Stefano Rastrelli

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Stefano Rastrelli (* 10. April 1934 in Livorno ) is an Italian diplomat in retirement .


On March 15, 1960, he completed a study of the jurisprudence at the University of Pisa from. He joined the foreign service on January 12, 1963 and was employed in Department 2 (consular affairs) from April 1, 1963, where he was appointed second-class unskilled worker on January 12, 1964 and first-class unskilled worker on March 15, 1965 has been. From October 1, 1965, he was attached to the embassy in Baghdad , where he was appointed third class legation secretary by decree 430 of 1967 on February 18, 1967 and second class legation secretary on December 21, 1967. From July 25, 1968, he was second-class legation secretary in Bern until he was appointed first-class legation secretary on May 8, 1969. From March 1, 1972 he was again employed in Department 2. Between November 1, 1973 and October 31, 1974, he lectured at the Diplomatic Institute and then from November 1, 1974 to January 1, 1979, he was Legation Councilor in Moscow . In the same position he worked in Stockholm from January 5, 1979 to April 9, 1984 , where he was appointed First Class Legation Councilor on January 1, 1980 and, following the death of Ambassador Mario Prunas , the Istituto italiano di cultura di Stoccolma in the role of Chargé d'affaires. From April 9, 1984 to June 5, 1988 he was Head of Department 12 and on November 21, 1986 he was appointed Ministre plénipotentiaire, second class.

Subsequently, from June 5, 1988 to June 24, 1994, he was ambassador in Lagos (Nigeria) and at the same time accredited as ambassador in Porto-Novo (Benin). Between June 24, 1994 and October 29, 1996 he was Ambassador to Sofia , and from October 29, 1996 to October 31, 1996 he was a lecturer in the Legation to the General Director of Economy. He then headed the Unità per le autorizzazioni dei materiali d'armamento (UAMA War Weapons Export Agency) from October 31, 1996 to April 1, 1999, and then again from April 1, 1999 to May 15, 1999 lecturing councilor to the Director General for Economics. He was accredited as ambassador in Maputo and at the same time in Mbabane in Swaziland between May 15, 1999 and March 24, 2000. By decree no. 85/2000 of 24 March 2000, he was in retirement added.

predecessor Office successor
Mario Prunas Italian Chargé d'Affaires in Stockholm
Antonio Cianapico
Livio Muzi Falconi Italian ambassador in Dakar
Umberto Plaja
Agostino Mathis Italian Ambassador to Sofia
Tommaso Troise
1989: Manfredo Incisa di Camerana Italian ambassador in Maputo
Roberto Vellano

Individual evidence

  1. [1] ; Stefano Rastrelli, who will take the place of Livio Muzi Falconi in Lagos, was born in 1934. He was assigned to the Moscow Embassy in 1974 and moved to Stockholm before returning to the Economic Directorate in 1984. [2] , Gli inquirenti, che nelle prossime settimane potrebbero recarsi in Nigeria, hanno convocato come "persona informata sui fatti" Stefano Rastrelli, ambasciatore in Nigeria tra l '88 e il' 94. A Rastrelli, nel dicembre '94, è subentrato Umberto Plaja:, [3]
  3. Lista Ambasciatori d'Italia ad Sofia, [5]