TvR media publisher

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The TvR Medienverlag is a 2006 Jena established book publishing , that of the Thuß and van Riesen GbR is run.

The publisher appears with the slogan “We Move Ideas”. He publishes books by Edgar Gärtner , Ayn Rand , Vera Lengsfeld , Eckart Kleßmann , Gernot Patzelt , Michael von Prollius , Matthias Heitmann and Erich Weede, among others .

There are close links between the publisher and the climate denial scene . Publisher's founder Holger Thuß is also head of the European department of CFACT , a US think tank financed by the US oil industry among other things , which spreads particularly aggressive anti-climate rhetoric, as well as head of EIKE , a mailbox association that is known as the center of the German Climate denial scene applies. TvR publishes "climate-skeptical" books from EIKE and CFACT as well as from other authors, such as Fred Singer , Michael Limburg (Vice President of EIKE) and two shorter works by EIKE press spokesman Horst-Joachim Lüdecke . EIKE, CFACT Europe and TvR Medienverlag also share the same mailbox in Jena.

In 2014 the publisher was represented at the Central German Book Fair for small and self-publishers in Pößneck .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Klimakiller FDP in Lobbyfilz . In: , April 13, 2013. Accessed August 14, 2018.
  2. The spirit of the Trump billionaires in the country . In: Friday , August 26, 2018. Retrieved on July 30, 2019.
  3. Participant: TvR Medienverlag. In: Archived from the original on July 14, 2014 ; accessed on July 30, 2019 .