Steve Pederson

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Steve M. Pederson (born March 24, 1957 in Los Angeles County , California ) is an American sound engineer .


Pedersen began his career at Universal Pictures and later moved to Glen Glenn Sound . Since 1986 he worked as a sound engineer for television and a little later also on Hollywood productions such as Big and The glaring lights of the big city . In 1992 he was nominated for the first time for the BAFTA Film Award in the category Best Sound for the music film Die Commitments . In 1994 he received his first Oscar nomination for Best Sound for Schindler's List, as well as a further nomination for a BAFTA Film Award. In 1996 he received the Oscar for his work on Apollo 13 . Again he was nominated for the BAFTA Film Award, but came out empty-handed. For his work in television, he was nominated four times for the Primetime Emmy between 1987 and 2016 , but never received the award. Pedersen has been working for Sony Pictures since 2013 .

Filmography (selection)

Awards (selection)

  • 1992: BAFTA Film Award in the Best Sound category for The Commitments
  • 1994 : Oscar nomination for Best Sound for Schindler's List
  • 1994: BAFTA Film Award in the Best Sound category for Schindler's List
  • 1996 : Oscar in the Best Sound category for Apollo 13
  • 1996: BAFTA Film Award in the Best Sound category for Apollo 13

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pederson in
  2. a b Sony Pictures (English)