Time Machine (Fanzine)

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Time Machine - The science fiction fan-zine is an annual publication of science fiction - magazine , which in Wurdack-Verlag in Nittendorf at Regensburg is published. ! Time Machine is a non-commercial fan project that isonly published as a print editionin the style of the fanzines of SF fandom .


Forerunners of ! Time Machine are the fanzines ! Xaver and ! Alois , which were created and published by the Fantastic Quartet in 2016 and 2017. The Fantastic Quartet is made up of four Munich science fiction fans (Ralf Bodemann, Christian Hoffmann, Udo Klotz and Stefan Kuhn) who have attended science fiction conventions such as MucCon 2012 and 2013, ElsterCon 2014 under this name for several years , the DortCon 2015, the WetzCon 2015, the MediCon 2016 and the EuroCon 2017 and presented outstanding works of SF literature under the slogan “Pearls of Science Fiction”. The trade magazine has been published by Wurdack Verlag under the title ! Time Machine since 2018 , with the second edition the editorial team reduced to Christian Hoffmann and Udo Klotz.


! Time Machine focuses on science fiction articles , primarily on novels and short stories, but also on films, comics and SF events. These are supplemented by longer reviews of individual works or complete series as well as short reviews as “pearls of science fiction”.

! Xaver contains an article about the beginnings of novels, paradoxical science, David Brin's uplift universe , fall scenarios of the USA and a special about the author, editor and editor Wolfgang Jeschke .

! Alois contains articles about the trusteeship of the Kurd Laßwitz Prize , the incarnations of Das Ding and little-known film adaptations of well-known SF books, a portrait of the author and graphic artist Thomas Thiemeyer and a poem by Frank Böhmert .

! Time Machine 1 contains articles on the history of German-language SF fanzines, African science fiction, Godzilla films and the subgenre Science Fantasy , an interview with publisher Dieter von Reeken about his Laßwitz collection , a report on the 75th SF Worldcon in Helsinki and a special about Herbert W. Franke on the occasion of the presentation of the Grand Master Award of the European SF Society , including three poems by Franke.

! Time Machine 2 includes articles on SF novels that take place on the moon of the earth, reflecting the series Der Luftpirat in the work of Willy Ley and the combination of science fiction and religion, as well as detailed reviews of the comic series Sweet Tooth and the novel series Mark Brandis , Poems by Erik Simon and a look back at the SF 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago.

! Time Machine 3 contains articles on crimes that are only possible in science fiction, the phenomenon of Sputnik in everyday American culture and the problems of self-publishers in layouting professional-looking books, as well as an essay by Michael Weisser on science fiction as an art form and a report on the SF-Worldcon 2019 in Dublin. In addition, there are detailed reviews of the SF youth book series Raumschiff Pollux , the comic series Saga , the novel series Wayfarer by Becky Chambers and the novel The Rise and Fall of the DODO as well as a look back at the SF 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago.


Hermann Ritter in Perry Rhodan Club News 510 (contained in Perry Rhodan 2809 ): “When I dream of putting out a science fiction fanzine at night, it looks like ! Xaver [...] Buy it! To buy! To buy!"

René Moreau on Exodusmagazin.de to ! Xaver : “A fanzine with interesting and varied content […] that also guarantees such a high fun factor!”, To ! Alois : “Always lovingly put together, with a lot of well-founded background, sometimes but also with a wink and a lot of fun "and to ! Time Machine 1 :" Fanzine with level [...] you've done it again ... and that's a good thing! "

Klaus Frick on en.blogspot.de: “This is how a fanzine has to be today! It has to be really fun - for the readers and the writers - and it has to look good. That does ! Xaver . "

Horst Illmer in fantastic! 59 : " ! Xaver [...] an amazing selection of highly informative and entertaining texts [...]"

Thomas Sebesta at the Phantastik meeting point: “[…] the second issue of the Wurdack magazine was able to deliver what the first one promised. Any criticism there may be is whining at a high level and does not diminish the overall picture. "

Christina Hacker in Perry Rhodan fan scene 3 (contained in Perry Rhodan 3009 ): “The great articles on Lunar SF and on 'Religion and Science Fiction' are absolutely worth reading. [...] I finished reading with a long list of book tips [...] "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Miriam Pharo: MucCon 2012: Drawing aliens and the question of what Jürgen wears under his skirt. In: PhantaNews. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  2. Udo Klotz: Inside MucCon 2013. (PDF) In: Fandom Observer 294. Accessed on May 15, 2020 .
  3. 12. Elstercon 2014. Retrieved on May 15, 2020 .
  4. Christian Endres: DortCon 2015. March 18, 2015, accessed on May 15, 2020 .
  5. WetzCon II (Fantastic Library in Wetzlar) from July 3rd to 5th, 2015) - SF Forum. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  6. ^ Ralf Boldt: Medi-kon-one. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  7. Video from U-Con 2017. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  8. ^ Homepage of the Fantastic Quartet. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  9. ^ Christian Hoffmann: Fantastic literature from Africa. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  10. ^ Trustee of the Kurd Laßwitz Prize. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  11. ^ Contents of! Xaver on the homepage of the Fantastic Quartet. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  12. ^ Table of contents by! Alois on the homepage of the Fantastic Quartet. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  13. ! Time Machine Issue 1. In: Wurdack. April 12, 2019, accessed on May 15, 2020 (German).
  14. ! Time Machine Issue 2. In: Wurdack. April 12, 2019, accessed on May 15, 2020 (German).
  15. ! Time Machine Issue 3. In: Wurdack. March 28, 2020, accessed on May 15, 2020 (German).
  16. ^ PR 2809 in Perrypedia. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  17. Who the Fuck is! XAVER? ... Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  18. Yes, look here! Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  19. ! TIME MACHINE - Fanzine with class. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  20. Enpunkt: ENPUNKT diary: Xaver and the Fantastic Quartet. In: ENPUNKT diary. April 26, 2015, accessed May 15, 2020 .
  21. "fantastic!" Issue 59. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  22. ! Time Machine | Fantastic meeting point. Retrieved May 15, 2020 .
  23. Perry Rhodan: Perry Rhodan Package 61: Myth (Part 1): Perry Rhodan-Heftromane 3000-3049 . Perry Rhodan digital, 2020, ISBN 978-3-8453-3345-8 ( google.de [accessed on May 15, 2020]).