Tomasz Jaeschke

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Tomasz Jaeschke (born September 24, 1959 in Poznan ) is a Polish theologian, author and animal rights activist .


From 1979 to 1986 Jaeschke completed a degree in Catholic theology and Christian philosophy at the Pontifical Academy in Krakow , which he completed with state recognition as a master of theology. In 1986, also in Cracow, he was ordained a priest in the order of the Resurrectionists . After moving to Austria, he studied Catholic religious education at the University of Vienna from 2003 to 2005 and obtained state recognition as a master's degree. Finally, in 2009 Jaeschke passed the exam to become a peer coach mediator after training at the Church of Education University in Vienna / Krems .

Jaeschke lives in Berlin and has two sons.


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From 1986 to 1987 Jaeschke was a partner in the novitiate of the Congregation of Resurrectionists (Radziwillow Maz, Poland). From 1988 to 1990 he was chaplain in St. Othmar parish in Vienna and from 1990 to 1992 in Kościerzyna , Poland.

Between 1992 and 2015 Jaeschke was a disabled pedagogue in the children's home “Am Himmel” of the Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna and since 2015 an educator at Aktion 70 - Jugendhilfe im Verbund eV in Berlin.

Positions as an animal rights activist

Animal Pastor

Jaeschke is the founder of the Animal Spirit Church (ASC). This is a Christian ecumenical community that works with every church, religious group and religious community (including atheists), animal suffering is close to its heart and which wants to make its contribution to ending this suffering. The ASC sees its neighbors in animals.

Jaeschke, who also appears under the pseudonym "Animal Pastor", accuses the Christian churches of not only forgetting "their little brothers and sisters" ( Francis of Assisi ), the animals in need, but also of betraying them. He calls on them to seriously grapple with the topic again, to review their theology in this regard and to implement the knowledge gained in their practice (preaching).

In his view, the prevailing Christian anthropocentrism , Jaeschke sees a contradiction to the overarching Christocentrism and claims that today's anthropocentrism is biblically untenable and falsifies the message of the Gospel. Jesus' statement: “Everything you did to one of the least of my brothers, you did to me” (Mt 25), Jaeschke also applies unreservedly to animals and calls for ethical and moral conclusions to be drawn in daily dealings with them.

Contrary to Decartes' assertion that animals are just "soulless automatons", and with reference to new findings from the field of behaviorism and neuroscience , Jaeschke assumes that animals are very well animated beings and deserve the same respect as humans. So he wants to give animals back their stolen souls.

Jaeschke sees the key to ending senseless animal suffering and the cruelty inflicted on animals in promoting human empathy and emotional intelligence.

Public activities (selection)

  • Conception and implementation of animal welfare campaigns in large cities such as Rome (on St. Peter's Square ) 2011, Brussels (in front of the European Parliament ) 2012, Krakow, Posen, Warsaw , Vienna, Assisi ( Basilica San Francesco ) 2013
  • Interviews, publications in magazines (print and online) and magazines such as Publik-Forum (magazine of critical Christians), Gazeta Wyborcza, Polityka,
  • Reports and appearances on radio and TV such as TVP Polska, Radio ZET
  • Participation in the documentary films Citizen Animal - A Small Family's Quest for Animal Rights by director Oliver Kyr (2018) and "In the light of hope - Peace for the animals!" By Dorian Raßloff (2019)
  • Guest lecturer at the Pedagogical University of Krakow; Topic: "Christianity versus animal welfare - friends or enemies?" July 2018


Individual evidence

  3. Hartmut Meesmann: Animals and Theology. In: Publik-Forum, 03/2008
  9. Cinema under domes on Tuesday, February 18th | Church in the neighborhood. Retrieved June 10, 2020 .