The Ruins of Beverast

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The Ruins of Beverast
The Ruins of Beverast at Party.San 2015
The Ruins of Beverast at Party.San 2015
General information
Genre (s) Doom Metal , Black Metal , Ambient
founding 2003
Current occupation
Alexander von Meilenwald

The Ruins of Beverast is a German extreme metal - band from Aachen , North Rhine-Westphalia. It was founded in 2003 by Alexander von Meilenwald, who is the only member of the band to this day.

Band history

After the breakup of the band Nagelfar , in which Alexander von Meilenwald played drums, he and the former Nagelfar singer Zingultus ( Endstille , Graupel ) initially planned to start a new project influenced by Black Metal together . For this purpose, von Meilenwald, who was not yet experienced on the guitar, practiced composing his own songs. Although nothing came of the joint project in the end, some of the traditional Black Metal-inspired songs emerged, which von Meilenwald burned on CD-R and distributed to some friends under the title The Furious Waves of Damnation without actually releasing the songs as a demo want.

Afterwards von Meilenwald set about writing further material, which, in contrast to the raw character of The Furious Waves of Damnation, seemed more sophisticated and personal and again only burned on a blank CD and under the title Unlock the Shrine to some friends of Meilenwalds was distributed. One of these friends, of Meilenwald's former Nagelfar colleague Sven "Weidmann Sveinn Hackelnberg" Dinninghoff, owner of the record company Ván Records , finally urged him to officially release the new pieces on his label.

After von Meilenwald gave in to Dinninghoff's insistence in 2004, he again began to write new material, which, in addition to the still clearly recognizable Black Metal roots of Meilenwalds, was now also heavily influenced by Doom Metal and Ambient and finally in 2006 under the title Rain Upon the Impure , again via Ván Records, was released.

The band's 2009 album, Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite , which retains the Doom and Ambient influences of the previous album, is characterized by a slightly clearer sound than its predecessor, but the current style has been retained and refined. Von Meilenwald had previously participated in two split releases in 2007: one with the song The Moselle Enigma… Is a Tale About All That Frightens Man on a split release with the Dutch band Urfaust , released via Ván Records, and with the other the song Desert Lair on the four-band split LP Gott in uns , released via Obscure Abhorrence Productions (together with the bands Deathgate Arkanum, Nihil Nocturne and Anti).

On September 6, 2013, the album Blood Vaults was released via Ván Records.


The name of the band is derived from the word Beberast , a synonym for Bifröst , the bridge that connects the earthly kingdom, Midgard , with the heavenly kingdom, Asgard , in Norse mythology . However, the texts do not contain any topics from Germanic paganism , but predominantly references from biblical - Old Testament symbolism with anti-Christian and misanthropic tendencies are used. Another recurring theme is the biblical end of the world ; In the text of The Restless Mills , Meilenwald describes what he sees as the inevitable end that will be brought about by humanity under the eyes of a Messiah sent by YHWH . Other titles have a connection to Middle Eastern mythologies , the text of the song Theriak-Baal-Theriak describes the awakening of the demon Baal . Meilenwald chose the connection to Oriental-European antiquity, as this was the “cradle” of today's society; the task is to "transfer their archaic dogmas and their cultural heritage metaphorically into modern times".



  • The Furious Waves of Damnation (2003)


  • Unlock the Shrine (Ván Records, 2004)
  • Rain Upon the Impure (Ván Records, 2006)
  • Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite (Ván Records, 2009)
  • Blood Vaults - The Blazing Gospel of Heinrich Kramer (Cryptae Sanguinum - Evangelium Flagrans Henrici Institoris) (Ván Records, 2013)
  • Exuvia (2017)


  • Takitum Tootem! (2016)

Split releases

  • Urfaust / The Ruins of Beverast (Split EP with Urfaust , Ván Records, 2007)
  • God in Us (Split LP with Deathgate Arkanum, Nihil Nocturne and Anti, Obscure Abhorrence Productions, 2007)


  • Enchanted by Gravemould (Ván Records, 2011)


  • Euphoria When the Bombs Fell auf Umtrunk - Schwarztyrannen (Umtrunk Records, 2004)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Erik: The Ruins Of Beverast - Interview with Meilenwald (December 27, 2006).
  2. Hysteriis: The Ruins Of Beverast (from 1 September 2009).
  3. Michael Bambas: Alexander v. Meilenwald from The Ruins Of Beverast ( Memento of the original from August 4, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; Retrieved April 16, 2012. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : The Ruins of Beverast  - Collection of images, videos and audio files