TVP3 (2002-2007)

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Infobox radio tower icon
Station logo
TV station ( public service )
Program type Full program (TVP main program)
reception Cable , satellite , PAL
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
business September 5, 1994 (as TVP Regionalna)
March 3, 2002 (as TVP3)
January 2, 2016 to October 6, 2007
language Polish
Seat Warsaw ( Poland )
Broadcaster Telewizja Polska
List of TV channels

TVP3 was the third main program of the Polish television Telewizja Polska . It was founded under the title TVP Regionalna and already included a significant proportion of entertainment programs when it started broadcasting, in particular feature films from predominantly Polish production. With the establishment of a number of thematic channels, the program concept was dissolved in favor of other broadcasters, so that there is no longer a direct successor to the program. On January 2, 2016, the station resumed operations, replacing TVP Regionalna .


The beginning under the name TVP Regionalna

Logo of the previous program TVP Regionalna

The roots of the program lie in the twelve (later 16) regional studios that Wieslaw Walendziak, TVP CEO, started in 1994 under the common umbrella brand TVP Regionalna , which considered a joint appearance to be more promising than the introduction of several regional programs. Although series and feature films have already been shown, the program with a lot of culture and sport had a strong reference to regional events, also in the national cover program. Under the name TVP3 , the station at that time was expanded into a full program with entertainment and feature films, regional content was largely limited to the program windows of the regional studios. The regional windows were also retained when the transmitter was converted into the TVP Info news channel .

Regional studios from TVP Regionalna and the later TVP3

Regional studios from 1994
Further regional studios from 2005

TVP3 and its successors

In March 2002, the previous regional program was expanded into a full program focusing on news and current affairs with regional program windows from the regional studios. Together with international feature films and series, it was expanded to become the third main program of Polish TV, which is also reflected in the name. In the period that followed, a number of special interest channels were founded for reasons of competition. This led to the foundation of the successor program TVP Info in October 2007 .

TVP Info continued the regional window programs and broadcast the regional programs from Warsaw on Astra. In September 2013, a new regional program was created with the new TVP Regionalna program and the regional programs from TVP Info were outsourced there.

Since the concept of a third main program was abandoned with the end of TVP3, the special-interest channels TVP Info and today's TVP Regionalna can only be regarded as successor programs to a limited extent, even if TVP Info has taken over the reception channels and the infrastructure and with today's TVP Regionalna the original The concept of a nationwide regionalized program was taken up again.


The program, like the other Polish television stations, was initially broadcast terrestrially and via cable in Secam and later in PAL analogue. This was followed by satellite broadcast via Hot Bird and with the program windows from Warsaw also via Astra , where only parts of the program were encrypted. The program was encrypted throughout via Cyfra + and n . TVP Info finally replaced the program via these reception channels, i.e. before the switch to DVB-T .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Rusza nowa "trójka". Gazeta Wyborcza, Katowice, No. 45, February 22, 2002
  2. Jaroslaw Grzybczak: Telewizja regionalna w reformie TV Zeszyty prasoznawcze, No. 1–2 (169–170). Jagielloński University ( online ; PDF; 26.2 MB)
  3. ^ Polska. Środki przekazu. Televitsja. PWN Online Encyclopedia, July 10, 2011
  4. Jacek Socha : Odpowiedź ministra skarbu państwa na interpelację nr 8681 w sprawie utworzenia nowych oddziałów telewizji regionalnej w Gorzowie Wlkp. Opolu, Kielcach i Olsztynie. Warsaw, December 10, 2004, accessed July 17, 2011
  5. Ruszył kanał TVP Info - konkurencja dla TVN 24., November 6, 2008, accessed on October 6, 2007