Tony Millionaire

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Tony Millionaire (2010)

Tony Millionaire (* 1956 ) is an American comic artist . His comic strip Maakies is one of the most successful worldwide in alternative newspapers printed, but was also in " mainstream - newspapers " published.


After living in Germany for several years, Millionaire began drawing cartoons for a now defunct news paper in Williamsburg and making drawings of houses on the side. He was soon promoted to the New York Press , where he was able to publish his strips in weekly format, until a change in the editorial team finally led him to switch to the Village Voice .

Millionaire was part of the so-called transgressive art scene in New York City in the early 1990s, which, with cartoons, pornography and music , turned primarily against existing norms and morals . The magazine Screw was decisive for the comic artists and cartoonists .

Millionaire moved to Los Angeles in the late 1990s . He published his latest strips in the New York Times . Cartoon adaptations of his work appeared as part of Saturday Night Live and on a They Might Be Giants documentary. He not only works on comic strips, but also designs children's books and illustrates publications on historical topics.


  • 2000: Eisner Award as Talent Deserving of Wider Recognition for Sock Monkey
  • 2001: Eisner Award as Best Writer / Artist: Humor for Maakies and Sock Monkey
  • 2001: Eisner Award Best Humor Publication for Sock Monkey vol. 3
  • 2003: Eisner Award as Best Writer / Artist: Humor for House at Maakies Corner


Tony Millionaire's works have only been translated into German in isolated cases in the Swiss comic magazine Strapazin . The following list only mentions the American publications and does not take into account the individual issues that were later published as anthologies.

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