Thomas Narcejac

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Thomas Narcejac [ narsəʒak ] (* 3. July 1908 in Rochefort-sur-Mer , † 7. June 1998 in Nice ; actually Pierre Robert Ayraud ) was a French thriller - writer .


Narcejac was a professor of literature and philosophy. He is known for his psychological crime novels , which he wrote together with Pierre Boileau as "Boileau-Narcejac". Their joint work D'entre les morts was filmed in 1958 by Alfred Hitchcock under the title Vertigo - From the Realm of the Dead . Her novel Die grieernden Witwer (Les veufs) was filmed in the drama Labyrinth - Liebe ohne Ausweg (Entangled) (1993) with Judd Nelson in the lead role. After Boileau's death, Narcejac continued to write crime novels alone - under the name Pierre Boileau & Thomas Narcejac - until his death in 1998.

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