Simeon does not want to accept Ginn's cooperation and murders her - and with it Amanda Perry, with whom she has swapped bodies.
28 8th hate Malice Nov 16, 2010 3rd Mar 2011 Robert C. Cooper Robert C. Cooper
Simeon kills Ginn / Amanda Perry and escapes from the ship. Rush seeks revenge, but Young and Greer try to catch him alive. In the end, Rush kills Simeon. When he is back at the gate, he learns that Chloe could influence the course of the Destiny with the equations he gave, so that Rush can return to the Destiny.
29 9 Sham life visitation Nov 23, 2010 10 Mar 2011 Peter DeLuise Remi Aubuchon
The Destiny crew suddenly discovers one of their lost shuttles. On board are Dr. Caine and the rest of the group who stayed on the planet artificially created by unknown aliens. They have no memories, however, of their time on the planet or of their return. When suddenly the first of the returnees collapses dead, Young orders that all should undergo hypnosis performed by Camile Wray. Little by little, the memories of the shuttle crew can be exposed and it turns out that most of the people on the planet died under different circumstances. A recording found in the shuttle shows that all but Dr. Caine are dead on the planet when a bright light appears and then the shuttle is apparently repaired, the settlers are resurrected and transported directly in front of the Destiny.
30th 10 Unexpected reunion - part 1 Resurgence (1) Nov 30, 2010 10 Mar 2011 Andy Mikita Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
With the newly acquired control over the controls of Destiny, the crew pursues a weak energy signature and finds themselves in the middle of a war between two species. When the FTL drive is hit in combat, Telford surprisingly comes to the rescue in the vanguard ship on which he was left a month ago (episode 2.03, “Docked”) and tells what happened to him at the “Ursini” aliens. Young agrees to help the Ursini in their war, for which they promise help in contacting the earth in return. When approaching the enemy fleet, however, the Ursini involve the Destiny, contrary to what was agreed, in a hopeless battle. Chloe escapes her quarters after knocking down a guard outside her door and is found by Matthew while working on a terminal. However, she cannot remember why she is there or what she did there.
31 11 Salvation - Part 2 Deliverance (2) 7th Mar 2011 Apr 14, 2011 Peter DeLuise Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
The Destiny continues to be bombarded by drones until Rush and Eli finally manage to disrupt their communications and thus destroy the mother ship. In the meantime, the aliens who kidnapped Chloe and Rush (episode 11) have turned up because they had been contacted by Chloe. Rush and Young decide to hand Chloe over to the aliens. The aliens actually manage to free Chloe from her germ (episode 24) - but her newly acquired skills are retained. When another drone command ship appears, the Ursini ship is destroyed. Eli and Rush managed to reactivate the drones of the first mother ship, so that the drones now attack each other. Finally, a severely damaged Destiny escapes.
32 12 Twin fates Twin destinies 14 Mar 2011 Apr 14, 2011 Peter DeLuise Brad Wright
Eli and Ginn have found out how to safely activate the ninth chevron in order to come back to earth: While the Destiny in a star is replenishing its energy reserves, there is enough energy available for an attempt. But preparations are interrupted when a Destiny shuttle appears on board with a second rush. He explains that during the dial attempt, a solar flare disrupted the wormhole, killing all travelers and sending the Destiny 12 hours back in time. Only Rush and Col. Telford, who first traveled to Earth, survived. Rush and Telford get into an argument while recovering parts from the severely damaged second Destiny, with Telford accidentally electrocuted. Rush flees to the chair platform and connects to the interface just before the second Destiny goes down in the sun. So only "one" rush survived, and Telford is on Earth.
33 13 Alliances Alliances 21 Mar 2011 Apr 21, 2011 Peter DeLuise Linda McGibney
Senator Michaels, the new Chair of the Space Finance Committee, and Dr. Covel, the new head of research at SGC, are swapping positions with Camile and Greer. Arrived at the base, Greer and Camile are buried with a Naquadria bomb due to a failed terrorist attack by the Lucian Alliance. With the help of information from the Lucians on the Destiny, Michaels and Dr. Covel returns to defuse the bomb - exposing themselves to a deadly high dose of radiation and breaking contact between Destiny and Homeworld.
34 14th hope Hope 28 Mar 2011 Apr 21, 2011 William Waring Carl Binder
When Chloe falls asleep on the stones during her shift, Ginn's spirit manifests itself in her. It turns out that after the murder of Ginn and Amanda Perry, their consciousness was not lost, but is now in Chloe's memory. Rush sees no other way out than to use the antique chair to get the two of them out of Chloe and load them into the ship's computer, as Dr. Franklyn (episodes 1-16) fared. At the same time, TJ uses her new access to the medical device and the Destiny database to find out that Dr. Volker suffers from kidney failure and Greer is the only candidate on board for a transplant. TJ transplanted a kidney from Greer to Volker while Rush inserts the chair, causing Amanda and Ginn to appear as manifestations of the ship.
35 15th Trojan ruse Seizure Apr 4, 2011 Apr 28, 2011 Helen Shaver Remi Aubuchon
Home Command is trying to convince the allied planet Langara, a new procedure by Dr. Rodney McKay trying to dial the Destiny. The latter's government refuses to do so, whereupon Telford and Young, against Woolsey's recommendation, press ahead with a violent crackdown on Langara by using the communication stones to infiltrate two management positions. However, the plan fails. Meanwhile, Rush has also uploaded his consciousness to the ship's computer to be with Amanda Perry, but can only return to his body with great difficulty, as Eli quarantines Amanda's and Ginn's consciousness so that no further communication is possible.
36 16 The hunt The Hunt Apr 11, 2011 Apr 28, 2011 Andy Mikita Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
Two members of a scouting mission are captured by an alien creature. Rush, Eli and Brody explore previously unexplored parts of the ship, with Rush taking a joke and briefly locking Brody in a stasis chamber. The Lucians help find the missing, killing all but Varro. Finally, Greer and TJ recognize the creature's intelligence and it lets them go. Greer and Lisa Park get closer, as do TJ and Varro.
37 17th Kinship - Part 1 Common Descent (1) Apr 18, 2011 May 5, 2011 Peter DeLuise Robert C. Cooper
The crew meets English-speaking residents on a strange planet. It turns out that the "other" Destiny crew jumped 2000 years into the past while trying to reach Earth through a wormhole (see episode 32) and that the inhabitants of the planet are a stranded exploration team of the now technologically advanced civilization founded by the Destiny descendants, who know the history and faces of the "founders" through Eli's "cinema". When the robot probes suddenly attack, the Destiny has to leave orbit and take the stranded offspring with it. Arriving on Novus, the home planet of the descendants, they discover that the civilization there has been destroyed by extreme volcanic activity.
38 18th Epilogue - Part 2 Epilogue (2) Apr 25, 2011 May 5, 2011 Alex Chapple Carl Binder
The Destiny crew explores the abandoned city, where they find a bunker with the main archive of the lost civilization, which contains all the records of the past 2000 years: When the stargate of the seismically unstable planet was destroyed, the two rival powers of the planet reunited and built large underlight spaceships to evacuate the remaining population to previously explored planets. The crew begins transferring the main archive database and as many supplies as possible before the planet is finally destroyed.
39 19th blockade blockade May 2, 2011 May 12, 2011 Andy Mikita Linda McGibney
The Destiny has to recharge its energy reserves, but drones block the targeted stars twice. So the crew decides to head for a blue giant star , because the drones will not expect it. Because the Destiny's shields offer no protection from the heat, the entire crew except Rush, Eli and Park are evacuated to a nearby planet that turns out to be a colony of Novans destroyed by the drones. While Rush and Eli steer the ship through the star, Park is locked in the hydroponics , where she survives in a water tank, but goes blind. On the planet, the crew gets involved in street fights with the drones, but can save themselves in time through the gate.
40 20th At rest Gauntlet May 9, 2011 May 12, 2011 Andy Mikita Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
The Destiny crew discovers that the drone command ships are not only blocking all of the stars that are eligible for charging the Destiny energy reserves, but also all planets with stargates in the galaxy. As the reserves are running out, there is no other way than to dare to fight the drones. By modifying the shields, it is possible to win a fight against a command ship and to obtain supplies from the now temporarily unguarded planet. However, this maneuver cannot be carried out forever and it is decided to let the Destiny fly automatically in a long FTL flight without stopping through the rest of this galaxy and to the next one, while the entire crew is frozen in the recently discovered stasis capsules and thus virtually preserved without needing supplies on the way. However, it is very risky because even the smallest errors in the programming of this long flight could lead to the ship running out of energy too early, which would mean drifting for thousands of years to the next galaxy without energy and supplies. Nevertheless, one decides to proceed in this way, however materials from another planet are required to repair some of the required capsules. A deception maneuver with an unmanned shuttle can actually destroy the guarding command ship, so that an outside team on a planet can get the resources it needs. However, contrary to expectations, a capsule is not so easy to repair, so that one has to stay on board in order to repair it and freeze himself in a limited time - in order not to use too much energy. Rush offers himself, but Young is unsure whether he would not ultimately try to protect his own life and risk that of the rest of the crew. However, since Young has no chance of repairing the capsule himself due to a lack of required technical knowledge, Eli finally gets through that he will take on this role. He's also hoping for a solution in the ship's database, but it's still very risky. The episode ends with him finally staying alone on the ship, which is already in the automatic FTL flight, while everyone else is put into stasis. Whether he can save himself and the others remains uncertain, as does what will happen to the ship's further voyage.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Stargate Universe Season 1 Episode Guide . Retrieved June 2, 2010.
  2. a b Stargate Universe: Broadcast dates of the TV series on Sci Fi . Retrieved September 17, 2010.
  3. Stargate Universe: broadcast dates for the TV series on RTL 2 . Retrieved September 17, 2010.
  4. Stargate Universe Season 2 Episode Guide . Retrieved June 2, 2010.