Tamara Mikhailovna Butayeva

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Tamara Mikhailovna Butajewa ( Russian Тамара Михайловна Бутаева ; born June 12 . Jul / 25. June  1912 greg. In Baku , † 1998 in Vladikavkaz ) was a Soviet - Russian architect and urban planner .


Butayeva studied in Baku at the Azerbaijani Polytechnic Institute in the Faculty of Construction , graduating in 1936.

After graduation, Butajewa went to Ordzhonikidze (named after Grigory Konstantinowitsch Ordzhonikidze ) and became an architect in the 1st architecture planning workshop of the People's Commissariat for Local Government of the North Ossetian ASSR . In 1943 she moved to the Sewos project construction project office for North Ossetia.

In 1946, Butajewa became an employee of the Moscow project planning institute Gipromes for metallurgy plants in the civil construction sector.

In 1948 Butayeva returned to North Ossetia and worked in the architectural planning workshop of the architectural administration of the North Ossetian ASSR. In 1950 she became an architect again in the Sewosprojekt construction planning office.

In 1964, Butayeva became chief engineer of the North Ossetian building design institute Sevosgrashdan Project . In 1971 she became chief architect there (until 1994).

From 1998, Butayeva headed a group of architects. She was a member of the Union of Architects of Russia .

In 2012, a memorial plaque by the sculptor Ruslan Janayev was placed on the house where Butayeva lived .



in Vladikavkaz:

in other places:

Sample projects:

  • Holiday village with 500 places
  • Sanatorium complex with spa hotels with 1000 places
  • Shopping center with halls of 1000 m ²
  • Culture palace with a hall with 600 seats

Individual evidence

  1. Tramwaj Iskusstw: Бутаева Тамара Михайловна (1912–1998) (accessed April 26, 2020).
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l Северо-Осетинская организация Союза архитекторов России: Бутаева Тамара Михайл on April 26, 2020 (accessed on April 26, 2020).
  3. a b c d e f g h i j Мадина Тезиева: Во Владикавказе увековечили память архитектора Тамары Бутаевой . In: Осетинское радио и телевидение . June 14, 2012 ( [1] [accessed April 26, 2020]).