Tobias Kasimirowicz

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Tobias Kasimirowicz (born February 22, 1976 in Düsseldorf ) is a German actor .

Live and act

Tobias Kasimirowicz was born in 1976 in Düsseldorf as the son of a motor vehicle expert and a children's nurse. He discovered his acting talent in elementary school and revived it in 1998 when he moved to Berlin. First he did internships behind the camera in various film productions for two years until he played the lead role in several short films.

This was followed in 2003 by leading roles in the Pro7 films Real Men? and Beach Boys - Save yourself who can and various cinema engagements etc. a. for the east-west comedy Kleinruppin forever , for the comedy Wo ist Fred? and for the feature film The Baader Meinhof Complex .

In 2010 Kasimirowicz was in the German comedy Groupies Don't Stay for Breakfast and starred in both the ZDF film Beate Uhse - I want freedom for love and in the German action comedy Nina Undercover - Agent with Kids . In recent years, he has also added leading episode roles to the cast of Großstadtrevier , cheerful to deadly: Nordic tart and numerous other crime series. In 2014 he was also the protagonist for the music video Wie ich by Kraftklub.

In 2013 and 2014, Tobias Kasimirowicz was the focus of the docu-soap Rost'n'Roll - Kasis Werkstattgeschichten (two seasons) as "Kasi" on the pay-TV channel History .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Music video "How I" from Kraftklub (YouTube Link)