Sundsvalls Järnvägsaktiebolag

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Sundsvalls Järnvägsaktiebolag ( German  Sundvall-Eisenbahnaktiengesellschaft ) was a Swedish railway company . It was founded on February 28, 1872 with its seat in Sundsvall .


When the main railways were planned in Sweden in the 1850s, the end of the Norra stambanan was set to Storvik . Later it was planned to extend the route to Sollefteå and called the route Stambanan genom övre Norrland . The route sections Storvik – Ånge , from Torpshammar to the Swedish / Norwegian border (the later Norrländska tvärbanan ) and Bräcke –Sollefteå were examined. At two meetings on September 29, 1868 and June 26, 1869 in Sundsvall, Norway requested a railway connection to Sundsvall.

On the initiative of the king, Statens Järnvägsbyggnader (the state railway construction office, which later became Statens Järnvägar ) investigated a continuation of Norra stambanan from Storvik via Bollnäs and Ljusdal to Torpshammar in April 1870 . There the route should branch, one part should lead to Sundsvall, the other part to Trondheim via Östersund .

This started many activities in Gävleborg County , Västernorrland County and Jämtland . All local authorities gathered arguments in order to achieve the routing through their area. In August 1870 a meeting took place in Härnösand with participants from the coastal regions and northern Norrland . The conference underlined the demand that Norra stambanan should lead from Hybo south through Ljusdal, past the lakes Dellen and Malungen to Matfors and on via Selånger and Vivstavarv to Nyland . A line was to be built from Nyland via Ragunda to Krokom and on to Trondheim.   

In order to save costs in railway construction, the line north of Storvik was planned as a narrow-gauge railway with a gauge of 1067 mm, in contrast to all the main lines built so far, which were built with a gauge of 1435 mm.

Sundsvalls Järnvägsaktiebolag

The shareholders of Sundsvalls Järnvägsaktiebolag were the city of Sundsvall, the city of Östersund, Jämtlands landsting and various private individuals. The aim of the company was to build the railway line between Sundsvall and the planned Stambanan genom övre Norrland near Torpshammar. The railway line was called Sundsvall – Torpshammars Järnväg (STJ) and was planned with a gauge of 1067 mm, after this gauge was also planned for the Stambanan genom övre Norrland north of Storvik and the Norrländska tvärbanan from Torpshammar to the Swedish / Norwegian border.

The company built the Sundsvall – Torpshammar railway line independently of further planning after the concession was granted in January 1872 . In addition, a branch line from Vattjoms to Matfors, the Matfors-Vattjoms Järnväg (MVaJ), was built. For this she received a state loan of 1,494,000 crowns.

The Swedish Reichstag decided in 1873 to run the line from Storvik to Hybo and on to a crossing point on the narrow-gauge line between Torpshammar and the Swedish / Norwegian border in standard gauge. For the line north of Ljusdal, the further implementation was discussed for another year until the decision was made in 1874 to build this standard gauge. In 1876 the route of the Tvärnana was established, which was to reach Näskott from Torpshammar via Ånge, Gällö and Östersund . Furthermore, the route should lead via Åre and Storlien to the Swedish / Norwegian border. A Norwegian route towards Trondheim was supposed to connect there.

In 1877 the Reichstag laid down the route north of Hybo. From there, the train was to run from Hybo via Välje to Ånge and meet the Tvärnana there. This made it possible to use this route as a diversion route to Tvärnana . In addition, the most favorable route north of Sollefteå was examined. As before, there were many possible residents who wanted to see their wishes fulfilled. In 1881, for example, the decision was made to build this stretch from Bräcke an der Tvrebsana via Helgum and on to Sollefteå.

Sale of the routes

The Sundsvall – Torpshammar and Vattjoms – Matfors railway lines , which had already been built in narrow-gauge by Sundsvalls Järnvägsaktiebolag, were now an island operation in the middle of a standard-gauge network. The conversion of the already built line to standard gauge was too expensive for Sundsvalls Järnvägsaktiebolag . Since it was an important connection between the Baltic Sea and Norway, the Swedish Reichstag decided in 1884 to buy the line, re-gauge it and, from 1886, have it operated by Statens Järnvägar. The purchase price for the line, which was operated as a private railway for eleven years, was 3,650,000 crowns in 1885  .

The branch line between Vattjom and Matfors remained with Sundsvalls Järnvägsaktiebolag until 1889 . Then the line was sold to the company Matfors AB .

Dissolution of the company

In 1890 the corporation was dissolved. With the surplus from the sale, the Minne af Sundsvalls Jernväg Foundation was established in 1894 . The proceeds were used for a children's hospital in Sundsvall. This enabled needy children to get free beds or allowances for hospitalization.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sundsvall – Trondheim railway line. Archived from the original on April 21, 2009 ; Retrieved March 14, 2018 (Swedish).
  2. Overview of the route planning
  3. History of the Sundsvall – Torpshammar State Railroad (Swedish)
  4. History of Matfors-Vattjoms Järnväg
  5. DONATIONER, FUND. SF 15 June 1894 § 10. Archived from the original on February 6, 2016 ; Retrieved March 14, 2018 (Swedish).