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Тясмин, Тя́смин (Tjasmin)
Tjasmyn at Smila

Tjasmyn at Smila

location Oblast Kirovohrad , Cherkasy Oblast ( Ukraine )
River system Dnepr
Drain over Dnepr  → Black Sea
source Central Dnieper Highlands
48 ° 59 ′ 57 ″  N , 32 ° 27 ′ 29 ″  E
muzzle in the Dnepr dammed up to the Kremenchuk reservoir coordinates: 49 ° 3 '56 "  N , 32 ° 48' 13"  E 49 ° 3 '56 "  N , 32 ° 48' 13"  E
Mouth height 81  m

length 161 km
Catchment area 4540 km²
location: 11 km above the mouth
6.6 m³ / s
Left tributaries Hnylyj Taschlyk , Sribljanka , Irdyn
Right tributaries Irklij , Tschutka
Medium-sized cities Smila
Small towns Tschyhyryn , Kamjanka
Communities Chazky

The Tjasmyn ( Ukrainian Тясмин , Russian Тя́смин / Tjasmin ) is a right tributary of the Dnepr with a length of 161 km and a catchment area of ​​4540 km² (according to other sources 4570 km²). It rises in the north of the central part of the Dnieper highlands in the central Ukrainian Oblast Kirovohrad . From there it flows through the Cherkassy Oblast , where it finally flows into the Dnepr, which is dammed into the Kremenchuk reservoir . The river forms a river knee in its middle course , in which it changes its course by 180 °. As a result, the source and mouth are only 33 km apart. The width of the river valley varies between one and four kilometers, while the river reaches a width of up to 20 m. The runoff regime is nival .

In the lower reaches near the village of Subotiv there are important sites of the Belogrudovka / Cernoles culture . For archaeologists, these represent a key point for the Late Bronze Age and its change to the Early Iron Age .

Larger towns on the Tyasmyn River are Kamjanka , Smila and Tschyhyryn . The city of Novoheorhijiwsk was located at the mouth of the Dnieper until the reservoir was built .

Web links

Commons : Tjasmyn  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Article Tjasmyn in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D113340~2a%3D~2b%3DTjasmyn
  2. a b c Entsyklopediya ukrayinoznavstva
  3. Victor I. Klochko, Nikolai N. Kovaliukh, Vadim V. Skripkin, Ingo Motzenbecker: The Chronology of the Subotiv Settlement (PDF; 627 kB)