Teresa Tomsia

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Teresa Tomsia 2007. Photographer: Malgorzata Lebda

Teresa Tomsia (born December 20, 1951 in Wolów , Poland ) is a Polish poet and essayist .

Youth and education

Teresa Tomsia was born in Wolów ( Lower Silesia ). Her family comes from the eastern border areas. The mother, Zofia Gołacka, was born in Słonim in the Nowogródek region, the father, Michał Chałupka, was born on the Złotniki estate in the Tarnopol Voivodeship . Her mother's family in particular was affected by deportations to Siberia . In 1955, for political and economic reasons, the family moved to Swidwin , a city in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship , which Tomsia describes in poetry and her novel Swidwin (2018) as the city of displaced people. She graduated from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan in 1975 with a degree in Polish Literature and Cultural Studies . She then taught Polish in Swidwin at various schools. From autumn 1980 she was vice-president of the independent self-governing union NSZZ Solidarność in Swidwin .

Director and stage artist

Tomsia took part in two premieres of the Maya student theater at the University of Poznan . Back in Swidwin she finished studying directing at, himself led theater workshops and directed at the cultural institution Świdwinski Ośrodek Kultury the cabaret Ostryga (dt. Oyster) and the Poetry Theater vote . She has successfully directed several performances . With the poetry theater Votum she appeared at the finals of the Polish national poetry competition. After Tomsia moved to Poznan with her family in 1981, she joined the Tey cabaret . However, due to the political climate, she was unable to perform her own song lyrics. So she turned her back on the theater and worked as a Polish teacher for decades. With talented middle school students she brought out 2 books with literary texts: My Fantasy and Moje Miejsce.

In 1996 Tomsia founded the literary song club Gray Orpheus under the auspices of the Polish Writers' Union . She ran the club for five years.


Since 1974 Tomsia has published poems and other texts in various Polish literary magazines. Her first volume of poetry, Czarne wino (dt. Black Wine ), was published in 1981. At the same time, she was writing lyrical stories for children, which resulted in the book Konik z Polski - A Little Horse from Poland . From the 1980s onwards, Tomsia worked on several volumes of poetry away from the public and tried to translate the experiences of her mother's family from Novogrodék to Siberia when they were expelled. In 1993 Teresa Tomsia was accepted into the Polish Writers 'Union and in 1995 she visited the Writers' House in Stuttgart . An important friendship with Johannes Poeten developed. In 1997 she finally received a three-month scholarship at the Writer's House in Stuttgart. Teresa Tomsia described her volume of poems Wątpiąc, idę ( Eng . Doubt, I'm leaving ) as representative of her work, as it contains a selection of poems from 1979-2005.

In the same year Tomsia traveled to Paris. She was invited by the Polish Pallottine editorial staff of Our Family magazine on Rue Surcourf. She was able to publish some poems in the Paris literary magazine Kultura (Paris) . Artists like Franciszek Starowieyski , Pawel Jocz and Michal Milberger (Figurka 1997) drew them in Paris and immortalized them in stone. In 2013, Tomsia participated in the obituary band Jocz. In memoriam . on the death of Pawel Jocz.

Teresa Tomsia in Michał Milberger's studio - Rue Borromée, Paris 1997. Photographer: Marek Wittbrot

Teresa Tomsia has participated in numerous poetry competitions and was on the jury of Konstanty Ildefons Galczynki Orpheus, Pranie 2018.


Tomsia has lived with her family in Poznan (Poland) since 1981 . Her husband Eugeniusz Tomsia is a pilot and journalist.


Volumes of poetry

  • Czarne wino (German black wine) . Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Posen 1981, ISBN 83-210-0315-X , p. 89 (Polish).
  • Białe tango (German white tango) . Czytelnik, Warsaw 1987, ISBN 83-07-01570-7 , pp. 63 (Polish).
  • Teraz żyj (Eng. Live now) . Self-published, 1991, ISBN 83-00-03493-5 , p. 96 (Polish).
  • Konik z Polski = A horse from Poland. Poems and stories for children. Bilingual. With drawings by Leszek Wiśniewski . Omega, Posen 1994, ISBN 83-900517-1-0 , pp. 77 (Polish, German).
  • Wieczna rzeka = The Eternal River. Bilingual, translated by Dorothea Müller-Ott, afterword by Prof. Ryszard K. Przybylski . W drodze, Posen 1996, ISBN 83-7033-150-5 , pp. 110 (Polish, German).
  • Przed pamięcią (Ger. Before my memory) Foreword by Marek Wittbrot . Ars Nova, Posen 2000, ISBN 83-8743322-5 , p. 65 (Polish).
  • More beautiful = Piękniejsze = C'est plus beau. Poems. Trilingual. Translated into French: Claude-Henry du Bord and Christophe Jezewski. Translated into German: Dorothea Müller-Ott . Verlag im Wald, Rimbach 2000, ISBN 978-3-929208-51-1 , p. 105 (German, Polish, French).
  • Perswazje (German conviction), cabaret songs . Rhytmos, Posen 2002, ISBN 83-916567-3-X , pp. 110 (Polish).
  • Skażona biel (German: contaminated white) with drawings by Prof. Piotr Szurek, afterword by Adrian Szymańska . Polish Writers' Union , Poznan 2004, ISBN 83-8957808-5 , p. 96 (Polish).
  • Wątpiąc, idę (Eng. Doubt, I'm going). Selection of poems from 1979-2005 . Adam Marszałek Verlag, Toruń 2005, ISBN 83-7441-126-0 , p. 94 (Polish).
  • Kamyki. Elegie i krótkie żale (Eng. Rocks, elegies and brief remorse) . Wydawnictwo Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej i Centrum Animacji Kultury (WBPiCAK), Poznan 2011, ISBN 978-83-62717-19-4 , p. 109 (Polish).
  • Co było, co jest (Eng. What was, what is) . Wydawnictwo Biblioteka Telgte, Posen 2013, ISBN 978-83-61845-13-3 , p. 61 (Polish).
  • Gdyby to było proste (Eng. If it were easy) . In: Biblioteka Toposu . tape 109 . Biblioteca Toposu, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sopotu 2015, ISBN 978-83-61002-15-4 , p. 63 (Polish).
  • Kobieta w kaplicy (Eng. The woman in the chapel). In: Biblioteca Toposu . tape 132 . Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sopotu, Sopot 2016, ISBN 978-83-65662-02-6 , p. 71 (Polish).


  • Dom utracony, dom ocalony (house lost, house saved). Documentation of the deportation from Nowogródek to Siberia. Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznan 2009, ISBN 978-83-7177-624-3 , p. 214 (Polish).
  • Rzeczywiste i wyobrażone (Eng. Real and imagined). Sketches, portraits, encounters . Oficyna Wydawnicza Łośgraf, Warsaw 2013, ISBN 978-83-63592-16-5 , p. 315 (Polish).
  • Z szarego notatnika (Eng. From a gray notebook). Literary sketches . Wydawnictwo Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej i Centrum Animacji Kultury (WBPiCAK), Poznan 2015, ISBN 978-83-64504-41-9 , p. 161 (Polish).
  • Świdwin przypomniany (Eng. Świdwin remembered) . Rhytmos, Posen 2018, ISBN 978-83-60593-37-0 , pp. 124 (Polish).
  • Niedosyt poznawania (German weakness of knowledge). Literary sketches about the masters of reflective poetry: Augustyniak, Banach, Gawłowski, Grzebalski, Hartwig, Huelle, Jankowski, Jeżewski, Kamieńska, Kass, Kuczkowski, Latawiec, Lebda, Lisowski, Lizakowski, Masłoń, Melecki, Niemiecń, Nowosielski, Olbromski , Różański, Sośnicki, Śpiewak, Szymańska, Trzeciakowski, Wittbrot, Zalesiński, Żyburtowicz . Wydawnictwo Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej i Centrum Animacji Kultury Creation Date (WBPiCAK), Posen 2018, ISBN 978-83-65772-44-2 , p. 174 (Polish).

Anthologies in which Teresa Tomsia has published texts

  • Stuttgart Writer's House. Almanac 1983-2003. Stuttgart 2003 (German).
  • Kaléidoscope, poetry et prose. Expression Culturelle Éditeur, Cognac, November 2003 (French).
  • Ślady świętości: Jan Paweł II w Poznaniu i Wielkopolsce. Kronika Miasta Poznania. (German. Traces of Holiness: John Paul II in Posen and Greater Poland. The Chronicle of the City of Posen) Wydawnictwo Miejskie, Posen 2005 (Polish).
  • Liberté Politique, Hommages à Jean-Paul II., Juillet 2005 (French).
  • Teresa Tomsia: Obudź się i mów (Eng. Wake up and talk) . In: Tygiel Kultury (German melting pot of cultures). Ed. Dominiak, Zbigniew . Fundacja Correspondance des Arts, 2007, ISSN  1425-8587 (Polish).
  • Ojciec Honoriusz (German Father Honorius) (1935–1983) , BONAMI, Posen 2008 (Polish).
  • Wykonano w Polsce, wiek XX (German made in Poland, 20th century) , selected and translated into Russian by Andrej Bazylewski, Wahazar, Moscow 2009 (Polish, Russian).
  • Poznań poetów (Eng. The Poets of the Poets) (1989–2010) , WBPiCAK, Posen 2011 (Polish).
  • Jocz. In memoriam. Paris 2013 (French).
  • Ten który był trudem światła (Hommage des poètes à Jean-Paul II) (The one who was a hard work of light (Homage of the poets for John Paul II)) , Polish Catholic Mission in France 2014 (Polish, French) .
  • Modlitewnik poetycki (German poetry prayer book ) edited by Fr. Prof. Jana Sochonia, Fronda, Warsaw 2017 (Polish).
  • Teksty pieśni i piosenek w śpiewniku. Wielkopolska w naszych sercach (German lyrics of songs in the songbook. Greater Poland in our hearts) , AKO, Posen 2018 (Polish).


  • 1996 Title of Meritorious to the City of Świdwin
  • 1997 scholarship at the writers' house in Stuttgart
  • 1999, 2005 and 2006 participation in the poetry competition Krosnice with For the human face of a man
  • 2001 Award of the Marshal of Greater Poland (Pl.Wielkopolska), 2001
  • 2006 and 2007 participation in the Poznan poetry competition 2006 and 2007 with Closer to Infinite
  • 2007 Prize Winner of Zasluzony Kulturze Gloria Artis 2007 ( Medal of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage For Services to Culture Gloria Artis ), 2007
  • 2011 Award of the Marshal of Greater Poland (pl. Wielkopolska) in the field of culture 2011
  • 2015 Wielkopolska Voivodeship Witold Celichowki Prize 2015. Witold Celichowski's medal awarded by the Governor of Greater Poland 2015
  • 2019 Participation in the poetry competition Michal Kajka, Ogródek 2019

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Nowy Napis (Polish literary magazine): Teresa Tomsia. Retrieved August 19, 2020 (Polish).
  2. a b c d e f Website of the author: Teresa Tomsia - strona autorska. Retrieved August 19, 2020 (Polish).
  3. a b c Pisarki fandom: Teresa Tomsia. Retrieved August 18, 2020 (Polish).