Sune Lindqvist

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Sune Lindqvist (born March 20, 1887 in Eskilstuna , † March 23, 1976 in Uppsala ) was a Swedish archaeologist .


The teacher's son studied Nordic and comparative prehistory, Nordic languages ​​and geology at Uppsala University from 1905 to 1909 . In 1909 he became a research assistant at the Gustavianum Museum at Uppsala University. In 1910 he moved to a position as a research assistant at the Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Academies in Stockholm, where he was also responsible for the prehistory department in the State Historical Museum .

At Uppsala University he received his doctorate in 1916 with a thesis on archaeological evidence of the diocese in Eskilstuna founded by St. Eskil . He then became a lecturer in Nordic and comparative prehistory at Stockholm University of Applied Sciences , alongside his assistant position at the Vitterhetsakademien. In 1927 he was appointed to a professorship for archeology at Uppsala University, which he held until his retirement in 1952. Between 1938 and 1949 he was also the inspector of the student nation Värmlands nation .

Lindqvist was a member of the Kungliga Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Uppsala , the Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Academies , the Royal Gustav Adolfs Academy for Swedish Folk Culture , the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala , the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and the German Archaeological Institute (ordinary Member 1933). During his life he wrote more than 200 publications.

Works (selection)

  • Den helige Eskils biskopsdöme. Några arkeologiska vittnesbörd om den kristna kyrkans första organization inom mellersta Sverige. Stockholm 1916 (dissertation).
  • Vendelkulturens ålder also origin. Stockholm 1926.
  • Gamla Uppsala shape inside. Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm 1929.
  • Svenskarna i heden tid. Bonnier, Stockholm 1935.
  • Uppsala Högar och Ottarshögen. Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm 1936.
  • Gotland's picture stones. 2 volumes. Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm 1941 and 1942.
  • Svenskt forntidsliv. Bonnier, Stockholm 1944.
  • Vår svenska guldålder. Lindblad, Uppsala 1945.
  • Beowulf dissectus. Snitt ur fornkvädet jämte svensk tydning . Almqvist & Wiksell, Uppsala 1958.
  • Forntidens Kumla och omvärlden. Kumla 1963.
  • Forngutniska altars och därtill knutna studier. Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm 1964.


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