Nascent fabric

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Nascent , even nascierend , (from the Latin deponent nasci are born are born, ' ) referred to in the chemical a substance in the state of its creation ( nascent ) by a chemical reaction . Both a chemical element and a chemical compound can have significant differences at the moment of formation compared to the non-nascent substance, for example in terms of reactivity .

An example of a nascent chemical element is nascent hydrogen , which is created when acids react with base metals . Nascent hydrogen (H nasc. Or H nasz. ) Has a higher reducing power than molecular hydrogen (H 2 ). On the one hand it is atomic immediately after its formation , on the other hand it is still in an energetically excited state shortly after its formation . Other examples are nascent chlorine (Cl nasc. ), E.g. B. in aqua regia in addition to the likewise very reactive nitrosyl chloride (NOCl) and is a strong oxidizing agent , or nascent oxygen (O nasc. ), The z. B. results from the reaction of manganese dioxide with peroxides .

An example of a nascent chemical compound is the polypeptide chain formed by ribosomes during translation , which can unfold in the cytosolic environment to form the three-dimensional shape of the native protein . Chaperones can influence the nascent connection and favor the folding into a functional form. However, this can also be achieved by spontaneous folding, even for complexes made up of several subunits, such as ribonucleases . Also, nucleic acids can fold, of a single-stranded RNA can be as single-strand loops ( loops form) or double-stranded stem-loop formation ( stem-loop ) or hairpin structures formed. In the case of a nascent mRNA, such secondary structures can also have repercussions on the transcription process that is currently taking place , the formation of this mRNA (see attenuation ).
