Til Klokow

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Til Klokow (born February 13, 1900 , according to other information 1908 as Ottilie Klokow in Koblenz , † September 14, 1970 in Munich ), also Till Klokow or Till Klockow, was a German actress and voice actress .


Til Klokow grew up in the USA and returned to Germany in 1920. Trained as an actress in Düsseldorf with Louise Dumont , she played in Berlin theater since the early 1920s, where she could be seen at the Volksbühne in the play Die deutscher Kleinstädter . Later she got smaller roles in film. She appeared in the films Danton (with Gustaf Gründgens ) and Schneider Wibbel in 1931 , followed by Im Bann des Eulenspiegel (1932), Black Roses (1935) and The Higher Command .

However, Klokow was best known for her synchronizing work, which she started in the 1930s. In 1935 Claudette Lent Colbert in Cleopatra and in It Happened in One Night her distinctive voice. After the war, the actress with the fiery red hair spoke several times for Rita Hayworth (as in The Lady of Shanghai , King of the Toreros and in the first dubbed version of Gilda ) and Margaret Lockwood . She also dubbed Katharine Hepburn ( The Unknown Beloved ) and Barbara Stanwyck ( California ). One of the highlights of her dubbing work is her participation in the German version of Sunset Boulevard , in which, as the forgotten silent film star Norma Desmond alias Gloria Swanson , she was able to exploit the full range of variations of her nuanced voice. For the 1940-44 film shot lowlands of Leni Riefenstahl they dubbed Maria Koppenhöfer because the actress was already dead when it is completed in 1953/54. Til Klokow appeared on the screen for the last time in the Ruth Leuwerik film The Trapp Family in America (1958).

Klokow was temporarily friends with the writer and playwright Hans José Rehfisch .


Theater appearances (selection)

  • 1920: The Prodigal Daughter , Trianon Theater Berlin
  • 1920: Supporting the society after Henrik Ibsen , Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf
  • 1924: The dragonfly by Hans José Rehfisch, Renaissance Theater , Berlin
  • 1925: The excesses according to Arnolt Bronnen , Lessing Theater (Berlin)
  • 1925: The German small townspeople after August von Kotzebue , Volksbühne
  • 1925: Birth of youth , Renaissance Theater, Berlin
  • 1926: You can talk about it after Hans José Rehfisch, Volksbühne
  • 1927: raid on Hans. J. Rehfisch, Schiller Theater, Berlin
  • 1927: Five from the jazz band , Schiller Theater, Berlin
  • 1928: Wallenstein's death
  • 1930: You have to be lucky , Nelson Theater on Kurfürstendamm, Berlin
  • 1930: The man with the Klepper after Gheorghe Ciprian , Schillertheater , Berlin

Synchronous rollers (selection)

Synchronous year Movie title role actor Year of shooting
1935 Cleopatra Cleopatra Claudette Colbert 1934
1935 It happened in one night Ellie Andrews Claudette Colbert 1934
1939 The woman is mine! Mollie Monahan Barbara Stanwyck 1939
1947 The big bluff Lilli Belle Callahan Una Merkel 1939
1948 The red shoes Boronskaya Ludmilla Cherina 1948
1949 Gilda Gilda Rita Hayworth 1946
1949 The Lady of Shanghai Elsa Bannister Rita Hayworth 1946
1949 Mother's secret mother Irene Dunne 1948
1949 It started in Rio Ann Markham Margaret Lockwood 1948
1950 King of the toreros Dona Sol des Muire Rita Hayworth 1941
1950 The unknown lover Ann Hamilton Katharine Hepburn 1947
1950 A man of action Jeanne Star Alexis Smith 1945
1951 Twilight Boulevard Norma Desmond Gloria Swanson 1950


  • Thomas Bräutigam: Stars and their German voices. Lexicon of voice actors. Marburg 2009, pp. 143-144.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. according to the files of the Reichsfilmkammer
  2. ↑ Dates of life and maiden name according to the film archive Kay Less (obtained from the Munich population register)
  3. The spelling of her name varies several times. So he is written on a collective picture of the cigarette brand Salem (Salem Gold-Film-Bilder) "Till Klokow", in the film world no. This spelling can also be found in the files of the Reichsfilmkammer. It is unclear whether the name was accidentally misspelled, or whether Klokow varied it himself or modified it later.
  4. Thomas Bräutigam: Stars and their German voices. Lexicon of voice actors. Marburg 2009, p. 143.
  5. According to CineGraph Babelsberg, Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Film Research eV: cf. filmblatt.de
  6. According to the cast list on ibsen.net