Stephen Powers

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Afoot and Alone: ​​A Walk from Sea to Sea by the Southern Route. Adventures and Observations in Southern California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, etc. (1872)

Stephen Powers (* July 1840 in Waterford , Washington County , USA; † April 2, 1904 in Jacksonville (Florida) , USA) was an American journalist , ethnographer and historian who made special contributions to the research and documentation of the Indian tribes of California acquired.


Born and raised in Waterford, Ohio, he attended the University of Michigan , where he graduated in 1863. During the Civil War , Powers accompanied the Union Army as a correspondent for the Cincinnati Commercial , a forerunner of the Cincinnati Enquirer .

Powers left Ohio for the west in 1869. He hiked across the southern and western states to his destination San Francisco in California . Upon arrival, Powers wrote of his experiences and observations and published them as a book in 1871.


Between 1871 and 1876, Stephen Powers traveled thousands of miles on foot and horse through the north , the central coastal region of California and the California Longitudinal Valley . Powers became very familiar with the various distinctive groups and tribes of California Indians. He studied their way of life, in particular spiritual and religious beliefs and ceremonies, languages, stories, mythology, handicrafts ( basketry , rock art , carving, pottery), dwellings and tools.

He also studied their methods of dealing with plants and animals for their food, clothing, medicine and tools. Powers observed and documented the adaptations, circumstances and consequences of the clash of cultures during missionary work, a century of invasion and occupation of Indian lands by Spanish, Mexican and Euro-American immigrants.

Stephen Powers published his various ethnographic studies in a series of articles that first appeared in Overland Monthly from 1872 to 1877.

Tribes of California

As a result, Stephen Powers processed his research and documentation as well as other material in a book. It was published in 1877 as part of the federally funded Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region series. This was published by the renowned geologist John Wesley Powell , then director of the United States Geological Survey at the Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Ethnological Studies at the Smithsonian Institution .

Alfred L. Kroeber , an anthropologist , director of the University of California, Berkeley , the Museum of Anthropology at Berkeley, and dean of the Native Californian Ethnologists said of Powers' book Tribes of California, “... it will always remain the best introduction to the subject. "(For example:" ... it will always be the best introduction to this [research] subject. ")


His book and articles are administered by his alma mater, the University of Michigan , which published them online as part of the Making of America project , a joint venture between major US universities.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred L. Kroeber: Handbook of the Indians of California . Dover Publications Inc., New York 1925, p. IX.

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