Thaddeus Anthony Shubsda

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Thaddeus Anthony Shubsda (born April 2, 1925 in Los Angeles , † April 26, 1991 ) was Bishop of Monterey in California .


The Archbishop of Los Angeles , James Francis Aloysius Cardinal McIntyre , ordained him on April 26, 1950 as a priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Pope Paul VI appointed him on December 20, 1976 auxiliary bishop in Los Angeles and titular bishop of Tragurium . The Archbishop of Los Angeles, Cardinal Timothy Manning , ordained him episcopal on February 19 of the following year ; Co-consecrators were the auxiliary bishops John James Ward and Juan Alfredo Arzube from Los Angeles.

On May 26, 1982, Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Monterey, California .

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predecessor Office successor
Harry Anselm Clinch Bishop of Monterey in California
Sylvester Donovan Ryan