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Trichomonas vaginalis

Trichomonas vaginalis

without rank: Fornicata
without rank: Parabasalia
without rank: Trichomonadea
Order : Trichomonadida
Family : Trichomonadidae
Genre : Trichomonas
Scientific name
Dujardin , 1841

Trichomonas is a genus of single-celled , 4 to 30 µm large organisms within the eukaryotes . Trichomonas spp. are partially harmless commensals , but some representatives are pathogens in humans and animals.


Scheme of a trichomonad

The pear-shaped representatives of the protozoa have four flagella pointing forwards (1 ) and a dragging flagella pointing backwards (2). The flagella are anchored to kinetosomes (3) and encased in a three-layer plasma membrane. The dragline is designed as an undulating (corrugated) membrane. An axial rod emerges from the plasma membrane at the pointed end of the cell body (5). Since the genome of the trichomonads is in the form of chromosomes in a cell nucleus (4), they belong to the eukaryotes .

Trichomonads do not have mitochondria for energy production, but so-called hydrogenosomes . The reproduction takes place by simple longitudinal division, different forms of development as with other protozoa do not occur.

Types (selection)


  • Ekkehard Wiesner and Regine Ribbeck (Hrsg.): Lexicon of veterinary medicine . 4th edition. Hippocrates, 2000, ISBN 978-3777314594 .
  • Hof and Dörries: Dual Series of Medical Microbiology . 3. Edition. Thieme, 2005.

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