Tiburtio Massaino

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Tiburtio Massaino (also Massaini) (* before 1550 in Cremona ; † after 1608 in Piacenza or Lodi (Lombardy) ) was an Italian composer and founder of the Salzburg court orchestra .


Massaino was an Augustinian monk in Piacenza . In 1571 he became maestro di cappella of Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome . Further stations were Modena (1578), Lodi (1580) and Salò (1587), he was probably also in Constantinople . At the end of the 1580s he became a singer and conductor at the court of Archduke Ferdinand II . Around 1590 he was appointed Kapellmeister to Salzburg by Archbishop Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau . In 1591 Massaino was prosecuted and sentenced, and after a brief imprisonment in a fortress, he had to leave the archbishopric of Salzburg within three days. He went to Prague , where he met Philippe de Monte ; the hoped-for employment at court did not materialize there.

In 1594 he went back to Italy, where he worked again in Cremona, Piacenza and Lodi. According to Adriano Banchieri , he was still maestro di cappella in Piacenza in 1609 .

Works (selection)

Spiritual works

  • Concentus in universos psalmos… in vesperis omnium festorum per totum annum frequentatos, cum 3 Magnificat, 5, 9vv (1576 and 1588)
  • Motectorum liber primus, 5, 6vv (1576)
  • Missae liber primus: Missa 'Rorate coeli', Missa 'Nuncium vobis', Missa 'Omnes gentes', 5, 6vv (1578)
  • Sacri cantus ... liber secundus, 5vv (1580)
  • Psalmi omnes ad vesperas per totum annum decantandi, una cum Magnificat, 8vv (1587)
  • Secundus liber missarum, 5vv (1587)
  • Motectorum ... liber tertius, 5vv (1590)
  • Liber primus cantionum ecclesiasticarum, 4vv (Prague, 1592; 1580 edn cited in FétisB); ed. In DTÖ, cx (1964)
  • Sacrae cantiones ... liber primus, 6vv (1592)
  • Sacri modulorum concentus, 6–10, 12vv (1592)
  • Primus liber missarum, 6vv (1595)
  • Sacrae cantiones ... liber secundus, 6vv (1596)
  • Tertius liber missarum, 5vv (1598)
  • Motectorum liber quartus, 5vv (1599)
  • Musica super Threnos Ieremiae prophete in maiori hebdomada decantandas, 5vv (1599)
  • Missarum liber primus, 8vv (1600)
  • Sacrae cantiones ... liber tertius, 6vv (1601)
  • Sacri modulorum concentus, 8–10, 12, 15, 16vv, op. 31 (1606)
  • Musica per cantare con l'organo, 1–3vv, org, op. 32 (160719)
  • Sacrarum cantionum liber primus, 7vv, bc (org), op.33 (1607)
  • Quaerimoniae cum responsoriis infra hebdomadam sanctam concinendae, et passiones pro Dominica Palmarum, & feria sexta, 5vv (1609)

Secular works

  • Il primo libro de madrigali, 4vv (1569)
  • Il primo libro de madrigali, 5vv (1571)
  • Il secondo libro de madrigali, 4vv (1573)
  • Il secondo libro de madrigali, 5vv (1578)
  • Trionfo di musica… libro primo, 6vv (15793)
  • Il terzo libro de madrigali, 5vv (1587)
  • Il quarto libro de madrigali, 5vv (1594)
  • Madrigali ... libro primo, 6vv (1604)
  • Il secondo libro de madrigali, 6vv (1604)


  • Andrea Garavaglia:  MASSAINO, Tiburzio. In: Mario Caravale (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 71:  Marsilli – Massimino da Salerno. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2008.
  • Constantin Schneider: History of music in Salzburg from the earliest times to the present , Hildesheim 1977

Web links